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Why do people disrespect the Air Force?

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My gathering from the article DarkPred was that she is strictly in a office since she is Public Affairs maybe going out once in a while but maybe C12k can shed some light on that.

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My gathering from the article DarkPred was that she is strictly in a office since she is Public Affairs maybe going out once in a while but maybe C12k can shed some light on that.

Yup...AND she's covering the Air Force.

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Using a drone is no different than being in charge of cruise missiles. Personally, I can understand if someone gets PTSD from that situation but i'm going to argue that there are factors already in place that lead the person to developing it, it's not just the action of firing them. The difference between a drone and live combat is the fact that you see, hear and watch the person die. Sometimes even walking by their bodies, having to scour their bodies or hearing them gasp their last breaths of air. A drone is a screen with really just the mental knowledge that you may or may not have killed someone. It's like hearing about a tragedy in my opinion; you won't have nearly as bad a reaction to the event if you're hearing it on the news compared to if you actually witness it in person. That being said, PTSD is an issue and can occur from situations like this. Unfortunately mental health issues are a really tough field when it comes to preventing/treating/curing them.


As for the article, I wouldn't attribute it to sexism. Does she have a problem? Yes, however the circumstances of her problem are what people are looking down on. She never mentions combat, simply being affected by standing post, eating terrible food and seemingly being afraid of sexual attack without any sort of precursors besides what she's read or heard. The reason everyone's negatively commenting on her is because her issues are minor(Besides the sexual attack fears, although she never mentions being sexually harassed in any way) while on the front line men are dying left and right being showered with bullet casings, shrapnel and in some cases it comes from their own supposed allies. I have nothing against the girl, simply that she seems to be complaining about living in a base for a few hundred days and how tolling it was on her mentally, despite the fact she never went front line( she mentions donning armor and the front line, but to my knowledge i'm pretty sure that wouldn't be allowed at the time (June 2009-March 2010) but correct me if I'm wrong). It was probably tolling on her, but that's also an issue you actually do have with women in the military, alongside a lack of physical strength. Mentally women are more affected by emotions so it's not really hard to see her getting some sort of form of PTSD from stressing herself out. However, if she had these issues she probably should've seen the psychologist on the camp.


Tl;dr; Doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman; the people are commenting on her complaining because they feel that she has no reason to do so when there are thousands of people outside of the bases actually risking their lives.


Note: I've never been in combat nor do I plan on at the current moment. I've worked with the military long enough to know I'm in no position to make the choice now. Take my Drone/missile theory with a grain of salt, i'm not a psychologist, it's an opinion.


No, just no....


I cant say EXACT reasons but being with the Drones believe it or not does take a mental toll on your mind, some times more than people on the ground. While physically it doesn't mess with you (minus carpal tunnel/eyesight top lel) it does mess with a lot of people if you do not have a strong mental mindset. There have been a lot of people who don't know what they have gotten theirselves into with this "career".

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No, just no....


I cant say EXACT reasons but being with the Drones believe it or not does take a mental toll on your mind, some times more than people on the ground. While physically it doesn't mess with you (minus carpal tunnel/eyesight top lel) it does mess with a lot of people if you do not have a strong mental mindset. There have been a lot of people who don't know what they have gotten theirselves into with this "career".

Howard, I love you man, but you're giving the stereotypical Air Force reply and its very disrespectful ...


You just stated:


-Being a drone pilot is more mentally taxing than a "boots on the ground" service member (The fear of coming back from a mission vs the fear of running out of Pepsi)


I get what you're TRYING to say, but its clinically impossible for a drone pilot to develop PTSD during a "mission". Your statement is VERY disrespectful.

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bottom line; if you aren't in the 82d airborne division, you dont do shit :)


that includes you chosen you dirty fucking leg :)

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I have a set of wings and another in progress. I fly everywhere...

You're the leg. See my sig...leg

you have been in the army and still dont know what a leg is... lol 


allow me to break it down for you. not airborne qualified = leg. no other wings matter. 


http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/sixties/HTML_docs/Resources/Glossary/Sixties_Term_Gloss_K_P.html#Letter 'L'


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leg_(disambiguation)  (see 'other')



PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go tell someone that is airborne in your unit that you're not a leg :)

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This article is essentially about confirming almost every military stereotype known to man.


Women in the military, PTSD, Air Force, etc. This article is the equivalent of an NFL team winning the superbowl and the waterboy provided an interview about the trials and tribulations of being a professional athlete.



Oh thank God, I thought you were going to say "as a united states army professional you all need to check your privilege and understand just how hard it is to be a soldier. none of you would last one minute in her shoes".  

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so..The problem here is people's ego's are getting in the way.



PTSD is not latent in everyone. It's base on a person's mental fortitude



Drone pilots go under the same amount of stress as grunts do


Fact. Army is the tip of the might cock that is the US military. We will rape you. The end.


Myth. Everyone in the army is good ol' eleven bang bang


Fact. If you are not a airborne ranger, airborne qualified combat arms or special forces. Having wings means you get points towards promotion boards, not vagina's.


your welcome

-SGT Blair, Gregory

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so..The problem here is people's ego's are getting in the way.



PTSD is not latent in everyone. It's base on a person's mental fortitude



Drone pilots go under the same amount of stress as grunts do


Fact. Army is the tip of the might cock that is the US military. We will rape you. The end.


Myth. Everyone in the army is good ol' eleven bang bang


Fact. If you are not a airborne ranger, airborne qualified combat arms or special forces. Having wings means you get points towards promotion boards, not vagina's.


your welcome

-SGT Blair, Gregory



1. By diagnostic criteria, PTSD is latent. Otherwise it would be a stress reaction, adjustment disorder, anxiety NOS, etc. 


2. PTSD isn't based on something you call "mental fortitude"


3. The "tip" of the U.S. military is  actually the Marines or arguably the U.S. Navy,


4. Not everyone who has a skill badge earns promotion points


5. "You're welcome"


-Gregory, The Captain...Doctor...Mental Health type...

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so..The problem here is people's ego's are getting in the way.



PTSD is not latent in everyone. It's base on a person's mental fortitude



Drone pilots go under the same amount of stress as grunts do


Fact. Army is the tip of the might cock that is the US military. We will rape you. The end.


Myth. Everyone in the army is good ol' eleven bang bang


Fact. If you are not a airborne ranger, airborne qualified combat arms or special forces. Having wings means you get points towards promotion boards, not vagina's.


your welcome

-SGT Blair, Gregory

Come on man..... 

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1. By diagnostic criteria, PTSD is latent. Otherwise it would be a stress reaction, adjustment disorder, anxiety NOS, etc. 


2. PTSD isn't based on something you call "mental fortitude"


3. The "tip" of the U.S. military is  actually the Marines or arguably the U.S. Navy,


4. Not everyone who has a skill badge earns promotion points


5. "You're welcome"


-Gregory, The Captain...Doctor...Mental Health type...


can i get PTSD from putting the TIP of my military might into the wrong vagina?


being 82d gets vagina ftr... fayetteville is full of whores. (it helps that jsoc and cag are there i suppose...)

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Whats there to argue? Marine Corps is a part of the Navy, technically. 


In a traditional conflict the Navy would prep the invasion via air strikes. THEN the Marines would establish a beach head.

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I would imagine the tip would either be ground forces or the air force considering we don't do amphibious assaults in the current era. Most of the wars are inland. Marines could still be considered part of the ground though since their focus has shifted from amphibious to ground.

Edited by Oreo

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my point still stands. 

his point is the marines are not a military branch; they are a subset of the Navy, much like the green berets are an army unit. they are run differently but still have the same boss on the JCS


To oreo's point; in any current conflict the Air Force was no where near the battle until holds were established. initially they flew people to turkey or kuwait and they drove to iraq. for afghanistan, Bagram has long been held by friendlies.

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I would imagine the tip would either be ground forces or the air force considering we don't do amphibious assaults in the current era. Most of the wars are inland. Marines could still be considered part of the ground though since their focus has shifted from amphibious to ground.


I hope you know that those jets that fly off of those carriers in the water most likely aren't USAF jets, they are Navy jets. 

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