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The majestic call of the beluga

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I've seen way too many videos of this girl getting harassed. What the fuck did she do to deserve this? I swear to god we are watching another suicide about to happen. People are now calling her house harassing her. This shit isn't funny. 

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I've seen way too many videos of this girl getting harassed. What the fuck did she do to deserve this? I swear to god we are watching another suicide about to happen. People are now calling her house harassing her. This shit isn't funny. 


It started out with her being a bitch about a joke, then the internet pulled an internet and went too goddamn far, so while she doesn't deserve it she did slightly bring it upon herself.


But eh, I think she's a bitch so w/e.

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I've seen way too many videos of this girl getting harassed. What the fuck did she do to deserve this? I swear to god we are watching another suicide about to happen. People are now calling her house harassing her. This shit isn't funny. 

In all honesty she is causing all of those phone calls by being a stuck up bitch on stream.


Seriously don't fuck act high and mighty on the internet, people can do some shit.


But yeah phone calls are a little far.

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I've seen way too many videos of this girl getting harassed. What the fuck did she do to deserve this? I swear to god we are watching another suicide about to happen. People are now calling her house harassing her. This shit isn't funny. 

In the video i saw, they called her and asked her where she lived. then the guy said "you better watch out, the Japanese are gonna drive a boat into your house and harpoon you"


It got taken down, but some goodfellows still re uploaded it


also, go to renigade's video and go to 0:44


The top donation was 1000+ dollars from someone named cali

she referred to streaming as her job, and that people have no right to hate her for making loads of dosh very easily

she even uses it as an insult, saying that they won't ever have what she haves, under the impression that she has an army of white knights from her stream to back her up and make her feel like the victim when she wants to be the victim.


you should also realize that they got her phone number because of her donate button. I think it went right to her paypal, and from there, getting a phone number is easy

Edited by #fuckdattranny

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"I know I'm beautiful" 


You can tell exactly why she is getting all of this shit, probably feels it necessary to tell every game guy she meets the same thing. 





In the video i saw, they called her and asked her where she lived. then the guy said "you better watch out, the Japanese are gonna drive a boat into your house and harpoon you"




That's gold. 

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