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Fucking Nirvash: the thread

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I just want to get along man

I'm only posting in response to this because you left out the part where you antagonized me over voice chat, calling yourself a better admin, how my way of administration sucks, etc. Also no when Bullet muted me I proceeded to unmute myself to explain of which none of you were obviously listening to. I asked many other SOs for TTT about the situation and they said I was in the right. I'm not gonna drop this grudge because that's not who I am. You fucked up in my eyes and now you don't get any form of respect from me. There will be no peace here, there never will be and don't even try to mend the wounds because you're dead already.

Oh wow, you are serious. Well, I will just have to leave you alone then, I don't make regrets and I don't get caught up in petty highschool bullshit. However, I will say I did apologize for antagaonizing you. However, I was still upset about the way you said all premium admins are faggots. So brownies, whether you like it or not, I am sorry, I don't want there to be shit between us, I will try not to hold a grudge for this, and I will try not to start shit. Good day sir.

When did this turn into highschool?

High school? bro, sG is more like kindergarten

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Corbek and Specail aside, I tend to find Nirvash really obnoxious on the server. He is sort of like how Sportsteen was during the first couple of months he had admin. He is quick to slay/gag/kick/ban and doesn't really listen to other people. Also he pays for admin but acts like he is better than everyone else..

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