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Admin Abuse Unturned [RESOLVED]

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Me and my friends (two of them) were raiding a base we were no breaking unnecessary things we were going to the chest room of this base i guess it was an admin base so we were one door away from the chest room and the owner of the base logged on he came and tryed to kill us but didnt, later after he banned me for like destroying deleting bunker or something, about 10 min after he banned me he started using admin privileges hard my buddys told me he kept teleporting to them and killing them shortly after they left i think its kind of crap how he banned me and abused his admin powers just because we broke into his base please unban me this was complete bogus  

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i wasent the one getting abused it was my friends i got banned for breaking buildings it said clearly the admin was mad that we were in his base so he banned me

Edited by brad5454

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A video? I dunno. All I'm seeing here is hearsay from a friend of yours and no other proof provided by yourself. What about a name? Who was this admin? Are you sure it was even an admin? Maybe there's a new exploit out that can boot you from the game and make it seem as though you were banned? Can we get a screenshot of your ban? Once more, how about the name of the admin?
In the heat of the moment, when you get abused like that, you don't normally look for a name or anything and end up just blaming blah blah blah. We need to know who was doing what and when.
"i got banned for breaking buildings it said clearly the admin was mad that we were in his base so he banned me"

You seem certain that he was mad about your actions so he banned you. How do you know it was a rage-ban? Prooooooooooooof. We have no idea when this went down, so it's impossible to help you.


This kinda thing doesn't need to be spelled out. We aren't mind-readers.

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You were banned for hacking. It was an autoban by my anti-cheat. As for your friends I looked through the logs and no admins ran any of the commands you are saying they did.

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