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The Doctor Zed

Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Beta Test This Weekend

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If you don't have Just Cause 2 already, its a great sandbox game with one of the largest maps of any game out there.  It's pretty much GTA tropical islands.  Its great fun and with the upcoming Multiplayer mod, it will be all the more so.  up to 5000 players can be online at any given time, the likely number, based on my past participation, should be 300-1000 players online at any time.  Unfortunately this is only a 48 hour test so you won't be able to play for long, but the mod is nearing completion and it should be pretty awesome.


As of right this second the MP-beta will go up in 7 hours and 25 minutes


Info and mod can be found here https://www.jc-mp.com/



Official Changelog video



Somewhat annoying at some points but kinda funny and brushes over every aspect of the mod





Relevant times can be found here https://www.jc-mp.com/times/




0.0.13 Changes

New Features:
Base features
Added auto-aim system from singleplayer; aim should now be much improved in-game
Weapons now have finite ammunition
Name can now be changed in the launcher
Implemented GWEN GUI system in lieu of CEGUI
Renderer now uses Direct2D for improved performance

Replaced all CEGUI bindings with GWEN bindings
Added damage to clientside Lua explosion/bullet hit events
Added transform for 2D/3D drawing

Base features
Added password support to servers

Bug Fixes:
Implemented major threading crash fix that should improve stability of JC2-MP
Reported health more accurate (now includes regenerative health)
Fixed clientside Lua explosion event so that it fires in all cases
Fixed random car direction change
Launcher now kills JC2 process if JC2-MP fails to inject
Recent servers now displays server name
Lua bone positions are no longer delayed by a frame
Launcher now times out after 10 seconds if it fails to make a connection attempt

Fixed Lua module case insensitivity issue

Fixed Lua crash issue when objects did not exist

Removed support for BOLOPatch infinite ammo

Edited by The Doctor Zed

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Shit man, I love these! JC2 MP is literally the most fun game I've ever played, which is really saying something since it's so old and relatively cheap. I hope to see you guys on there! :D

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On the list of servers and I see no one is on.... apparently they are being attacked.....


Nooo! I hope they aren't cancelling it, who the hell would want to DDoS JC2 mp weekends anyways? It's like... the best days ever!

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Nooo! I hope they aren't cancelling it, who the hell would want to DDoS JC2 mp weekends anyways? It's like... the best days ever!

They've been DDoS'd 3 or 4 times now. Shit happens. They'll do one next weekend if they cancel.

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I know this is a different game but should i get Sins of a solar empire: Rebellion or JC2?


Get whatever the fuck you want, don't rely on others to make choices for you.

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