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B-cock #1

Goodbye Net Neutrality

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It's a sad day for the internet, recently, it was decided that ISP's (Internet Service Providers) no longer have to treat all websites equally. Now, I think worst case scenario. This means that ISP's can throttle sites like Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, etc... because they would be competing with the services they offer (TV). Unless the sites pay the ISP's a nice chunk of change for "priority bandwidth", they can essentially kill competition and new/upcoming sites that may make radical changes.

The worst part is, if you don't like it, sometimes there's not other ISP's that may be available in your area that you can switch to. You will be stuck in their oligopoly, sure, maybe you can go with dial-up, but lets be real here, that's not sufficient in this day and age.




EDIT: TL;DR Watch Video

Edited by B-cock

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I'm sure there will be some sort of magical chrome plugin release that will disable all of this...


One could hope...



Unfortunately, since it's going to be at the ISP level, I'm not sure if there will be a way around it. I would also like to hear some pro's to this, I really just cannot think of any due to how big of ISP's are and the lack of choice people have when choosing a high speed ISP.

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Well... I partly take back what I said to Icha. Proxies might be able to do something about web browsing, but still obviously not as fast as browsing without one.

Or they just limit proxy sites and essentially shut them down because they would request a stupid amount of money to make them remotely useable, the ISP's are simply being given too much power.

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As much as I'd love to get worked up over this, in all honesty ISP's won't get a quiet rebellion to throttling things that millions of people use, like Netflix and Hulu. 


Doesn't mean the ISP has to do shit about it but hey ISP's losing customer service is never bad in my books.

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Or they just limit proxy sites and essentially shut them down because they would request a stupid amount of money to make them remotely useable, the ISP's are simply being given too much power.


Yeah definitely. It's too bad not enough people are being informed about this (at least that's my idea of how popular this topic is), because then the ISP's that won't pull this shit (if there are any good out there) would pull in more customers.


I wonder if Google Fiber will be good, and when it's coming to my fucking area



EDIT: Look at dat



Edited by BoondockBrutha

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As much as I'd love to get worked up over this, in all honesty ISP's won't get a quiet rebellion to throttling things that millions of people use, like Netflix and Hulu. 


Doesn't mean the ISP has to do shit about it but hey ISP's losing customer service is never bad in my books.

Where will people go? A lot of people don't have multiple highspeed ISP's in their area that are available. So you get pissed off, what are you gonna do? Not use the internet? Good luck getting people to jump on that protest method.



Edited by B-cock

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this has been taken quite out of proportion


Verizon went to court over something stupid (i think they wanted to block a non-illegal website) and the FCC took them to court because they claimed that it violated the net neutrality act. Verizon defended themselves claiming that they were protecting their "first amendment rights". Net neutrality stated that ISP's cannot block websites that are not harmful or illegal (such as CP sites) but since it's gone now, ISP's don't have that restriction anymore. They can block any website they want right now, this very instant. The thing about net neutrality, is that it almost got wiped quite a few years ago (2005 and 2007 i think) where the FCC tried to keep it alive when cell phones started coming out that could access wireless connections and the internet.


The reason this is becoming a shitstorm, is because of a few things that happened.


1. Bad company stigmas

Obviously it's true, just because an ISP can do something, doesn't mean they will. The ability to abuse a loophole does not gurantee that a company WILL abuse it, and as long as there is A SINGLE isp out there not doing it, none of them will do it, because obviously people will flock to ISP's with more accessibility, except if you live in an unsupported area (like people who are forced to use radionet). Big corporations are generally seen in social media and general american society as a bad thing. The fact is, people have to choose between being paranoid about getting fucked by ISP's, or Naive about the fact that ISP's won't do that to their customers. Obviously, as americans, we know which one most people will pick. The youtube video in question uses alot of secondary sources.


2. Ruse Cruise

Lots have been stirring up, and i find it non coincidental at all. There were images going around after news of this broke, of poster images for AT&T and Comcast offering special internet plans that made you pay $30 for more website access or faster speeds to places like youtube and origin, and steam. The images were obviously fake, but i was suprised at how many people genuinely thought they were real, without any links at all. Obviously it's fake, but people are quick to believe things that are said with no proof, except for a youtube video. This youtube video has secondary sources, but i bet that most people who are gonna watch it won't even bother to look at sources, because getting outraged at something is easier when the issue seems most relevant. Over the next few weeks, you're gonna see a huge increase in information about this, and what the ISP's want to do to you and your internet. Eventually, rumors that have started all the way down in 4chan's /pol/ board will make their way up to the top, and as soon as a journalist picks it up without a question, it becomes a source. It has already happened with this, and back with SOPA, i had seen a few 4chan borne rumors make their way to news headlines. Just a heads up, most of what you hear now is Rumor and ruse, but after a few weeks it will filter out properly through any means.


Remember, the big fear is that people don't want ISP's to turn more and more into cable companies. The big fear is you having to pay to use a select 75 or so websites at the choice of the ISP, not including websites for opposing ISP companies. The big fear is something based of George Orwell's "1984".


Realistically, it would be a bad move to start cock blocking websites when you have a ton of private ISP's and opposing ISP's that will compete with verizon on the basis that they "respect your rights on the internet" and that they would "never do that to you". These would be strong selling points against verizon and probably Comcast, and this outcome isn't even what Verizon wanted, it was just the judges decision on an ultimatum for a stupid court case that didn't get alot of attention. That's why people are saying this happened under our noses, because nobody thought verizon's case would lead to that.

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this has been taken quite out of proportion


Verizon went to court over something stupid (i think they wanted to block a non-illegal website) and the FCC took them to court because they claimed that it violated the net neutrality act. Verizon defended themselves claiming that they were protecting their "first amendment rights". Net neutrality stated that ISP's cannot block websites that are not harmful or illegal (such as CP sites) but since it's gone now, ISP's don't have that restriction anymore. They can block any website they want right now, this very instant. The thing about net neutrality, is that it almost got wiped quite a few years ago (2005 and 2007 i think) where the FCC tried to keep it alive when cell phones started coming out that could access wireless connections and the internet.


The reason this is becoming a shitstorm, is because of a few things that happened.


1. Bad company stigmas

Obviously it's true, just because an ISP can do something, doesn't mean they will. The ability to abuse a loophole does not gurantee that a company WILL abuse it, and as long as there is A SINGLE isp out there not doing it, none of them will do it, because obviously people will flock to ISP's with more accessibility, except if you live in an unsupported area (like people who are forced to use radionet). Big corporations are generally seen in social media and general american society as a bad thing. The fact is, people have to choose between being paranoid about getting fucked by ISP's, or Naive about the fact that ISP's won't do that to their customers. Obviously, as americans, we know which one most people will pick. The youtube video in question uses alot of secondary sources.


2. Ruse Cruise

Lots have been stirring up, and i find it non coincidental at all. There were images going around after news of this broke, of poster images for AT&T and Comcast offering special internet plans that made you pay $30 for more website access or faster speeds to places like youtube and origin, and steam. The images were obviously fake, but i was suprised at how many people genuinely thought they were real, without any links at all. Obviously it's fake, but people are quick to believe things that are said with no proof, except for a youtube video. This youtube video has secondary sources, but i bet that most people who are gonna watch it won't even bother to look at sources, because getting outraged at something is easier when the issue seems most relevant. Over the next few weeks, you're gonna see a huge increase in information about this, and what the ISP's want to do to you and your internet. Eventually, rumors that have started all the way down in 4chan's /pol/ board will make their way up to the top, and as soon as a journalist picks it up without a question, it becomes a source. It has already happened with this, and back with SOPA, i had seen a few 4chan borne rumors make their way to news headlines. Just a heads up, most of what you hear now is Rumor and ruse, but after a few weeks it will filter out properly through any means.


Remember, the big fear is that people don't want ISP's to turn more and more into cable companies. The big fear is you having to pay to use a select 75 or so websites at the choice of the ISP, not including websites for opposing ISP companies. The big fear is something based of George Orwell's "1984".


Realistically, it would be a bad move to start cock blocking websites when you have a ton of private ISP's and opposing ISP's that will compete with verizon on the basis that they "respect your rights on the internet" and that they would "never do that to you". These would be strong selling points against verizon and probably Comcast, and this outcome isn't even what Verizon wanted, it was just the judges decision on an ultimatum for a stupid court case that didn't get alot of attention. That's why people are saying this happened under our noses, because nobody thought verizon's case would lead to that.



something bout 100 million more dollars a year for something


i dont remember

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As much as I'd love to get worked up over this, in all honesty ISP's won't get a quiet rebellion to throttling things that millions of people use, like Netflix and Hulu. 


Doesn't mean the ISP has to do shit about it but hey ISP's losing customer service is never bad in my books.


Exactly, something is going to be put in place to counter this, they cant expect people to continue to use the services if they are lagging out the ass. 


I doubt they are that fucking stupid. 

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It isn't as simple as it is instant since Verizon won in an appeals court. Thing is now that a federal appeals court has struck down part of the net neutrality it will get appealed to the supreme court and it will eventually be heard by them. One can only hope that TSCOTUS rules in favor the FCC and demanding ISPs treat all site the same.

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TSCOTUS = The Supreme Court Of The United States

FCC = Federal Communications Commision

ISP = Internet Service Provider


I hope this helps rayne


Is that really an official acronym?!


But yes, much easier now thank you.

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