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Paradoxical Papaya

Just looking for tips.

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So I have a Dell prebuilt desktop because I was young and I didn't know much about building one. I'm looking to upgrade my current PC. It's okay right now with ~40 fps in Arma 3 with low graphics settings, but I'm looking to get it up to 50+ fps. Does anyone know what I can do that is compatible with my current specs? Would it be appropriate for me to get a SSD too?


CPU: Intel Core i5-3450 @ 3.10 Ghz

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7570

Memory: 8 GB




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An ssd will improve load times and reduce stuttering. Not improve fps.

Edit: It may cause an apparent improvement to fps due to smoothing but not really anything more than that because data has to transfer to RAM first anyways.

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I was just asking if I should get an SSD because I heard they are much better than HDDs. My computer does take a god awful long time to boot and I would like to decrease that as well as other applications.


EDIT: Would getting more RAM space be helpful?

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An SSD in your build would do nothing more than improve load time and "stuttering" which you probably wouldn't notice. And installing an SSD into an already build computer would mean you would have to switch your normal boot up to an SSD which can be quite a task. (Atleast to me it is) What I would do is upgrade your GPU. Possibly to a 750 ti or the new 960. Even then I would suggest saving and building something entirely new. Just my opinion.

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RAM space past about 8 GB as of now really doesn't impact gameplay in any way, wouldn't help loading times

While this was true in the past, 16GB is becoming more recommended as games like star citizen come onto the horizon.


If youre gonna upgrade, may as well buy 8x2 sticks that can be put into an 8x4 eventually

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What frogs said, Upgrade your GPU.


If you really want an ssd for faster boot time I would really recommend it. 

(If you do go for an ssd install a new OS on it rather then a backup its a lot better)

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So I'm thinking about getting the GTX 750 TI. Thing is, I don't know whether to get one that superclocked, a different cooling method or whatever. Anyone wanna give me some insight on what the differences are? I am really new to this type of stuff. 

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