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I was not aware of this rule #10, so I was considered staff at one point? :D

I think at this point I've achieved more in sG than probably half of sG c:





My cousin was made JCS within 20 minutes of registering to the forums.

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There needs to be big changes with the SO program. There are only a few SO's for jb that play at the rate an SO should be playing at. I believe the activity of the SO's while Toxy was MGR was never checked at all. When you're an SO you should have the time to get on everyday, and when we have 5/10 SO's for jb that play once every 5 days for only like an hour then there needs to be change.

Don't really agree with you, people that get SO should know everything about the server and the maps

For example surf has been using buck_wild while the fucking map was broken without anyone ever noticing (secretroom doesnt open)

I know allot of shit about every surf map there could possibly be but due to "not enough hours on the server" I don't know shit about SO'ing it?

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If you want SO so bad, play on JB everyday. Cause we need SO's who play and not ones who play once a week, like Eddy said.



Dys for Staff? Yes.

I've been playing JB for over 3 years... And have 10x the hours some SO's have. You're comment seems logical but just isn't how it works.

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I've been playing JB for over 3 years... And have 10x the hours some SO's have. You're comment seems logical but just isn't how it works.

This. Avery for JB SO 2013, I don't see why not he's already a great admin with his rankmin and deserve it

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i've got 40 days on the server. 


back when the SO program started, i was on every day for 8+ hours.


i don't think server time has ever been a deciding factor for SO and it definitely should be. 



I've been playing JB for over 3 years... And have 10x the hours some SO's have. You're comment seems logical but just isn't how it works.





didn't suck enough dicks.

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i've got 40 days on the server. 


back when the SO program started, i was on every day for 8+ hours.


i don't think server time has ever been a deciding factor for SO and it definitely should be. 


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I've been playing JB for over 3 years... And have 10x the hours some SO's have. You're comment seems logical but just isn't how it works.

Sorry, I meant to up vote you! I agree with naughty. I've put in aton of hours in jb in c:ss. And Cs:go. Avery for SO 2013!

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Don't really agree with you, people that get SO should know everything about the server and the maps

For example surf has been using buck_wild while the fucking map was broken without anyone ever noticing (secretroom doesnt open)

I know allot of shit about every surf map there could possibly be but due to "not enough hours on the server" I don't know shit about SO'ing it?


I pointed this out back when buck_wild was ported and put on the server. The issue was, for the longest time, buck_wild caused major lag, so no one ever played it.

Requiring SO's to know everything about a map is beyond ridiculous, since secrets are, well you know secret. Just because one knows all the little niches about maps doesn''t equate to being a good SO on a server, since it doesn't take much to find out all the little tweaks about every map


It would be ridiculous to have SO's know every detail about every map, since that would assume either we've played every map enough to know the secrets (some people just don't like certain maps, or we don't play certain maps very often) or we never cared about secrets per say. Surf is a good example, most people who play on our surf server care  more about killing over and over again than finding secrets which may not help them (secret room on buck_wild is a great example, since it is completely useless with a gunmenu mod, since the only reason behind that was to get to a buy shop.)


Then the issue comes from inactive SO's, but requiring SO's to get on every single day is also ridiculous. While yes, we are Server Officers of a server, as long as we are active, whether or not that is every other day, or every day, shouldn't matter as long as we are active. Obviously an hour a week is not active, if you play either a few hours a day, every day, or play quite a few hours a day(like 5+ at a time) every 2-3 days, both should be considered "active", since you are routinely playing on the servers, maybe not at the times others would like you to be, but you still are.

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I agree with Texian wholeheartedly on point 1.


sG is too quiet on finances. sG needs either  A. posting a monthly members only report on finances or B. posting a fully public one


one of the two, cause there are like 10 staff who know what is going on, and hundreds of members who dont


The PayPal statement was posted every once in while after P2 was found to be using clan funds for personal use. and I remember seeing it posted a few times more times after new staff were given the keys. though now I have not seen it quite a long time.

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Adding onto Lesbian and Tex


At the end of 2010, we had a large clan meeting where we discussed the finances, outlook for the server, any ideas for current or future servers and much more. I really think this was a positive thing to do, albeit I haven't seen it since. If we could maybe get back into doing those types of meetings maybe every year or six months(Or whatever works best) then I think it would be a really great thing to do.

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This. Avery for JB SO 2013, I don't see why not he's already a great admin with his rankmin and deserve it

Just pointing out that he speed hacks occasionally and keeps going into vents before 56 :|

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Just pointing out that he speed hacks occasionally and keeps going into vents before 56 :|

Pointing out you didn't understand the map features, bad SO is Bad. Map was broken and the vent wasn't there anymore so it was openly accessible.

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This. Avery for JB SO 2013, I don't see why not he's already a great admin with his rankmin and deserve it

Just pointing out that he speed hacks occasionally and keeps going into vents before 56 :|

xmen that map has a speed nade and jfk didn't fix/left alone the walls that covered it allowing people to walk through.

I highly doubt naughty would hack in jb when he plays so much

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xmen that map has a speed nade and jfk didn't fix/left alone the walls that covered it allowing people to walk through.

I highly doubt naughty would hack in jb when he plays so much

So it's ok for a ct to go through illusionary 1 way walls into a hidden area now and not staying with his teammates? After which he turned speedhacks on to hide the fact that he was being a naughty boy not watching the Ts! Luckily I caught him and banned him for 1 minute! Did gud!

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So it's ok for a ct to go through illusionary 1 way walls into a hidden area now and not staying with his teammates? After which he turned speedhacks on to hide the fact that he was being a naughty boy not watching the Ts! Luckily I caught him and banned him for 1 minute! Did gud!

The fact that you banned me for it? And the fact that many other SOs and staph do it as well.

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So it's ok for a ct to go through illusionary 1 way walls into a hidden area now and not staying with his teammates? After which he turned speedhacks on to hide the fact that he was being a naughty boy not watching the Ts! Luckily I caught him and banned him for 1 minute! Did gud!



The fact that you banned me for it? And the fact that many other SOs and staph do it as well.

alright everyone. lets take a breather and make note that xmen is trolling.

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Alright so what I meant to type last night was this:


We have SO's for JB that are online everyday-every other day, these admins do their job and play at a consistent rate an SO should play at. Then we have SO's that are also online everyday-every other day, but instead of playing the servers they play other games. Then after a week these SO's hope onto the server for about 30 minutes, when they hop on the server they don't do what they're suppose to do an SO. Then some of these SO's proceed to spam music over mic/give T's weapons/grenades, and break other rules an SO should not be breaking. These are the SO's that multiple other SO's that are active have complained and expressed their opinions about, but nothing ever happened to them(because Toxy didn't do anything). Then we have people who play the server who deserve SO, and after multiple active SO's expressed their opinions about these players also, but again nothing was done.



Toxy was a shitty SO MGR who didn't play the servers and didn't do anything to actually "manage" the SO's. The next SO MGR needs to be active on servers and actually checks the amount of time SO's are playing monthly.



Don't really agree with you, people that get SO should know everything about the server and the maps
For example surf has been using buck_wild while the fucking map was broken without anyone ever noticing (secretroom doesnt open)

I know allot of shit about every surf map there could possibly be but due to "not enough hours on the server" I don't know shit about SO'ing it?


Time should be one of 2 things considered when picking an SO for a server, the other thing is knowledge of the rules not the maps. As an SO your job is to play the server and also administrate the server. Knowledge of maps should really have anything to do with being an SO(but it helps in situations). Time and knowledge(of maps)comes hand in hand, with time you learn each map and their secrets.

Edited by Eddy

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Alright so what I meant to type last night was this:


We have SO's for JB that are online everyday-every other day, these admins do their job and play at a consistent rate an SO should play at. Then we have SO's that are also online everyday-every other day, but instead of playing the servers they play other games. Then after a week these SO's hope onto the server for about 30 minutes, when they hop on the server they don't do what they're suppose to do an SO. Then some of these SO's proceed to spam music over mic/give T's weapons/grenades, and break other rules an SO should not be breaking. These are the SO's that multiple other SO's that are active have complained and expressed their opinions about, but nothing ever happened to them(because Toxy didn't do anything). Then we have people who play the server who deserve SO, and after multiple active SO's expressed their opinions about these players also, but again nothing was done.



Toxy was a shitty SO MGR who didn't play the servers and didn't do anything to actually "manage" the SO's. The next SO MGR needs to be active on servers and actually checks the amount of time SO's are playing monthly.


You don't need to restate the obvious. Everyone knows Toxy did nothing.

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If you want SO so bad, play on JB everyday. Cause we need SO's who play and not ones who play once a week, like Eddy said.




Dys for Staff? Yes.


I think we both know at this point that the time invested into the JB server and who brownoses enough to get SO are completely uncorrelated. Well, at least when certain people were still around.

Just pointing out that he speed hacks occasionally and keeps going into vents before 56 :|

...Okay, I don't mean to spoil the fun but you do know the map Avery is "speedhacking" on has a not so secret at this point smoke nade that boosts the speed of whoever is holding right?

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...Okay, I don't mean to spoil the fun but you do know the map Avery is "speedhacking" on has a not so secret at this point smoke nade that boosts the speed of whoever is holding right?

I don't mean to spoil the fun but yo do know the maps you've been porting are kinda missing some features... Right? :D


Also you should check what tortoise posted...

Edited by xmen

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Hey, guys, just got back from vacation.  What'd I miss??

nothing really


Mitch quit, Toxy quit. Made a clan, recruited people from sG. The people they recruited starting talking, staff got screenshots of this. They demoted the people who were talking about doing stupid shit. The people that were talking, then raged about how we took what they typed out of context.


Think that's it.

Edited by Eddy

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