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Degree of Difficulty: Sport Rankings

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It is official boys, the top 60 hardest sports, in order, from ESPN.


Interesting Ones

2) Ice Hockey

3) Football (American)

4) Basketball

10) Soccer

13) Rugby

14) Lacrosse

It was conducted by a group made up of sports scientists from the United States Olympic Committee, of academicians who study the science of muscles and movement, of a star two-sport athlete, and of journalists who spend their professional lives watching athletes succeed and fail.

Personally, the only one I can whine about is wrestling, I truely believe it is the hardest sport, maybe after boxing, yes I played hockey for a short time, yes, I played soccer AND football, loved football, martial arts for 5 years.

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Ice Hockey is definitely #1. But I think baseball should be in there somewhere. Hitting a 85 MPH curve ball is not easy. Nevermind a 100 mph fastball. The ball is there before you can even react, you have to pre-swing. I think boxing is a major FAIL. If Mike Tyson can box, anybody can if they are big and strong enough.(sarcasm)After all Mike Tyson is a fuckin genius! (/sarcasm)

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Ok, just so you understand, they calculate what muscles it works, how hard they work. Like I said before, In my mind I think wrestling should be 1st, you have to be physically, and mentally strong. Strong, and fast, its very hard to do, and though it isn't as big as football or basketball, I think the workouts are harders too.

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I've done alot of the sports listed in the top 15...I'm going to have to disagree with their rankings...They go by a combination of strength, skill, endurance, etc., but they fail to acknowledge the moron factor in certain sports. For example, boxing isn't as hard as it is dumb...the reason its hard is because you get knocked the fuck out. There is no more skill, or training for that than there is for soccer, gymnastics, or even golf for that matter. Of all the sports I have done, gymnastics was without a doubt the hardest...every single muscle in your body is worked, the skill, timing, endurance, strength, hand-eye coordination, flexibility, "nerve," all require much more than any other sport I've done (football, soccer, swimming, track, baseball, a small stint at wrestling). Sure it serves no purpose, but until you actually try it, I find its ridiculous that tennis, ice hockey and basketball are above it. The only reason they are up there is because they are sports that appeal to the masses...espn definately caters to the masses and doesnt want to piss anyone off.

Ok, my rant is done

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I agree with madmartigan (although i havent done gymnastics) just go watch the movie stick it, and it shows just how hard it is to train and do gymnastics...

If you want to go far in gymnastics you have to train every day all day (basically)

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Guest ragingcow441

Ehhh, decently made rankings. However I think they should've made balance another category, although that could fall into a few other ones (agility, flexability, whatnot).

I can't really talk much because the only sports I've played seriously have been football, tennis, and soccer [goalie though])

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Honestly, as far as physical difficulty, maybe those other sports are hard, but golf is by far the hardest sport to do well in.

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Guest starscream

I think my sport, Bad ass mother fuckin pimp, is the hardest. But I make it look sooo easy.

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Yup, Ice Hocky hurts like a bitch, especially when your the goalie. Had a puck to the groin, it swelled up and i coudn't walk for a day, and when i did i had to accomadate the swelling.

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You must be doing something wrong then mind spring......lol but yeah as far as the list goes i think i agree with most of it except boxing...if you did that list 20 years ago hockey would definately be number 1

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wrestling definately, using almost every muscle in your body, and having to use your brain also is not vbery easy. and unlike football (american version) your not going to be 2x bigger then your opponent, same weight making it that much more difficult.

boxing requires more reflexes, and to be able to take, and give out a punch to the chest and or face. thats the only reason its considered hard IMO

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