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LoL VS Dota 2 - And some Dota 2 keys if you want one

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Uncreative Heroes - Over half of their hero cast has some sort of gap closer - not really. maybe a few (like 3 or 4) have almost global ults (5000ish range at max) that can close


Lee Sin













Graves (Hardly)

Hecarim (two gap closers, his ult and his charge.)

Jarvan IV (Also knocks up)








Master Yi

Nocturne (Ult)

Pantheon (+ his ult)




Riven (Very short range however)





Tryndamere (Not only that, the already short cooldown is reduced every time you crit)


Xin Zhao



I might have missed a few.

The only two heroes I have not played are nautilus and zyra. 99% sure nautilus has a gap closer.

Do you even play league of legends?

intended. dota has fatter models and everything can run into each other. league has smaller models and can only run into each other some times. everything still can body block, just not as consistently as dota can. also, dota is clunky (not in general "clunky" i guess, but the way your heroes move when turning is fucking gay) and has a general delay for all commands issued.

League has no body blocking because it considered "anti-fun" by the head staff, as in dota 2 where a teammates bad positioning can block you from getting away or toward an opponent. This also applies to enemies ganking lanes. Try to body block with heroes in league and the models mesh together

Clunky? Turn speed is an important mechanic, take that away and melee heroes get kited to fuck and back by ranged, as league has no turn speed.

General delay for all commands issued. It's called Cast Animation. If you don't like it play rubick and steal spells. Bam, no more cast animation.

stops feeding, and makes it so you can't snowball a lane completely and win off of that in ~20 minutes

Except it doesnt.

wouldn't really be enough gold to go around unless they made the amount you loss pretty low. also, no reason for losing gold on death because there is really no HUGE single items that you need to get that cost above 2k

This is because of the lack of value the creeps have.

no they aren't


The exact formula used to determine the death timer's duration is unknown, but what is known is that the time spent dead increases accordingly with experience or champion level and match time

Taken from the league of legends wiki, LOL HIDING ELEMENTS OF YOUR GAME.

I sure love being level 17 and respawning in 40 seconds

what about it? you get the same amount as everyone else, they just take more exp to level up. do you even math bro?

Experience split when two or more champions are present increased; situations with two or more champions splitting experience now earn 30.4% more total experience than solo, up from 26.1%.

granting enough experience for stragglers to keep up with the game, regardless if they are capable of controlling their own lane. Seems more and more apparent to me that you don't even know the mechanics of your precious game that you're so keen on defending.

exhaust, barrier, ghost, ignite, cleanse, smite, heal. all pretty good and viable. adds a flare, once again


Fun Fact: Cleanse and Quick Silver Sash do not remove the healing debuff from ignite.

don't lose, scrub. your teammates can easily go down for that time that it's getting pushed. if they can't, then your jungle probably sucks

Lol, so play passively and defensively and make the game even more boring.

items do less, this isn't dota


tango. go harass more if you can't use a potion

Tangos heal 115 health over 16 seconds and require you to eat a tree. A 3 stack of tangos cost 90 gold

Health Potions in league of legends heal 150 health over 15 seconds and cost 35 gold, buying three of them would cost 105 gold

you even played since season 3, kid?

You even graduate high-school, kid?

sure, if you have mana regen. other than that, if you use your skills on everyone as much as you really should be, then you're doing it wrong.


to you, sure. to others, not so much. opinions, opinions.

Having no mana or having an energy pool allows you use your abilities every time they are off cooldown.

where the fuck would this fit into league? they aren't trying to make a complete dota remake. that's what dota 2 is for

It helps balance the game.

only scrubs use smart casting.

omg xD you're so hardcore

People use smart-casting in competitive league games.

you're doing it wrong.

They nerfed the forest, it is shit now.


Slows down the game.

>oracles >cheaper wards >skills that reveal it

400 gold potion that lasts till you die, 125 gold sight wards(compared to dota 2's 200 gold for 2 true sight wards), dota has this too

because pauses really work in pubs, right?

They do. You'd probably instantly unpause and whine about it like all the other trashy pubs in dota 2.

are you high as fuck?

Clearly you are ignorant as to how you get your league of legends patches.

cool. it supports the game and people buy it. the regular models are fine. it isn't required to buy a skin for 5 bucks that will give you a whole new skin. the new skins (i.e. the past whole year) are actually pretty good and aren't recolors.

Dota 2 also has cosmetics, and allow you use specific parts of sets that you like. They are also more profesionally done.

lol. no words here, just amazed that you picked this. you probably get angry if someone calls a hero a champion and a tower a turret. the same fucking thing, but different people call it different things. QQ.

u wot m8

how the fuck is this a con? i don't want to listen to some nerd screaming OMG GG JUNGLE SUCK NOOB

It reinforces my previous opinion that the majority of the playerbase are children that can't handle idle banter.

they review every ban. the fuck you talkin bout?

keep sucking that riot D man

welcome to a casual's game

you seem very intent on defending the core mechanics of this so called "casual" game, if you play it casually what is the issue?

plenty of viable builds, you just don't bother building anything "new" because you're used to the norm.

I build what works, and what works in league of legends is lacking in variety.


Also, DOTA does have better cosmetics. You can't get the NARRATOR FROM BASTION to be your announcer in LoL, can ya?

Audio clips if you want to hear them:


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Sorry for double post, I reached the character limit.

You seem mad and also seem as if you think LoL's gameplay should be a carbon copy of Dota. I'd also like to throw in the fact that league is more popular right now and that you're acting like a 12 year old Xbox kiddie would towards a PS3.

League is only more popular because of DOTA's single barrier of entry; getting an invite. If DOTA was open beta right now, there'd be swarms of players moving over every day.

And that's a bad example because (here in the US, anyway) the Xbox is more popular. Not trying to get into console wars, because it's obvious (to me) that PS3 has better exclusives, but Xbox has more players/better online.

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Easier way of comparing Dota 2 vs League:

Rocky Road or Chocolate Fudge Ice cream.

Both are basically the same thing( CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM), but have different aspects (Marsh-mellows vs fudge) that make them appeal to slightly different player bases.

P.S. That list of gap closing champs is a bit unfair, since they all have different methods for gap closing. Yet most of those are under the categorization of assassin. AKA THE ANTI-CARRY(ALSO KNOWN AS RAPE OTHER CARRIES BEFORE THEY CAN RAPE YOU). If those champions/heroes did not have that, it would break their entire kit and make them utterly useless.

P.P.S: No, I do not like Dota 2, not my cup o' tea. Have nothing against it, just don't want to re-learn a new moba all over again.

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I've been looking at HoN and someone said to have everything on HoN it is basicly $30. Pretty cheap compaired to LoL (in some cases).

RP points is 2800 to a $20 dollar purchase,Champions are pretty high dollar in RP. But cheaper than the IP buying of it. I haven't played HoN but it looks pretty awesome.

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I need to start playing DotA 2 again, have 2 more copies to give away if anyone wants them. Would love someone to help me re-learn it a bit. I was forced to play LoL for a few years because I succumbed to Peer pressure and it left me a bitter and bruised MOBA player, but SMITE has kind of got me back into the idea. Would love a Mentor if anyone is interested :)

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HoN is dead.

League is dead.

See I can do this too.

Competitive HoN is dead as far as official tournaments go however.

How is league dead? pls tell

You're saying a game is dead (Which you probably haven't played.) with no reasoning behind the statement.

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MOBAs are dead.

I know, right? It takes me like anywhere from 2-10 minutes to find a match in DOTA or LoL whereas I can find a match in Black Ops in like 2 seconds lol fuck MOBAs #420YOL2swag201312

Edited by KGame

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HoN is dead.

League is dead.

See I can do this too.

Competitive HoN is dead as far as official tournaments go however.

How is league dead? pls tell

You're saying a game is dead (Which you probably haven't played.) with no reasoning behind the statement.

I've played it plenty enough. It's not a bad game, but not a lot of people play it. No competitive scene anymore, either.

so fuck up nerd

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HoN is the superior game.

(I got yo back n2f)


HoN is dead.

It's actually increasing it's player base a decent amount, definitely not dead.

Also who the fuck cares which game is better, these debates are always retarded. Everyone has their own preference, and it shouldn't matter.

Edited by n2fwa

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HoN is the superior game.

(I got yo back n2f)


HoN is dead.

It's actually increasing it's player base a decent amount, definitely not dead.

When Sketch says it is dead, he is correct though. It's clear it won't be around much longer unless it gets some publicity or the comp scene is revived and becomes popular. While there is a spike in players on it, that's because it's a f2p model which is giving it some more air. Eventually it will run out.

Edited by Oreo

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HoN is the superior game.

(I got yo back n2f)


HoN is dead.

It's actually increasing it's player base a decent amount, definitely not dead.

When Sketch says it is dead, he is correct though. It's clear it won't be around much longer unless it gets some publicity or the comp scene is revived and becomes popular. While there is a spike in players on it, that's because it's a f2p model which is giving it some more air. Eventually it will run out.

The playerbase has increased by 100% in the last few months. Dreamhackwinter was a big hit, there's a competitive league cycle that starts up about a week after it ends (it's on 4th cycle now i believe). This cycle has 4 divisions, each with decent payouts. a $100k tournament was just played. about 4 teams have been sponsered by big/semi-big e-sports companies.

It's been F2p for a long time now and has more players online now then it did when it became f2p.

If you were to say it's dying a few months ago, I would agree. But now it's actually expanding.

When is the last time you logged in to HoN or went to their website to see what's going on.

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I've played it plenty enough. It's not a bad game, but not a lot of people play it. No competitive scene anymore, either.

so fuck up nerd

What's with the insults buddy? I'm just telling you it isn't dead, because it isn't.

A game doesn't have to have a "pro" scene to maintain a player-base.

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I've played it plenty enough. It's not a bad game, but not a lot of people play it. No competitive scene anymore, either.

so fuck up nerd

What's with the insults buddy? I'm just telling you it isn't dead, because it isn't.

A game doesn't have to have a "pro" scene to maintain a player-base.

A game has to have a "pro" scene to be considered alive, though. To most people, at least.

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