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I Am Mr. Big ((:))+<

Best Gaming Laptop for College Students?

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Hi all, I'm heading to Pharmacy school this fall and I want a new laptop that I can use for anything, be it gaming, browsing, able to handle any programs my school throws at me, and media (music, videos, ect). I'm looking for something that's at least $1,100 or less, will last me many years, will need little to no maintenance, but needs to be a powerhouse. I'd love a backlit keyboard, webcam, and touch screen if possible. It'll have to have at least DDR5 graphics memory. I'm not the best person to ask about video cards, so that's why I'm asking all of you. I'm not sure what's the best out there or how to tell what are the best options out there. It's gotta have a massive hard drive, with a solid state drive, if possible. In short, I'm searching for a gaming laptop that:

>$1,100 or less
>Backlit keyboard
>touch screen (if possible)
>Windows 8
>Huge memory
>Doesn't need much maintenance (like heating issues, ect)
>DDR5 dedicated video memory
>ability to handle any game for the next few years
>weight is not a huge factor, it'll sit in my dorm room most of the time. I do not want a desktop because the option of travel and portability is important to me.
>Nice processor, i7 would be best imo. But if there's something lesser, but can handle what I throw at it, by all means do not be silent about it.

I know it seems like a lot to ask but at the price range I'm asking for, I think it's acceptable.
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Why in the shit do you want a touchscreen laptop?

It's strange, I know, but all I hear is how Windows 8 needs a touch screen. You could always suggest something that's great but without one. I honestly could take it or leave it. I just want the best option out there.

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One month with a gaming laptop in college, and you're going to want to jump in a meat grinder and be served as the next lunch special in the closest dining hall if you have to walk up so much as one flight of stairs on a daily basis. Get yourself a desktop/netbook combo and live the best of both worlds for a much better price.

Honestly though, no, really, honestly, think about this. Really think about it.

WHERE THE FUCK AND WHY would you suddenly have the insatiable desire to start playing a top end game in the middle of day in college? What kind of aspie mother fucker needs to whip out his PC for 15 minutes of Battlefield 3 while sitting on a couch at your school's student union? The best goddamn powerhouse with the niftiest precision mouse ain't gonna do shit for your KDR on a vinyl seat cushion and a 130 degree wrist angle. What kind of bright idea is it to pack all the powerful components you want into the itty-bittiest of spaces, and then lug around that constantly overheating brick that's so dense it's on the verge of becoming a black hole? I'm doing you a favor, which, considering that the rationale you've displayed in this thread makes the fact that you're going to school in a place that doesn't have staircases not the least bit surprising, is something you could use.

Edited by Goldentongue

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Just get a solid laptop, doesnt need to be high end shit in there. You will most likely have to settle with intergrated gpu with your budget. Doesn't have to be a gaming laptop in order for you to play games on it.


Lol no way in hell you're getting a large HD with an SSD. The notebook/desktop combo will suit you best.

Edited by IntoxicatedDog

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got you covered




I believe he would want an upgrade from that.


>$1,100 or less

50 bucks.(Or 10 bucks on ebay)

>Backlit keyboard

You can find one on ebay for a buck.

>touch screen (if possible)


>Windows 8

Who needs windows 8 on this, lol.

>Huge memory

Doesn't need memory, just insert the game.

>Doesn't need much maintenance (like heating issues, ect)

None at all, never gets hot.

>DDR5 dedicated video memory

You don't need ddr5 for pokemon.


Play "pokemon snap".

>ability to handle any game for the next few years


>weight is not a huge factor, it'll sit in my dorm room most of the time. I do not want a desktop because the option of travel and portability is important to me.

Like a feather.

>Nice processor, i7 would be best imo. But if there's something lesser, but can handle what I throw at it, by all means do not be silent about it.

Read question 7.

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One month with a gaming laptop in college, and you're going to want to jump in a meat grinder and be served as the next lunch special in the closest dining hall if you have to walk up so much as one flight of stairs on a daily basis. Get yourself a desktop/netbook combo and live the best of both worlds for a much better price.

Honestly though, no, really, honestly, think about this. Really think about it.

WHERE THE FUCK AND WHY would you suddenly have the insatiable desire to start playing a top end game in the middle of day in college? What kind of aspie mother fucker needs to whip out his PC for 15 minutes of Battlefield 3 while sitting on a couch at your school's student union? The best goddamn powerhouse with the niftiest precision mouse ain't gonna do shit for your KDR on a vinyl seat cushion and a 130 degree wrist angle. What kind of bright idea is it to pack all the powerful components you want into the itty-bittiest of spaces, and then lug around that constantly overheating brick that's so dense it's on the verge of becoming a black hole? I'm doing you a favor, which, considering that the rationale you've displayed in this thread makes the fact that you're going to school in a place that doesn't have staircases not the least bit surprising, is something you could use.


I can see where you're coming from, the whole "you're in college, what the fuck are you gaming for?" angle. I'm pretty good at time management so I think I'll be okay. But by no means would I ever sit in public and play computer games. If there's a solid, good desktop, that's not too fucking massive, yeah I'm willing to consider that. But what's with some of the people here freaking out? Jesus Christ, i asked for advice from people who'd know a bit better than me. I'm not telling you this Golden, I mean in general. But getting all the hate for a legitimate question seems a bit overboard. 

Okay how about the same question, only with a desktop? Size is a factor in this case. I think I can get a good monitor for cheap too, that wouldn't be a problem, still cheaper than a laptop.

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I can see where you're coming from, the whole "you're in college, what the fuck are you gaming for?" angle. I'm pretty good at time management so I think I'll be okay. But by no means would I ever sit in public and play computer games. If there's a solid, good desktop, that's not too fucking massive, yeah I'm willing to consider that. But what's with some of the people here freaking out? Jesus Christ, i asked for advice from people who'd know a bit better than me. I'm not telling you this Golden, I mean in general. But getting all the hate for a legitimate question seems a bit overboard. 

Okay how about the same question, only with a desktop? Size is a factor in this case. I think I can get a good monitor for cheap too, that wouldn't be a problem, still cheaper than a laptop.

It's just that we see this question posted on a monthly basis, so it gets annoying.

I went for a high end laptop when I started college, and the thing barely lasted a year before overheating. It's just too much power in too confined a space. Also, it was so heavy that bringing the thing to any classes was a nightmare. Not to mention that by now it would have been woefully outdated, where if I had spent that $1,100 on a much more powerful desktop I could have upgraded it. For the past two years I've had a $300 Asus Netbook as my main computer instead.

Really, if your budget is about $1,100 like mine was, split that price between an $800 desktop and a $300 netbook, or something like that. The desktop will be powerful, customizable, and upgradable, while the netbook will be reliable, highly portable, and have a great battery life.

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It's just that we see this question posted on a monthly basis, so it gets annoying.

I went for a high end laptop when I started college, and the thing barely lasted a year before overheating. It's just too much power in too confined a space. Also, it was so heavy that bringing the thing to any classes was a nightmare. Not to mention that by now it would have been woefully outdated, where if I had spent that $1,100 on a much more powerful desktop I could have upgraded it. For the past two years I've had a $300 Asus Netbook as my main computer instead.

Really, if your budget is about $1,100 like mine was, split that price between an $800 desktop and a $300 netbook, or something like that. The desktop will be powerful, customizable, and upgradable, while the netbook will be reliable, highly portable, and have a great battery life.

Okay that's my fault and I apologize. I figured my question would be different. But I'm not gonna need a netbook, as I'll be taking a tablet to classes and such. It's a lot more portable and convenient. It would sync with my computer, which stays in the dorm. Now, in terms of graphics cards, processors and such, what are the better options? The whole Nvidia GEO472974928XQ or whatever it is, is beyond me. Building a PC isn't a skill of mine :x so it would have to be pre-made. Buying from Tiger Direct, Newegg, Best buy would be preferable, any reputable store really.

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I mean, alienware is ok....

I bet you're completely incapable of providing a well thought explanation for this post.

Its a prebuilt computer loaded with bloatware and is almost as bad as paying for a mac not to mention its made by dell.

O we are listing good things?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk.

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