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Jewinator 5000

Attention black people of sG

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Holy shit, this is getting way too complicated. I just don't want to be kicked when I say "nigga" casually in a clearly non-offensive way without even referencing any particular person by the faggy admin+ 13-year-olds whose parents buy them admin, or by fat, macaroni and cheese-gorging-on staff members. That's it.

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Holy shit, this is getting way too complicated. I just don't want to be kicked when I say "nigga" casually in a clearly non-offensive way without even referencing any particular person by the faggy admin+ 13-year-olds whose parents buy them admin, or by fat, macaroni and cheese-gorging-on staff members. That's it.

Tough luck.

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@Oreo (because I don't want to quote all that)


I'm sorry if it seemed like I tried to put words in your mouth and make it seem like your view was something it wasn't. I assure you that that wasn't my intention, and that when I read your post I really did think what you were suggesting was that if we were more lax on the enforcement of the racism rule, we would have racist anarchy.


With this in mind, there are other things to respond to in your post: 


"which is that we have a more relaxed attitude towards racism and allow the usage of the word nigger, spick, etc in our servers. The fact is, we are relaxed with it, it's very rare you see someone actually banned for racism."


I'm not asking for a relaxed view of racism. I'm asking for a relaxed view of the word "nigga", because unlike other racial slurs like kike, spick, gook or chink it's a part of common vernacular. As Dys said: "Holy shit, this is getting way too complicated. I just don't want to be kicked when I say "nigga" casually in a clearly non-offensive way without even referencing any particular person by the faggy admin+ 13-year-olds whose parents buy them admin, or by fat, macaroni and cheese-gorging-on staff members. That's it."


This is pretty much what I'm saying. We can allow people to say nigga every now and again without it escalating into hyper-racism. Especially since the servers are supposed to be very informal environments, unless someone is clearly harassing another person I don't see what the problem is. You then say "But nigga is offensive to some people, we want sG to be inclusive". But there are so many things that people can be offended about that we don't do anything about. I can go into a server and call someone else a faggot and the admins won't do anything, but if I play an NWA song I'll get kicked or banned. If we're going to ban saying nigga in a harmless informal way, are we going to allow calling other people faggots or fags as well? They seem to be on the same level. And once we ban saying faggot, what separates us from eGO? 


You also say that I want to remove the rule completely, which is untrue. If you read an earlier post about the nature of an alcohol law in Arizona that Marine once talked about, I would like the rule to be enforced that way. The rule is certainly necessary for keeping true racists out, but as I've said before we're too harsh in the enforcement. 


I can't comment on any racist threads because in truth I'm just becoming more active now, while I haven't been very active for the past few months due to school and other stuff. This is something I was afraid of, that we would have different perceptions of how race is treated in sG and so we would come to different conclusions based off of that. 


Lastly, it's completely untrue that we are protective of other races besides blacks. Have you ever seen the things that Marine posts about me? "FUCK JEWINATOR I CAN'T WAIT TO FUCKING STAKE YOU AND BURN YOU ALIVE. YOU HAVE NO SOUL I HATE YOU SO MUCH AAAAAAHHGHGHGH YOU SUBHUMAN PIECE OF GINGER SHIT"


What if he had said "AAAAAAA JEWINATOR YOU FUCKING NIGGER I CAN'T WAIT TO LYNCH YOU AND BURN YOU TO DEATH. YOU HAVE NO SOUL AND I HATE YOU SO MUCH YOU SUBHUMAN PIECE OF SHIT". I remember him calling himself the Ginger Hunter. What if he called himself the Nigger Hunter? It's just false that we are as protective against blacks as we are against all groups of people. 


ugh this is getting so complicated fuukkk I'm getting less and less passionate about this subject with each wall of text

Edited by Jewinator 5000

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Lastly, it's completely untrue that we are protective of other races besides blacks. Have you ever seen the things that Marine posts about me? "FUCK JEWINATOR I CAN'T WAIT TO FUCKING STAKE YOU AND BURN YOU ALIVE. YOU HAVE NO SOUL I HATE YOU SO MUCH AAAAAAHHGHGHGH YOU SUBHUMAN PIECE OF GINGER SHIT"


What if he had said "AAAAAAA JEWINATOR YOU FUCKING NIGGER I CAN'T WAIT TO LYNCH YOU AND BURN YOU TO DEATH. YOU HAVE NO SOUL AND I HATE YOU SO MUCH YOU SUBHUMAN PIECE OF SHIT". I remember him calling himself the Ginger Hunter. What if he called himself the Nigger Hunter? It's just false that we are as protective against blacks as we are against all groups of people. 


This is probably the most blatant example of the double-standard in this community in regards to racism in general vs. racism against blacks specifically.

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What's wrong with just saying hey bro, or hey dude. 


Why use a word you wouldn't use in the presence of a black individual anyway? (not including a friend)

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This is probably the most blatant example of the double-standard in this community in regards to racism in general vs. racism against blacks specifically.


I'm sorry, but I just don't take kindly to them damn Gingers in these there neck of the woods, feller.

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I think I found the source of Jewinator's worldly logic and experience.




  if I knew the black guy and was friends with him I would probably call him nigga, cause that's a socially acceptable thing to do, at least in my experience in HS.


at least in my experience in HS


my experience in HS


experience in HS






You can't apply what happens in your backwards-ass high school to the rest of the world...

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i'm pretty sure the only reason we have racial slurs/comments banned is because this is the internet, and no one can handle saying shit like nigga sparingly. i'd rather not have every sentence be filled with nigga/gook/nigger/etc, but that's just me.

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I've never once thought Marine meant what he said. That's completely beside the point in regards to how people react to it.


Well, I actually do feel bad that the word "nigger" is an anagram of "Ginger"

Edited by Marine

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I'm asking for a relaxed view of the word "nigga", because unlike other racial slurs like kike, spic, gook or chink it's a part of common vernacular.

Maybe if you have the idiotic and juvenile vernacular of a pale-ass 15 year old white boy.

Oh wait.


You also say that I want to remove the rule completely, which is untrue. If you read an earlier post about the nature of an alcohol law in Arizona that Marine once talked about, I would like the rule to be enforced that way. The rule is certainly necessary for keeping true racists out, but as I've said before we're too harsh in the enforcement.


2) Staff adds some sort of addendum that says the word is banned only when it's used offensively or maliciously: As you kindly pointed out, being offended by this or determining when it was used offensively is completely subjective. And as you've kindly pointed out, a lot of the admins of the servers are fucking morons. The last thing anyone wants is to give more leeway to interpretation of the rules and leave the decision making up to a 15 year-old with mommy's credit card. I'm just cringing at the thought of all the complaint threads birthed from that scenario.

I don't want either 1 or 2,

I explained how relaxing the rule will cause a clusterfuck of problems, you agreed, and now you're contradicting yourself.


Lastly, it's completely untrue that we are protective of other races besides blacks.

The sG global guidelines ban all racism and racial slurs. The ban on the n-word is merely provided as an example. If you are seeing this rule not properly enforced on the servers, it is your duty considering your clan rank to set the precedent. Staff made the rule. Now go enforce it and encourage others to do the same if it's an issue to you.



What if he had said "AAAAAAA JEWINATOR YOU FUCKING NIGGER I CAN'T WAIT TO LYNCH YOU AND BURN YOU TO DEATH. YOU HAVE NO SOUL AND I HATE YOU SO MUCH YOU SUBHUMAN PIECE OF SHIT". I remember him calling himself the Ginger Hunter. What if he called himself the Nigger Hunter? It's just false that we are as protective against blacks as we are against all groups of people.

Ok, here's I'll acknowledge a bit of a double standard, and I'll acknowledge that discrimination against gingers (specifically the Irish) was prevalent in the US during the 19th century. However, you'd be a liar or a fool to claim that the word "ginger" functions in the same derogatory context as a racial slur as the word "nigger". The history and stigma of the two words are completely different. Furthermore, Marine's jokes originated when some semblance of friendship between you had been established, and he uses it while adopting a blatantly fictitious and satirical persona as "Blade the Vampire Hunter". If you really want to throw a bitch fit about this issue, and if you really want to act like you've got some chip on your shoulder, fine.

Marine, can you please acquiesce to Jewinator's request to end your running gag so that he no longer can enact social justice by spouting "nigga" into the mic whenever the fuck he wants like a broken wind-up toy.  He's apparently too old now for jokes and make-believe.

Jewinator, despite any notions you have about competency in making a sound logical argument or providing clear reasoning, your developing communication skills are simply making it more apparent how immature your ideas are.  At least your naivety in the past was innocent and endearing.  Now it's just idiotic and cringe worthy.  

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Me and Marine weren't friends at the time that he started with the joke. I don't compare being a guy with red hair to being black in terms of irl discrimination, but in this clan I've received tons of harassment cause of it, and it's just weird. Not weird in a funny way, just weird in a way like "this joke stopped being funny two years ago why are people still doing this". And then it got to the point where people I've never even heard of would give me some kind of disrespect for it, which after like a year of I grew tired of. 


I'm basically that one guy in the group whose been the butt of some running joke, but then after a really long time gets tired of it and asks everyone to stop. Then you're the guy calling me a pussy for not just shutting up and taking it. But this is kind of irrelevant. Me and Marine are better friends than people would guess, so it doesn't bother me too much. 


Why's so much of all your posts something decrying me as a person instead of any argument that I make? You sound so much like SRS it's uncanny. "fucking shitlord white cis scum, you don't understand the plight of the black man and you never will". 


Do you remember what I said about the alcohol law in Arizona? Asking for a rule to be less steeply enforced doesn't mean that I want to get rid of it. It's like if I was someone saying that the police should be a little looser on the alcohol enforcement, and you're the guy who says "wow holy shit bro why are you trying so hard to be able to walk around hammered as shit". 


But then you say "yes it will, if we occasionally don't enforce it we'll have everyone saying nigger and being racist". But that isn't true. It's possible to have admins who don't enforce a rule with zeal and instead have admins who enforce it somewhat less.


It's still hypocritical that the only race and group of people that we try and protect is blacks. If we were to apply the same action against the word nigga against other offensive words like faggot or retard we would basically be eGO. 


But I'm honestly worn out of arguing, while you seem to have an infinite appetite for it. Since I only play on sG servers like once a week, I can say whatever I want, get banned and come back, so no big deal. gg no re 

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