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NYC Gun Law Restricts Police

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Why should cops need them? I thought new gun control would make everyone so much safer. Oh wait, bad people do bad things even when there are laws against it? Who would have thought? So much hypocritical bullshit from this gun control stuff.

you are right on so many levels, I don't get why people can't understand that, if criminals don't follow current gun laws why would they follow any in the future?

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So the mass gun control has already began... shit. Hoping these bullshit regulations don't make it to Florida.

I found another article for another state that is also controling their police too. Apparently Police 'needs' to have gun controls too.

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I've been talking to someone that lives in NY, the laws that they are enforcing sounds crazy. It's more of a political ploy from what I've heard.

There is a law being passed in NY banning 'sugary' beverages in containers over I think 16oz I'd be illegal for a fast-food or sit down restaurant sell more then the given amount, absolute shit in my opinion.

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So the mass gun control has already began... shit. Hoping these bullshit regulations don't make it to Florida.

I found another article for another state that is also controling their police too. Apparently Police 'needs' to have gun controls too.


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Even as a conservative and extreme right-winger myself, I am so goddamn pissed off at how Republicans and neocons want to solve the issue of gun violence.

Sure, guns aren't the problem so to speak (as they say), but undisciplined individualistic treasonous or retarded or genetically inferior scum are. I think there needs to be a social policy of loyalty as well as a eugenics program to preclude people from having tard babies with mental handicaps like OCD, autism, cerebral palsy, etc., then I am all for it. Somehow the Republicans think that reproduction policies and extreme social order discipline programs are one step towards "leftism", "liberalism", or "communism" (McCarthyist types at least), and they're wrong; there is a need to preserve the law and order and social discipline and harmony in society.

But really, we need to now mandate a policy that's about sterilizing defective criminals, the welfare class, the lazy homeless, the moronic MTV Generation-Y drones, etc.

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I think there needs to be a social policy of loyalty as well as a eugenics program to preclude people from having tard babies with mental handicaps like OCD, autism, cerebral palsy, etc., then I am all for it.

I nominate you as the first subject to be euthanized for this eugenics program.

Maybe you, because I got the best genetics in the world, to die for.

Edited by Slavic Falange

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I think there needs to be a social policy of loyalty as well as a eugenics program to preclude people from having tard babies with mental handicaps like OCD, autism, cerebral palsy, etc., then I am all for it.

I nominate you as the first subject to be euthanized for this eugenics program.

Maybe you, because you didn't say anything logical in response to my post nor to this topic. Thanks for showing yourself as a fiasco.

Are you suggesting that your original post had even a semblance of logic or reason associated with it?

The fact that you dismissed every single human being with a mental disorder as "genetically inferior" is a fallacy in itself. For one thing, what designates a particular human being as inferior? Is it their race? Is it their IQ? Is it their upbringing or cultural background? Or is the notion of genetic superiority categorically absurd in itself?

Winston Churchill, the indomitable British statesman, suffered from depression for the majority of his life. Einstein is now considered by many historians to have had some variant of Asperger's syndrome. John Forbes Nash, the brilliant mathematician, famously suffered from schizophrenia. Can you dissociate yourself from reality so comprehensively as to disparage every single historical figure with some form of a mental disorder as "genetically inferior scum"?

To make this clear, I don't even believe you are genetically inferior, even though your malignant cancer of an excuse for a political philosophy repulses me.

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I think there needs to be a social policy of loyalty as well as a eugenics program to preclude people from having tard babies with mental handicaps like OCD, autism, cerebral palsy, etc., then I am all for it.

I nominate you as the first subject to be euthanized for this eugenics program.

Maybe you, because you didn't say anything logical in response to my post nor to this topic. Thanks for showing yourself as a fiasco.

Are you suggesting that your original post had even a semblance of logic or reason associated with it?

The fact that you dismissed every single human being with a mental disorder as "genetically inferior" is a fallacy in itself. For one thing, what designates a particular human being as inferior? Is it their race? Is it their IQ? Is it their upbringing or cultural background? Or is the notion of genetic superiority categorically absurd in itself?

Winston Churchill, the indomitable British statesman, suffered from depression for the majority of his life. Einstein is now considered by many historians to have had some variant of Asperger's syndrome. John Forbes Nash, the brilliant mathematician, famously suffered from schizophrenia. Can you dissociate yourself from reality so comprehensively as to disparage every single historical figure with some form of a mental disorder as "genetically inferior scum"?

To make this clear, I don't even believe you are genetically inferior, even though your malignant cancer of an excuse for a political philosophy repulses me.

No I never said that all people with mental disorder or genetic problems are all bad, even people with depression, autism, etc. But it does hold them a handicap that they have to struggle to overcome. Of course people like them are good people and have done something with their lives. But, it doesn't excuse the fact that these handicaps of mental retardation of weakness and so forth need to be tackled and eliminated to have a better humanity and to have better humans altogether, even if it means getting rid of the genepool that produces such defections in humans.

Of course, what makes a person inferior is if they are not functional in society, especially if they can't be an organic part of a societal body. I's mostly the IQ that matters, but race and genetics do play into it. But what matters the most above all is if the people are functional, smart, strong, and have all other characteristics and attributes that help keep the society they are in strong altogether, regardless of even their ethnicity or race.

Edited by Slavic Falange

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Gah scrolled down through this thread and saw walls of text.

Person 1: "We need to boost the economy but how?"

Person 2: "Lets just make laws restricting guns and the populous seems to like buying them when their guns are threatened to be banned."

Person 1: "Good idea lets do it!"

If you take this seriously, you got problems.

Yup... in all seriousness if these laws pass or not makes no difference. Especially when we are in a all-time low for crime.

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I think there needs to be a social policy of loyalty as well as a eugenics program to preclude people from having tard babies with mental handicaps like OCD, autism, cerebral palsy, etc., then I am all for it.

I nominate you as the first subject to be euthanized for this eugenics program.

Maybe you, because I got the best genetics in the world, to die for.

I think there needs to be a social policy of loyalty as well as a eugenics program to preclude people from having tard babies with mental handicaps like OCD, autism, cerebral palsy, etc., then I am all for it.

I nominate you as the first subject to be euthanized for this eugenics program.

Maybe you, because you didn't say anything logical in response to my post nor to this topic. Thanks for showing yourself as a fiasco.

Are you suggesting that your original post had even a semblance of logic or reason associated with it?

The fact that you dismissed every single human being with a mental disorder as "genetically inferior" is a fallacy in itself. For one thing, what designates a particular human being as inferior? Is it their race? Is it their IQ? Is it their upbringing or cultural background? Or is the notion of genetic superiority categorically absurd in itself?

Winston Churchill, the indomitable British statesman, suffered from depression for the majority of his life. Einstein is now considered by many historians to have had some variant of Asperger's syndrome. John Forbes Nash, the brilliant mathematician, famously suffered from schizophrenia. Can you dissociate yourself from reality so comprehensively as to disparage every single historical figure with some form of a mental disorder as "genetically inferior scum"?

To make this clear, I don't even believe you are genetically inferior, even though your malignant cancer of an excuse for a political philosophy repulses me.

No I never said that all people with mental disorder or genetic problems are all bad, even people with depression, autism, etc. But it does hold them a handicap that they have to struggle to overcome. Of course people like them are good people and have done something with their lives. But, it doesn't excuse the fact that these handicaps of mental retardation of weakness and so forth need to be tackled and eliminated to have a better humanity and to have better humans altogether, even if it means getting rid of the genepool that produces such defections in humans.

Of course, what makes a person inferior is if they are not functional in society, especially if they can't be an organic part of a societal body. I's mostly the IQ that matters, but race and genetics do play into it. But what matters the most above all is if the people are functional, smart, strong, and have all other characteristics and attributes that help keep the society they are in strong altogether, regardless of even their ethnicity or race.

Listen, I know you'd love to have a lebensborn program and all that shit, but you need to really shut the fuck up with that idealogy. A master race/combination or whatever you want to call it is pseudoscience. I especially love the part where you said IQ is what mostly matters, when studies have shown that people with high IQ are more likely to abuse substances and have mental and psychological disorders. Not to mention some of the most successful people in history and in the world haven't had stellar IQ either.

Edited by Oreo

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I think there needs to be a social policy of loyalty as well as a eugenics program to preclude people from having tard babies with mental handicaps like OCD, autism, cerebral palsy, etc., then I am all for it.

I nominate you as the first subject to be euthanized for this eugenics program.

Maybe you, because I got the best genetics in the world, to die for.

I think there needs to be a social policy of loyalty as well as a eugenics program to preclude people from having tard babies with mental handicaps like OCD, autism, cerebral palsy, etc., then I am all for it.

I nominate you as the first subject to be euthanized for this eugenics program.

Maybe you, because you didn't say anything logical in response to my post nor to this topic. Thanks for showing yourself as a fiasco.

Are you suggesting that your original post had even a semblance of logic or reason associated with it?

The fact that you dismissed every single human being with a mental disorder as "genetically inferior" is a fallacy in itself. For one thing, what designates a particular human being as inferior? Is it their race? Is it their IQ? Is it their upbringing or cultural background? Or is the notion of genetic superiority categorically absurd in itself?

Winston Churchill, the indomitable British statesman, suffered from depression for the majority of his life. Einstein is now considered by many historians to have had some variant of Asperger's syndrome. John Forbes Nash, the brilliant mathematician, famously suffered from schizophrenia. Can you dissociate yourself from reality so comprehensively as to disparage every single historical figure with some form of a mental disorder as "genetically inferior scum"?

To make this clear, I don't even believe you are genetically inferior, even though your malignant cancer of an excuse for a political philosophy repulses me.

No I never said that all people with mental disorder or genetic problems are all bad, even people with depression, autism, etc. But it does hold them a handicap that they have to struggle to overcome. Of course people like them are good people and have done something with their lives. But, it doesn't excuse the fact that these handicaps of mental retardation of weakness and so forth need to be tackled and eliminated to have a better humanity and to have better humans altogether, even if it means getting rid of the genepool that produces such defections in humans.

Of course, what makes a person inferior is if they are not functional in society, especially if they can't be an organic part of a societal body. I's mostly the IQ that matters, but race and genetics do play into it. But what matters the most above all is if the people are functional, smart, strong, and have all other characteristics and attributes that help keep the society they are in strong altogether, regardless of even their ethnicity or race.

Listen, I know you'd love to have a lebensborn program and all that shit, but you need to really shut the fuck up with that idealogy. A master race/combination or whatever you want to call it is pseudoscience. I especially love the part where you said IQ is what mostly matters, when studies have shown that people with high IQ are more likely to abuse substances and have mental and psychological disorders. Not to mention some of the most successful people in history and in the world haven't had stellar IQ either.

Still doesn't excuse the need to get rid of the psychological disorders and so forth and discipline people to be loyal to a nation. The mental disabilities of those with high IQs can stem from the genetics that can make them smart but also due to them being undisciplined and too individualistic, apathetic, and selfish to care about their nation or society.

Funny how you assume that I only care about racial supremacy, because if you actually look at my ideology of Falangism, I'm less concerned about that too, even though there are racialist policies involved, but more concerned about having a functionalist corporativistic organic body-like society. Yes, to some perhaps a racially nationalistic and identity matter, but the thing that should matter is how the people within the society help to have the societal body function and not have very divisive tensions.

I think those that support racial supremacy and that common sense mind of thinking are just as dangerous as those on the opposite end who deny race and racial differences and so forth, and I must admit that both sides make it hard to fix societal and social ills.

But I must say that these social ills and social disorders that happen in civilization, especially the crimes, mass shootings, and so forth are logical consequences of being too tolerant and apathetic and individualistic / divisive rather than united and uniform in many aspects.

Edited by Slavic Falange

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Sure, guns aren't the problem so to speak (as they say), but undisciplined individualistic treasonous or retarded or genetically inferior scum are. I think there needs to be a social policy of loyalty as well as a eugenics program to preclude people from having tard babies with mental handicaps like OCD, autism, cerebral palsy, etc., then I am all for it.

But really, we need to now mandate a policy that's about sterilizing defective criminals, the welfare class, the lazy homeless, the moronic MTV Generation-Y drones, etc.

I consider myself more conservative than liberal and I can tell you that neither party would stand for this shit, this is NOT a right-wing belief so stop pretending it is such.

Also, you're fucked up. Killing someone just cause they have OCD or another mental disability? The homeless? 8/9 of this current generation? really man? I honestly hope you're trolling.

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Sure, guns aren't the problem so to speak (as they say), but undisciplined individualistic treasonous or retarded or genetically inferior scum are. I think there needs to be a social policy of loyalty as well as a eugenics program to preclude people from having tard babies with mental handicaps like OCD, autism, cerebral palsy, etc., then I am all for it.

But really, we need to now mandate a policy that's about sterilizing defective criminals, the welfare class, the lazy homeless, the moronic MTV Generation-Y drones, etc.

I consider myself more conservative than liberal and I can tell you that neither party would stand for this shit, this is NOT a right-wing belief so stop pretending it is such.

Also, you're fucked up. Killing someone just cause they have OCD or another mental disability? The homeless? 8/9 of this current generation? really man? I honestly hope you're trolling.

I never meant to kill them or do harm to them. I am trying to say, logically, that these people due to their individualistic and divisive and "progressive" mindset, especially their trashy Gen-Y and MTV culture, are to blame for most of the social and societal ills we have to this day. A lot of what's to blame is the cultural cosmopolitanism and revolution in the recent generation and how the people in society have allowed it to happen. You cannot really deny that what has been progressed unto recently, hitherto, is what's destroying the West, in Europe and America.

I'm trying to say logically, and perhaps extremely, is that we need to be responsible for the world around us. We need to become participants in the world around us and stop being spectators and people in the sideline; and, if we don't like what we see, get rid of it..... do something about it.

The only thing smart and awakened people can do now is try to preclude things from getting worse. It's too late to already change the lemmings and sheep of the new generation, who have already fallen into the trap, to try to get out and save themselves. Only those who care about having a moral, societal, and cultural backbone and aptitude to nationally drive the country to being number one can save it now.

Edited by Slavic Falange

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New York is so awesome sometimes. -_-

Actually, the Mayor of the small city I live in is trying to protest these laws and stop them from happening.

I doubt his voice will be able to make a difference, but it's still nice to see.

Edited by BeauutifulChaos

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Hey guys, we want to make sure that our streets are as safe as possible for you and your families. Therefore, we aren't going to let you have a weapon with more than 7 rounds, and we're going to make sure that the police have the same problem too because we rushed this bill in without looking it over! And the best part is that because we know criminals are going to bypass this anyways, nothing will change! Great solution, right?

Seriously though, I would give more props to Gun Control advocates (on the basis that some of the arguments are fine), if they weren't so freaking stupid about how they went about doing it. Even had a couple of people on our radio say that pistols are fine for people, but not semi-automatics. Learn about what you're trying to ban before you ban it.

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Ok, so me being a little reclusive and ignorant (never a good thing) I may be a little bit off on some of my point but this is how I take it.

The real issue isn't so much that police are restricted but the fact that people don't have weapons to defend themselves with. Most people don't realize that police won't (usually) be there to stop the crime, they are there afterwords. If we arm the public so that they can defend themselves then crime rates go down.

It's just my take, as error filled as it might be.

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Ok, so me being a little reclusive and ignorant (never a good thing) I may be a little bit off on some of my point but this is how I take it.

The real issue isn't so much that police are restricted but the fact that people don't have weapons to defend themselves with. Most people don't realize that police won't (usually) be there to stop the crime, they are there afterwords. If we arm the public so that they can defend themselves then crime rates go down.

It's just my take, as error filled as it might be.

Crime rate has been steadily declining for a while now, which disproves the entire "VIDEO GAMES CAUSE VIOLENCE" that columbine pretty much sparked. The main issue with gun control laws is this; when someone wants to use a gun to commit a crime they will get it through any means possible. When Britian passed it's extensive gun laws, crime shot up. Why? Because now the "bad guys" know that people will be gimped in defending themselves with guns due to restrictions on weapons and ammo. The recent gun laws are rooted in a fallacy, appealing to extremes such as Sandy Hook. In a country full of 300 million people, we have two mass shootings in one year that kill a total of 20+ people in each incident. Add on the fact that both shootings were random and involved children/families and you've got even more lumber to throw into the fire. Looking at some statistics for the year of 2010

  • Number of deaths: 2,468,435
  • Death rate: 799.5 deaths per 100,000 population
  • Life expectancy: 78.7 years
  • Infant Mortality rate: 6.15 deaths per 1,000 live births

Number of deaths for leading causes of death:

  • Heart disease: 597,689
  • Cancer: 574,743
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 138,080
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 129,476
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 120,859
  • Alzheimer's disease: 83,494
  • Diabetes: 69,071
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,476
  • Influenza and Pneumonia: 50,097
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 38,364


Compare these to homicides involving a firearm in 2010, which stands at 11,078


Now compare deaths per 100,000 capita involing firearms with other countries

Japan 0.07

South Korea 0.13

Hong Kong 0.19

Singapore 0.24

UK 0.25

Taiwan 0.42

Spain 0.63

India 0.93

Ireland 1.03

Australia 1.05

Germany 1.10

Greece 1.50

Italy 1.28

Norway 1.78

Israel 1.86

New Zealand 2.66

Austria 2.94

France 3.00

Switzerland 3.50

Finland 3.64

Canada 4.78

USA 10.2

Arguably, there is a MUCH higher rate of death compared to other economically successful countries. Ironically though, in Finland pretty much every male owns a gun because of their reserve system, which Dyscivist mentioned in the past gun thread we had. I don't really have much time to finish this, but essentially what i'm trying to say is that gun crime is more related to demographics in areas and the type of people that commit said crimes. Where we have freedom and free will, we're going to have violence. However I think that the whole gun issue is extremely overhyped and that gun crimes are caused by culture/people, not by the fact that guns are available.

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