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Yeah I broke this forum's cherry.

What kinda lessons you offer?

Baiscaly we will go into my private server which is a HiDef 1000FPS Server and i'll teach you the correct methods to 'Spray' down some one, Awp and deagle. We'll go over Flash bangs and how theirs diff spots to blind certain parts on each map etc. We will go over tips and everything.

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That sounds like something i need to do. Have lessons.

Well if you're interested please let me know and i'll give you more back ground info on my self!

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Guest Fohacidal

Few of the people in this clan are actually good at matches, I happen to be one of them, and p2 knows this because we wouldve been MUTILATED the last time we scrimmed if it wasnt for me...

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Guest Fohacidal

Few of the people in this clan are actually good at matches, I happen to be one of them, and p2 knows this because we wouldve been MUTILATED the last time we scrimmed if it wasnt for me...

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First off, This will improve your game. Your game sence will be better, You will no how to flash people with out them seeing you and they'll be fully flash. I'll teach you how to smoke so you can see them but they can't see you. I will help you out with the weapons like an Awp, Deagle, M4 or ak my 4 strogest weapons to use, I can teach you tips and tricks on the map. Special spots to play etc.

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You would be suprised, Obiously you don't know enough about the game to realize their are differnt ways to shoot a gun in this game, For instance a ak... to correctly spray with it you want to put your mouse down to the left becuase it sprays high to the right. If you don't think you need anything don't post rude comments.. Thanks

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You would be suprised, Obiously you don't know enough about the game to realize their are differnt ways to shoot a gun in this game, For instance a ak... to correctly spray with it you want to put your mouse down to the left becuase it sprays high to the right. If you don't think you need anything don't post rude comments.. Thanks

Yah that wasn't very nice project. He's trying to help out people who don't know what the hell they are doing and don't know how to aim. Like when I go with my ak in surf ... Nobody knows wtf im doing because I hit them so good so therefore a guy like him could help those out. Stop being an ass to him. That's what scares ppl away and shows a big immaturity in this clan. It's sad that we have so many but my suggestion would be DOGTOWN rules because his rules was hard and right on and they helped.

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<3 Waylon.

You would be suprised, Obiously you don't know enough about the game to realize their are differnt ways to shoot a gun in this game, For instance a ak... to correctly spray with it you want to put your mouse down to the left becuase it sprays high to the right. If you don't think you need anything don't post rude comments.. Thanks

I did know that and my post was a sarcastic one, thanks.

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Guest Guest

this is a joke. What do kids that play surf 24/7 need to fucking know about dust 2. Hell, none of them even know what a scrim is let alone know how to kill someone without 500 hp and and a para..

You're wasting your time unless u wanna teach 14 year old kids the best way to set up their RPG stats or how to use a tmp correctly..

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Guest formerlyaeth
this is a joke. What do kids that play surf 24/7 need to fucking know about dust 2. Hell, none of them even know what a scrim is let alone know how to kill someone without 500 hp and and a para..

You're wasting your time unless u wanna teach 14 year old kids the best way to set up their RPG stats or how to use a tmp correctly..

Is this cc90 i see?

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Guest Fohacidal
Yah that wasn't very nice project. He's trying to help out people who don't know what the hell they are doing and don't know how to aim. Like when I go with my ak in surf ... Nobody knows wtf im doing because I hit them so good so therefore a guy like him could help those out. Stop being an ass to him. That's what scares ppl away and shows a big immaturity in this clan. It's sad that we have so many but my suggestion would be DOGTOWN rules because his rules was hard and right on and they helped.

Maybe because you hacked?

:D Sorry I had to, you walked into it

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