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Password strength

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There are many different types of attacks. I assume that site is just figuring the time for a brute force attack.

There are other attacks such as dictionary attacks (I have a 15GB dictionary attack file) that can get some of the easier ones.

There are also rainbow tables that can make attacking the password hash easier.

You can also create custom rules where it will try a password list with a capital letter in the beginning and lower case the rest of the password and a special character at the end. This is done because its fairly common for this to be done, its best to use a password that isn't the norm.

The brute force attack time is calculated based on having your password hash which is stored on the websites servers. This would mean that the attacker would have to hack that website and copy the password hashes and run it on their machine. They never plan on getting them all so if you have a complex password they may just leave it alone because its not with their time.

This is all from memory and I'm sending it from my phone, if you want more information on the subject watch some defcon conferences on YouTube.

Edit: Your email passwords should be the most secure as most websites require an email and you can send password resets there so they could check your emails to see what sites you're at and get into them most likely.

Also using the same password on multiple sites is dangerous since they can get a password from one site and then they will run it against some other sites they're interested in such as banking.

Edited by B-cock

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