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New Graphics card

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I can't seem to find a graphics card to replace my current shitty one.


My current card is an ATI HD 5770

I have a motherboard with PCIe 2.0

I have 8 gigs of DDR3 ram

I have an intel i5-2400 CPU at 3.10 GHz (quad core)

I have a 460 watt power supply (but i don't know the manufacturer)


My current card is 8 inches long, so i don't really want anything super long


My budget is between $100 to $280


I just want to upgrade from my shitty 5770, and get a card that can play most newer games on medium to high settings at some kind of solid FPS. I'm just looking for suggestions on what to get, since this is my first time getting a new GPU at all. Any Suggestions for these specs?

Edited by Siesan

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get whatever man; 280 can get you a lot of shit topodaline amd or near topodaline nvidia.. 

my main concerns are power supply and size. If i get a huge card it'll stick out the back and look retarded


Peiro's card suggestion looks kinda interesting though. Looks like it might be a monster though

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get whatever man; 280 can get you a lot of shit topodaline amd or near topodaline nvidia..

my main concerns are power supply and size. If i get a huge card it'll stick out the back and look retarded

Peiro's card suggestion looks kinda interesting though. Looks like it might be a monster though

on newegg you can limit length you didn't specify a case so I didn't consider size. I would think you're psu is a little lacking for high end but the manufacturer should specify what they require

Sent from my HTC Ville.

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on newegg you can limit length you didn't specify a case so I didn't consider size. I would think you're psu is a little lacking for high end but the manufacturer should specify what they require

Sent from my HTC Ville.

I have a prebuilt dell XPS 8300, so i don't have case specifics. I got it a long time ago as sort of a "handmedown" and i've been meaning to do this upgrade for a while


with that in mind, i don't know case specifics. I don't know where to measure inside of the case to determine my max GPU size. Do i measure from the metal thing inside to the back, or do i measure from the front to back when considering how big it can be without sticking out and being retarded? I'm not saying i won't do that if it means better graphics

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Look at your current card and measure back from there to see how much you have, make sure coolers and memory aren't in the way then just measure your card add the two and your good. The problem I've seen the most is huge coolers in the way but on a prebuilt idk Dell does weird stuff

Sent from my HTC Ville.

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Look at your current card and measure back from there to see how much you have, make sure coolers and memory aren't in the way then just measure your card add the two and your good. The problem I've seen the most is huge coolers in the way but on a prebuilt idk Dell does weird stuff

Sent from my HTC Ville.

the whole area behind the card looks really barren to me. here's an image (not mine, but it's exactly alike)


Edited by Siesan

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Look at your current card and measure back from there to see how much you have, make sure coolers and memory aren't in the way then just measure your card add the two and your good. The problem I've seen the most is huge coolers in the way but on a prebuilt idk Dell does weird stuff

Sent from my HTC Ville.

the whole area behind the card looks really barren to me. here's an image (not mine, but it's exactly alike)
if you go any bigger can you even plug it in? Post attention to the two plugs really though if you just measure what you have and set a limit for that length you will be fine

Sent from my HTC Ville.

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if you go any bigger can you even plug it in? Post attention to the two plugs really though if you just measure what you have and set a limit for that length you will be fine

Sent from my HTC Ville.

the current card is 8 inches, so I'd say that's a pretty safe size.


any suggestions?


I'm currently looking at http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121775


could it work with my PSU?

Edited by Siesan

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Just having the big PSU doesn't mean you could run a new card. Wattage is a small part of the total picture you need to make sure you PSU can also push the AMPS through the 12v rail.

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Water, why do you try. You're partially right, but please, stop trying.


Siesan, The 760 will be more than enough, but you can find a 660 on the cheap and get a halfway decent Corsair PSU to make sure you have enough juice. Look for 80PLUS certification and check amperage on the +12V rail (or rails, depending on the supply)

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Water was right why attack him. There's another thread about power supplies that discusses rails and quality you should read. With a prebuilt you just don't have as much freedom

Sent from my HTC Ville.

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I'm getting a quad-core I5, don't know the exact specs but it runs at like 4.3ghz. I could run a 760 right? 


Orr is power based on the power supply? I got some 50 dollar one, I hope it can run it.

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Water was right why attack him. There's another thread about power supplies that discusses rails and quality you should read. With a prebuilt you just don't have as much freedom

Sent from my HTC Ville.

With respect to the "attack", wattage is all well and good, but overloading a rail fucks the entire PSU and I'm sure Siesan wouldn't want to do that after spending $280 on a new GPU.

Edited by Moflstomp.mp3

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Yeah, and why it's best to have a single-rail for +12V. Load balancing can be a pain if the power supply manual doesn't state which plugs pull from X rail

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to caveat the above, when i build a system, i spend the most time researching the powersupply. cost doesn't necessarily indicate quality, but you need to buy from a reputable name and review the stats on it. if your power supply is cheap it can damage every other component in your computer.  

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Just bought a Rosewill 750w full modular power supply with an gold 80 rating

Found it-> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182264


Runs Great, I love it

I know that PSU is all about brand, but this comes with all the cables you'll ever need and it runs amazingly.

Edited by Swedish House Mafia

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I didn't even realize I was attacked till I came to check back in. Mofl you seriously have some problems and have the need to curse every bit of advice I give even when I am correct.

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