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Bought Ableton Push for $500 dollars, Made this in an hour

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It feels like the first loop that you hear doesn't belong in that song, also I think if the tops were a little more forward/full then it would be an improvement.


Edit: It is possible that I don't understand what you're going for, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

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It feels like the first loop that you hear doesn't belong in that song, also I think if the tops were a little more forward/full then it would be an improvement.


Edit: It is possible that I don't understand what you're going for, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.


Well basically in most of my music I wanna give it a little "trippy" feeling (hence "trip-hop" tag). That's why I got that first initial guitar loop going. I'll probably end up turning it down slightly though. Also I'm gonna do a lot of work with the drumline. That ain't done.


Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it.

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Its a start! With time comes better product, im sure you'll start to see improvement over time. Keep posting some other products, it'd be cool to hear some stuff when you start getting the hang of it. 

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It is indeed a start, I will say that the first loop felt completely off in comparison to the rest of the song, what i recommend is to try and start with just the piano and then add in the first loop and build into what you had after.


As for the drumline, try to experiment a bit more, what you had was indeed really good when it got going.


I don't get a full vibe of trip-hop, however i do get a nice moody vibe from it. Something like a barren and abandoned part of a city or a dark and ominous area.


So keep that piece around, but try to adjust it a bit more as you go. When you finally go back to it, you'll feel and hear your improvement.


intro 6/10

rest of song 8/10


Definitely a good starting place to be sure.


Edit: reminds me, i need to take a crack at the ableton live 9 software i have.

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It is indeed a start, I will say that the first loop felt completely off in comparison to the rest of the song, what i recommend is to try and start with just the piano and then add in the first loop and build into what you had after.


As for the drumline, try to experiment a bit more, what you had was indeed really good when it got going.


I don't get a full vibe of trip-hop, however i do get a nice moody vibe from it. Something like a barren and abandoned part of a city or a dark and ominous area.


So keep that piece around, but try to adjust it a bit more as you go. When you finally go back to it, you'll feel and hear your improvement.


intro 6/10

rest of song 8/10


Definitely a good starting place to be sure.


Edit: reminds me, i need to take a crack at the ableton live 9 software i have.


Thanks a lot. This really helps, seriously.


I don't really care about hearing whether my music was shitty or it was amazing. All I want to know is what you thought. You hit the target.


I'll definitely be doing some improvement based on your post, thanks again.

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i liked it, improvement from that last garbage, spend time listening to various instrumentals and get creative 

the picture on the right in your signature matches it perfectly

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