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Commander Lard

Super Smash Bros Melee Tournament

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So there's a Melee tournament at my school this Friday, and a whole bunch of people have signed up, even people that don't even know how to hold a GameCube controller. So who is your favorite character to play as? I haven't played Melee in years so I was wondering who do you guys think I should play as to destroy everyone else as well. I was thinking about playing Samus but I don't know.

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random bro


its the only way to let them know that not only are you better than them, it doesn't even matter which character you choose


pray you don't get game and watch

I was actually going to suggest him picking mr game and watch.

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falcon/fox main


come money match me





For those two posts, you earned my respect!

Also PAL or NTSC?


Pink Luigi

No one else matters.

Dat wavedash into Taunt Kick off ledge!!

Main: Captain Falcon

Troll Main: Ness < Beaten Marth in tournaments with this little guy!

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Stuck with Pal here, jamming with the UK crews. Currently playing against UK's Link No.1 and getting my arsed handed to me 9/10 games.
Waiting for next tournament, show them my (lack of) skills!

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My favorite is Captain Falcon, but if you can get good with Roy you are set. His side c-stick move is so fucking OP it makes me want to cry. 

C stick......

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I'm not much into the scene (very rarely played the games when I was younger) but Knox has been getting me into watching some of the recent tournaments on twitch and I have to say, there's some amazing people out there.

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Yeah compared to everyone in my group of friends there's one guy who is amazing. He showed up to one of the local tournaments and just got absolutely trashed. It was pretty awesome to watch (besides having our friend get shit on)

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Forgot, other main before captain falcon was jigglypuff. The backward air attack spam was rediculous. Then you fave simple up attack into b-down for instakill on anyone above 60%. Miss that guy.

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So a update to the tournament. As it turns out it was not only Melee but also Brawl. The Brawl bracket went first followed by the loser bracket. So if you lost, you got to play again. What this did however just added 5 hours to the entire competition. I didn't get to play for 5 hours. In addition to having two brackets for Brawl, it turns out that students from the Jr. High and Middle School were also invited. This made matches last the entire 5min due to that they all stayed on the side of the map. So every match went to sudden death, which would also add ANOTHER 45sec. I have yet to mention that every match contained Kirby, Captain Falcon, Ike, and some other stupid character. No diversity AT ALL. Once that Sh*t fest ended, the real fun started. 3:00 time, 2 lives, Final Destination, and your choice of character. Matches were fast-paced and amazing. I lost my voice yelling so much. Anyway, there plans to be another, this one with teams. So the future may hold bright things. Also I lost.

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