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Got Back into playing JB

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I used to be a very active JB player about a year ago and posted on these forums frequently as well. I recently decided to start playing JB again when I noticed that the server was actually full again so I was really excited. After playing for a couple of days now I have noticed some crazy differences which is to be expected and I thought I would share some feedback. 


Good (A much shorter list then the bad but they speak for themselves.)

New Maps - Have not learned all of the secrets yet but most of the new maps have a ton of stuff to do and are very fun to play on. On top of that the good maps from back then are either still there in all of their glory or slightly modified or updated. 


New Skins - The generic T skin is so much better


Credit System - I like the idea of allowing people buy cosmetic crap with credits earned by playing.



The No Balls rule is gone! -  This is by far the most disappointing change. Back then I didn't think it was a big deal when the rule was active but after playing enough rounds it is extremely noticeable that the kiddies have no business playing CT. There are a few that are smart enough/mature enough but the mass amount that are awful far out weigh the good ones. I could explain but it would take me about an hour.


The new wave of CTs - This ties into the no balls topic but there are a lot more CTs it seems these days that have no idea what the MOTD even looks like. This used to happen all the time before but back then these people would be insta CT-ed and told to play T before being allowed to CT. They don't pay attention to detail. When playing a game if a warden forgets to say no detours or delays or forgets to say no cheating it doesn't matter because these idiots will kill you anyways if you take advantage of a idiot warden. Cts are frequently not with their team, camping vents, Fking. Again all of this crap used to happen but these people would only make that mistake once or twice because they would be put on T. Now they have been allowed to do it for so long it seems like that they think it is allowed. I know the  FK happens and there is no way for an admin to catch everything but its all over the place. Today I got awped 2 rounds in a row after taking initial orders for "moving" when all I was doing was looking around still in the correct direction. The CT even said over voice why he killed me and when he was told that was a FK he was left alive and on CT. The next round this idiot awps me for jumping in place after initial orders because I didn't freeze...still no slay or CT. There are examples of this all over and during hours with a lot of people on. 


Warden Games - This is an old problem still there the creativity of some wardens is poor. We were on a map with more games that I can even count. We did TNT race or death race for more then half the rounds. 



With all of this being said playing JB was still fun in short stints. Maybe people don't care enough about this kind of stuff anymore because the server is always full during peek hours and this is what JB is now which is fine. I remember people a year ago coming back to complain about the new JB so I now know what it is like. I just wanted to give my impressions after being gone for so lOng and say hey to the few that I remember from back then. 



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Welcome back, can't forget a name like karlshalamonzo or the southern accent either.  Good points for the jb server, and hopefully jb leadership will keep these in mind when administrating the server.

Edited by Waffles

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Hi! Glad to see you're back playing. Appreciating the amount of time and effort you put into this feedback

Maps- We're very fortunate enough to have many active mappers in our community who enjoy creating new maps for the server on a regular basis.

Skin- Yeah, thinking back upon it now, the skin back then was weird looking and had slight texture issues. Though, I miss those glowing yellow eyes of the teammates you were stacked upon.

Store- We added a store to our Jailbreak and Zombie Escape server to match the one we had on our Minigames server. The credits you earn over time work for purchases on any of these servers, some items being the same for all the servers while others being server exclusive.

No Balls/CT- As a result of a drop in population a while back, we decided to remove this rule in a hope to not discourage anyone from wanting to play CT. Nobody wants to play Jailbreak if there's no CT team to actually conduct rounds with adequately. Also, many paid admins were using the rule as an excuse to CT players who were well versed with our rules, some moreso than any other members. It's still being debated upon, seeing as it's easier to make exceptions for that few minority rather than the large majority, but we'll see. Our MOTD likes to drive us up the wall as it decides to stop working for no particular reason upon occasion. Back when you probably remember playing a year ago, it was easy for people to just type motd and have the full rule list pop up. Now, it's harder to do this until the plugin is finally fixed permanently or is updated to start working regularly. We have a command we added which forces the MOTD to open on someone's screen, though it was originally intended to be used after CT'ing someone rather down be a temporary fix for one of the MOTD's tantrums.

We need more people playing and giving the majority of the player base ideas for good, creative games. Perhaps you yourself would be willing to play more and try to enlighten some newer players with the fun games we played back then. The only way to spread that creative fun is through influence and demonstration.

Once again, appreciate the feedback and the thought put into it. Hope to see you around more!

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Welcome back


as turtle frenzy stated, its better to have a squeaker team that knows the rules, then no ct team at all. If cts are found to not know the rules, we do our best to restrict them. We even have a command that opens the MOTD for them. Please keep in mind that its hard for admins to catch every single freekill.


as for wardens doing the same game over and over, there is a rule in place that calls for wardens to be fun and diverse. This rule is enforced by admin discretion. 


All and all, thanks for the constructive criticism, and dont let other members discourage you from posting what advice or criticism of the server you may have.

Edited by cowsQT

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