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Wow, and at my high school the rules are super fucking strict. This all sounds like fun shit but there aren't even fights at my school.

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Wow, and at my high school the rules are super fucking strict. This all sounds like fun shit but there aren't even fights at my school.

here is your chance kid go get a girl pregnant in the restroom and throw watermelon at the black guys.

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The worst thing I saw in HS was this little napoleon complex sophomore blek kid (he was like 4'9'') with brass knuckles decking a 7th grader and snapping his jaw.  The kid was in the hospital for like a month, and the guy that hit him went to jail for about a year.  Apparently the reason he hit the kid was because "he wanted to fight someone."

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A prostitute got stabbed in our parking lot and I got sent to ALC (school jail) for being high at swimming regionals but nothin much really happens here. Some strange interactions with the really ghetto kids but that's about it.

You have a school jail? What the hell?

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Some guy in one of my classes sophomore year used to jack off at his desk pretty much every day. He would "hide it" by putting his hand in his jacket pocket and masturbating through his jeans. If you manage to find this post by some miracle, Jonathon of Lake Dallas, Texas... we knew... we all knew...

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At a school of less than 400 students we had a girl get caught with over a pound of pills/acid/weed and a few needles Im probably exaggerating but i have no hard facts on the matter.

And one of our claasmates got pregnant in 6th grade. Thats about it.

Other than the regular drug use by the outcast group.

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At a school of less than 400 students we had a girl get caught with over a pound of pills/acid/weed and a few needles Im probably exaggerating but i have no hard facts on the matter.

And one of our claasmates got pregnant in 6th grade. Thats about it.

Other than the regular drug use by the outcast group.

Yeah, a sixth grader caught an STD when I was in middle school................

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No major problems in high school for me. For one of the senior pranks, I remember a bunch of kids bought like a few thousand condoms and poked them with needles and threw them down the stairwells, I can only assume thats the reason a few of the girls I knew had kids right after senior year...


Also, there were a couple students who found a picture of our mythology teacher when HE was in high school, of him smoking a fat joint.

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You have a school jail? What the hell?

Yeah its called the Alternative Learning Center it's where all the kids from across the city that got into deep shit went. So basically it was just a bunch of black kids that assaulted someone or were caught smoking/dealing weed and me, a small Mexican kid that looks white. It was pretty serious shit we got patted down and had to go through a metal detector every morning and had to walk through the halls with our hands behind our back. Yet some kid still got stabbed while I was there and another got busted with molly.

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First week of freshman year was also the week that senior class officer voting was going on.

Well, one of the two people running for Senior Class President was white, and the majority of the school is black, so he decided to throw a "party" during the lunch that day to help get votes.

Friends of the guy bring out platters of watermelon and koolaid.

Someone brings out speakers and a DJ stand.

The whole cafeteria fills with rap music.

All the black kids are enjoying watermelon and koolaid while the asian kids breakdance in the middle of the cafeteria to the music as the white kids make a circle around them.

Quite a sight.

Edited by TurtleFrenzy

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glad to see you care about me so much that you took the time to upload my pic to your personal photobucket. Before you did that, you probably should've realized that I can easily look at the username in the URL and find all of your uploads. Some of this stuff you might not want out there, I'm just saying ;) Edited by KGame

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glad to see you care about me so much that you took the time to upload my pic to your personal photobucket. Before you did that, you probably should've realized that I can easily look at the username in the URL and find all of your uploads. Some of this stuff you might not want out there, I'm just saying ;)



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