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New Host being tested

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to update everyone; i have all the servers set up now, and have just rsynced all the data. we are awaiting the configuration of our database server to copy our current db over, 1 service for authentication, and minecraft. once those are ready to go, we will be ready to conduct our new host testing. We will be trying out a new steam hook fontaine discovered that SHOULD allow you to connect to the new servers without changing your favorites. If that fails, we will heavily advertise the new IP and hopefully plenty of you will jump on the new servers to stress test them a bit. If our "test" goes well, we will have the harddrives moved to our new box (it's custom ordered because of the CPU and second gig link) which will incur a slight outage. Once that is finished, this new host should be our home for the foreseeable future. 


To add a little note, the last couple DDoS attacks we were hit by, would have been completely mitigated by the new hosts' DDoS protection. I'm not saying this will catch every attack, but it will prevent most of them :)

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to update everyone; i have all the servers set up now, and have just rsynced all the data. we are awaiting the configuration of our database server to copy our current db over, 1 service for authentication, and minecraft. once those are ready to go, we will be ready to conduct our new host testing. We will be trying out a new steam hook fontaine discovered that SHOULD allow you to connect to the new servers without changing your favorites. If that fails, we will heavily advertise the new IP and hopefully plenty of you will jump on the new servers to stress test them a bit. If our "test" goes well, we will have the harddrives moved to our new box (it's custom ordered because of the CPU and second gig link) which will incur a slight outage. Once that is finished, this new host should be our home for the foreseeable future. 


To add a little note, the last couple DDoS attacks we were hit by, would have been completely mitigated by the new hosts' DDoS protection. I'm not saying this will catch every attack, but it will prevent most of them :)


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to update everyone; i have all the servers set up now, and have just rsynced all the data. we are awaiting the configuration of our database server to copy our current db over, 1 service for authentication, and minecraft. once those are ready to go, we will be ready to conduct our new host testing. We will be trying out a new steam hook fontaine discovered that SHOULD allow you to connect to the new servers without changing your favorites. If that fails, we will heavily advertise the new IP and hopefully plenty of you will jump on the new servers to stress test them a bit. If our "test" goes well, we will have the harddrives moved to our new box (it's custom ordered because of the CPU and second gig link) which will incur a slight outage. Once that is finished, this new host should be our home for the foreseeable future. 


To add a little note, the last couple DDoS attacks we were hit by, would have been completely mitigated by the new hosts' DDoS protection. I'm not saying this will catch every attack, but it will prevent most of them :)

Much appreciated, good sir.

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