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Children of Men- Great movie. Watch it if you haven't already

Twelve Monkeys- Great movie, check it out.

I'd watch those, extremely well done films.

Everyone's opinion is surprisingly different than mine. You guys like the newer movies that have lots of guns - violence - ridiculous comic relief comments. Lmao, pehaps some computer effects? Tell me if I'm getting close.

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Guest Fohacidal
Ok I'll give you some that are roughly in this time, with a brief review.

Escape from L.A.- Not as good as New York, but it's always good to see our favorite badass kicking the shit out of post-apocolyptic crazies again.

Children of Men- Great movie. Watch it if you haven't already

Land of the Dead- Wasn't as good as Romeros others, imo Day was better because of the physical effects.

Twelve Monkeys- Great movie, check it out.

Evangelion Series- I'm not big on anime, however I really enjoyed the series. If you have time I would definetly recomend giving it a watch.

I'll let you know if I can think of anymore.

Children of Men and Twelve Monkeys I both saw, and have to say were some of the greatest movies I have seen, not because of the post apocalyptic scene, but because of the plot, acting and everything, I loved it...

I also saw Escape from LA and New York, NY was better...

However I havent seen Land of the Dead and the Evangelion series, I might check out the anime, but Im not sure about Day of the Dead being better, sure it had that weird new way of people dying but really? Bubs? Lol?!

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I'd watch those, extremely well done films.

You guys like the newer movies that have lots of guns - violence - ridiculous comic relief comments. Lmao, pehaps some computer effects? Tell me if I'm getting close.

Actually there was hardly any CGI in Doomsday, a reason I liked it. I'm not saying it was the greatest movie ever, but it was fun and worth the $8. Who ever said you can't like over the top guns, violence, and gore and not like other films as well?

I didn't like either Land of the Dead or Day of the Dead. I just perfer Day to Land, there were some rediculous CGI moments in land of the dead that hurt it in the visual aspect. Yeah it was very corny, I was expecting to see the Big Daddy shed a tear and wave as the heros drove off.

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Guest Fohacidal
Actually there was hardly any CGI in Doomsday, a reason I liked it. I'm not saying it was the greatest movie ever, but it was fun and worth the $8. Who ever said you can't like over the top guns, violence, and gore and not like other films as well?

I didn't like either Land of the Dead or Day of the Dead. I just perfer Day to Land, there were some rediculous CGI moments in land of the dead that hurt it in the visual aspect. Yeah it was very corny, I was expecting to see the Big Daddy shed a tear and wave as the heros drove off.

Dawn of the Dead still reigns over the both of them though, the original and the remake...

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Actually there was hardly any CGI in Doomsday, a reason I liked it. I'm not saying it was the greatest movie ever, but it was fun and worth the $8. Who ever said you can't like over the top guns, violence, and gore and not like other films as well?

I was just generalizing, not being specific to Doomsday. But I think its funny that I can sum it up like that.

And just the fact that people take pleasure in watching corny films and then watch good movies blows my mind.

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I was just generalizing, not being specific to Doomsday. But I think its funny that I can sum it up like that.

But..... you didn't sum it up.

And just the fact that people take pleasure in watching corny films and then watch good movies blows my mind.

What do you mean? I'd like to hear what movies you consider "good" and "corny". It's all relatve to the person viewing, I really don't want to get in to this but, the best way I can explain it is there are some genres that people don't like, I like campy movies and over the top movies. To someone who dosen't like the genre it would be seen as stupid and boring, I'm guessing you also don't like movies such as Evil Dead, and Rocky Horror, Big Trouble in Little China. Stuff like that, just don't bash other peoples taste in movies.

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Guest Fohacidal
But..... you didn't sum it up.

What do you mean? I'd like to hear what movies you consider "good" and "corny". It's all relatve to the person viewing, I really don't want to get in to this but, the best way I can explain it is there are some genres that people don't like, I like campy movies and over the top movies. To someone who dosen't like the genre it would be seen as stupid and boring, I'm guessing you also don't like movies such as Evil Dead, and Rocky Horror, Big Trouble in Little China. Stuff like that, just don't bash other peoples taste in movies.

I loved the Evil Dead movies

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But..... you didn't sum it up.

What do you mean? I'd like to hear what movies you consider "good" and "corny". It's all relatve to the person viewing, I really don't want to get in to this but, the best way I can explain it is there are some genres that people don't like, I like campy movies and over the top movies. To someone who dosen't like the genre it would be seen as stupid and boring, I'm guessing you also don't like movies such as Evil Dead, and Rocky Horror, Big Trouble in Little China. Stuff like that, just don't bash other peoples taste in movies.

I summed it up in the sense that thats all the movie contains.

And "over the top" movies are another phrase for corny. Corny in the sense that there are a lot computer effects, wires, cliche comic relief comments, just things that aren't realistic. And I will bash these movies and the people that like them because movies are here to entertain you, and if you are entertained by mindless things as I listed, then your feeding into Hollywood.

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I summed it up in the sense that thats all the movie contains.

And "over the top" movies are another phrase for corny. Corny in the sense that there are a lot computer effects, wires, cliche comic relief comments, just things that aren't realistic. And I will bash these movies and the people that like them because movies are here to entertain you, and if you are entertained by mindless things as I listed, then your feeding into Hollywood.

I don't know what kinds of films you are refering to, it sounds like you are talking about things in the style of Independance Day, The Island, or the new Transformers movie. Because Doomsday is not like those if the trailer mislead you, but I'm not saying this was a great movie because it wasn't, just a fun to watch, and when you see these movies you shouldn't expect anything else.

Feeding into Hollywood? We're all feeding into Hollywood, unless of course you want to watch Sleep because by all means go ahead. :rolleyes:

If anything else you've come off as very patronising about the subject, please everyone has their tastes try to respect most of them.

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Guest Fohacidal
Ok, fair enough.

I watch an ass load of documentaries so I always expect REAL. I just can't stand mindless movies.

This is why I cant stand sci fi originals...

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I saw Doomsday on Saturday, it wasn't half bad. Some things you have to suspend disbelief for, like the fact that the Brits are busy wasting hundreds of civilians at a fence while 100 feet away they let some woman give them a (potentially infected) kid, without any medical checks. But the action sequences were well choreographed, the themes contrasting modernity with medievalism were amusing, and it was a good use of my evening kicking back in a theater.

Things I did have a problem with though were a few plot holes, for example the infected individual coming into the PM's office. They could have set that up as a conspiracy but instead they left it open to the viewer to guess how he got in. Another part that was underdeveloped was the 'war' between Kane/Cain and Saul - I wanted to see the mohawked crazies taking on the castle and I know you all did too.

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Alright you guys have persuaded me. If someone can provide a link as to where I can view Doomsday, it would be greatly appreciated. :)

How do you say two sided in french (meaning one of the languages in Canada), just joking man

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it has had really bad reviews, RT is never wrong!


not to change the direction of thread at all, but speaking of new movies, vatange point was really bad, do not see it.

You're right Vantage Point was horrible, as was 10,000 B.C., I think those were more along the line of what you were referring to mayo.

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I just checked out the quality of the videos, and I think I'll wait a while until something with better quality comes out.

I don't know anything about Vantage point, but yeah 10k B.C. looks like a poop fest.

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Guest Fohacidal
I just checked out the quality of the videos, and I think I'll wait a while until something with better quality comes out.

I don't know anything about Vantage point, but yeah 10k B.C. looks like a poop fest.

it is, its a waste of life, the trailer has all the exciting parts of the movie in it...

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