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LoL VS Dota 2 - And some Dota 2 keys if you want one

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If I download Dota 2 will you guys carry me? I've never played Dota 2 since LoL is the only MOBA I like playing, but hey people can change ;).

Edited by Ryziou

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What I seen that Dota 2 and LoL has it advantages and disavanatages.

*Dota 2 starts off as more of a solo-based at first but later on when there is 5 v 5 battles it goes into teamplay.

*Dota 2 has all FTP heros,LoL however you must pay to unlock more heros and get some bonuses.

*LoL has a good flow of gold income,Dota 2 however is slow and not much. AND there is a punishment for dying *lose some of your gold*. LoL you dont lose your gold.

*LoL it doesnt matter if someone is carrying since you can counter that carry. Dota 2 it is impossible to win a match if a enemey has a carry.

-So Far these are my opinions.

I would dl LoL just that I dont have the time to dl it since for some reason it takes a long time for me.

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What I seen that Dota 2 and LoL has it advantages and disavanatages.

*Dota 2 starts off as more of a solo-based at first but later on when there is 5 v 5 battles it goes into teamplay.

*Dota 2 has all FTP heros,LoL however you must pay to unlock more heros and get some bonuses.

*LoL has a good flow of gold income,Dota 2 however is slow and not much. AND there is a punishment for dying *lose some of your gold*. LoL you dont lose your gold.

*LoL it doesnt matter if someone is carrying since you can counter that carry. Dota 2 it is impossible to win a match if a enemey has a carry.

-So Far these are my opinions.

I would dl LoL just that I dont have the time to dl it since for some reason it takes a long time for me.

1) DOTA is pretty much always team-based, if you're going solo you're doing it wrong.

2) I agree

3) I feel like this makes your death count more in DOTA, and gets you to (try to) make less mistakes.

4) I wouldn't consider that a flaw of DOTA's, also you could still counter that carry with another one; in the end it just comes down to the level.

Don't waste your Internet/bandwidth on LoL it's not worth it.

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What I seen that Dota 2 and LoL has it advantages and disavanatages.

*Dota 2 starts off as more of a solo-based at first but later on when there is 5 v 5 battles it goes into teamplay.

*Dota 2 has all FTP heros,LoL however you must pay to unlock more heros and get some bonuses.

*LoL has a good flow of gold income,Dota 2 however is slow and not much. AND there is a punishment for dying *lose some of your gold*. LoL you dont lose your gold.

*LoL it doesnt matter if someone is carrying since you can counter that carry. Dota 2 it is impossible to win a match if a enemey has a carry.

-So Far these are my opinions.

I would dl LoL just that I dont have the time to dl it since for some reason it takes a long time for me.

1) DOTA is pretty much always team-based, if you're going solo you're doing it wrong.

2) I agree

3) I feel like this makes your death count more in DOTA, and gets you to (try to) make less mistakes.

4) I wouldn't consider that a flaw of DOTA's, also you could still counter that carry with another one; in the end it just comes down to the level.

Don't waste your Internet/bandwidth on LoL it's not worth it.

I agree with it being teambased most of the time but it sorta FEELS like it is Solo,just that why I said it doesnt feel teambased is that if you make 1 tiny little mistake Your team starts to yell at you for doing something wrong and you try to fix it but they just still yell at you. *feeding* Besides I didnt say that carrying is a flaw with Dota 2 just that some races that are maxed w/ powerful items are very tough to kill you have 1/3 of a chance to kill them and get some gold from a bounty or just some gold atleast. Punishment does seem to try to tell you to get 'better' but it is sorta hard to earn it back if you try to farm a lane/forest.

*Also thanks for telling me about the dl of LoL

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What I seen that Dota 2 and LoL has it advantages and disavanatages.

*Dota 2 starts off as more of a solo-based at first but later on when there is 5 v 5 battles it goes into teamplay.

*Dota 2 has all FTP heros,LoL however you must pay to unlock more heros and get some bonuses.

*LoL has a good flow of gold income,Dota 2 however is slow and not much. AND there is a punishment for dying *lose some of your gold*. LoL you dont lose your gold.

*LoL it doesnt matter if someone is carrying since you can counter that carry. Dota 2 it is impossible to win a match if a enemey has a carry.

-So Far these are my opinions.

I would dl LoL just that I dont have the time to dl it since for some reason it takes a long time for me.

My god. Couldn't agree less with you.. because I disagree with everything.

DotA is not solo at all, watch any competitive game or even high ranked pub game to see this. Heroes aren't "FTP", LoL was the first to monetize off of heroes whereas in DotA you can play any hero you like (the point is that they're not 'free', they're part of the game and create an equal playing field). DotA has a solid flow of gold income. Supports make less just like they're supposed to, they don't farm like they can in LoL. Yes the punishment for death is much more harsh in DotA and the death time on average is longer too, so you should think twice before costing your team a loss. DotA is winnable without a carry, especially if you have a team of pushers and nukers.. but you'd need to win before the enemy team's carries get farmed (and also there's tons of carries in the game, just because they're not hard carries doesn't mean they can't carry). Don't forget a major difference between LoL and DotA also is that you can deny a carry any farm on your lane.. by denying creeps, pulling the lane, amongst the usual methods. Team composition is much more crucial in DotA because the heroes play specific roles much more so than LoL's champions do.

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I played LoL one time, then uninstalled

felt like i was playing in a quiet dark dirty basement

the audio def changes the game, like I can't tell when something goes off

when I play dota 2 I can almost feel tidehunter's ult in my chest

when i played LoL and someone hit their ult i just hear this faint faraway "hiya clink" and then I died

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I used to be a long time and very consist league of legends player until I discovered Dota 2. I have over 1200 games played in league and around 850 games played in Dota 2. It is quite apparent to me which is the better game.

Problems with League

  • Rune Pages - Part of their Free to Play trap, gives you an edge over newer players that did not invest in Runepages.
  • Mastery Pages - Another pointless part of the game, creates the illusion of creativity
  • Uncreative Heroes - Over half of their hero cast has some sort of gap closer
  • No body blocking
  • No denying
  • Gold value of heroes that have died consecutively is reduced greatly and reset upon getting a kill. (I think the lowest it gets is 40 gold, that is less than two creeps
  • No gold loss on death
  • Death timers are extremely short, should you wipe an entire team while they are near your ancient, expect them to all be up before you can even hit the tower
  • Summoner spells, some are completely fucking useless - FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH, EVERYBODY FLASH FLASH FLASH.
  • No town portal scrolls. - What? Just lost a 2v2? Enjoy having no tower because it takes an entire 30 seconds to walk to midlane to bottom lane.
  • Creep value is extremely low - Adding to the already slow as fuck gameplay, creeps are only worth a mere 17-22 gold per kill.
  • Free town portals back to base
  • The way exp is distributed, something that is 6 levels behind will always manage to catch up due to the way exp works in league.
  • Potions can be used in combat, and cannot be used if you have full health. Unnecessary hand holding.
  • Items - Very limited selection of items, offensive items include defensive stats, one build fits all with the occasional replacement of an item to make way for Banshees Veil if a high burst hero gets fed such as LeBlanc
  • Almost non-existant mana costs on 90% of heroes
  • Heroes that have no mana pool or use energy - Fucking stupid.
  • Can't draw on Map.
  • Removal of STR, AGI and INT stats
  • Forest is not beneficial gold-wise, but exp wise they can sometimes keep up with midlane
  • Infinite wards
  • No smoke, no dust of appearance
  • Can't pause for disconnected players
  • Peer 2 Peer networking
  • In-game recolors and model changes cost around 5-10 dollars
  • Instead of paying with real money, you are forced to buy "points" and then again, only in specific amounts.
  • Disgusting lack of skillshots that take actual skill, all the skill shots move with blazing speed compared to the slow as fuck heroes
  • Cannot view hero skills by selecting a hero while in-game
  • Inhibitors respawn
  • No in-game voice chat
  • All talk is now disabled by default
  • Player run ban system (LAZY AS FUCK)
  • Calls the forest a jungle, when it is clearly a fucking forest (Dota 2 has this problem as well)

Positives of League

  • Runs on toasters
  • Does not require very much effort to learn
  • Lower skill ceiling (Some people consider this a good thing)
  • colorful graphics and art design that my 7 year-old brother finds appealing
  • items aren't complicated, if you're ap build tanky ap if you're ad build tanky ad

I can add more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.

Just my opinions

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Trying to compare LoL and Dota 2 is like trying to compare Tekken and Street Fighter. Sure, they might be the same genre, but they are so undeniably different that arguing is fucking stupid. (P.S. I enjoy both games)

Not really, Tekken is a 3D fighter while SF is 2D. Two different genres of a genre. (fighter)

DOTA and LoL on the other hand are both top-down 5v5 MOBAs. They're quite similar.

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The design choices in the two games (as is apparent with the amount of things you dislike in LoL) practically makes it the same as the differences between SF and Tekken.

But if you want them to be the same style, then it's like arguing which is better between SSF4AE : 2012 and UMvC3 or Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Soul Calibur V.

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The design choices in the two games (as is apparent with the amount of things you dislike in LoL) practically makes it the same as the differences between SF and Tekken.

But if you want them to be the same style, then it's like arguing which is better between SSF4AE : 2012 and UMvC3 or Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Soul Calibur V.

Tekken VS street fighter

Tekken: More fun

Streefighter: More popular

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I used to be a long time and very consist league of legends player until I discovered Dota 2. I have over 1200 games played in league and around 850 games played in Dota 2. It is quite apparent to me which is the better game.

Problems with League

  • Rune Pages - Part of their Free to Play trap, gives you an edge over newer players that did not invest in Runepages- you doin't get the good runes until level 21 anyways?
  • Mastery Pages - Another pointless part of the game, creates the illusion of creativitys - adds a flare to their game and lets you build a certain way in the beginning
  • Uncreative Heroes - Over half of their hero cast has some sort of gap closer - not really. maybe a few (like 3 or 4) have almost global ults (5000ish range at max) that can close a gap, but other than that, most other "gap closers" are only within a 500-750 range and are either high cooldown or skillshots or both
  • No body blocking - intended. dota has fatter models and everything can run into each other. league has smaller models and can only run into each other some times. everything still can body block, just not as consistently as dota can. also, dota is clunky (not in general "clunky" i guess, but the way your heroes move when turning is fucking gay) and has a general delay for all commands issued.
  • No denying - different strokes for different folks. makes people want to harass and get into other people's faces more often
  • Gold value of heroes that have died consecutively is reduced greatly and reset upon getting a kill. (I think the lowest it gets is 40 gold, that is less than two creeps) - stops feeding, and makes it so you can't snowball a lane completely and win off of that in ~20 minutes
  • No gold loss on death - wouldn't really be enough gold to go around unless they made the amount you loss pretty low. also, no reason for losing gold on death because there is really no HUGE single items that you need to get that cost above 2k
  • Death timers are extremely short, should you wipe an entire team while they are near your ancient, expect them to all be up before you can even hit the tower - no they aren't
  • Summoner spells, some are completely fucking useless - FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH, EVERYBODY FLASH FLASH FLASH. - exhaust, barrier, ghost, ignite, cleanse, smite, heal. all pretty good and viable. adds a flare, once again
  • No town portal scrolls. - What? Just lost a 2v2? Enjoy having no tower because it takes an entire 30 seconds to walk to midlane to bottom lane. - don't lose, scrub. your teammates can easily go down for that time that it's getting pushed. if they can't, then your jungle probably sucks
  • Creep value is extremely low - Adding to the already slow as fuck gameplay, creeps are only worth a mere 17-22 gold per kill. - items cost less, this isn't dota
  • Free town portals back to base - with a time limit. no one wants to walk all the way to base when there's no town portal scrolls, right?
  • The way exp is distributed, something that is 6 levels behind will always manage to catch up due to the way exp works in league. - what about it? you get the same amount as everyone else, they just take more exp to level up. do you even math bro?
  • Potions can be used in combat, and cannot be used if you have full health. Unnecessary hand holding. - tango. go harass more if you can't use a potion
  • Items - Very limited selection of items, offensive items include defensive stats, one build fits all with the occasional replacement of an item to make way for Banshees Veil if a high burst hero gets fed such as LeBlanc - you even played since season 3, kid?
  • Almost non-existant mana costs on 90% of heroes - sure, if you have mana regen. other than that, if you use your skills on everyone as much as you really should be, then you're doing it wrong.
  • Heroes that have no mana pool or use energy - Fucking stupid. - to you, sure. to others, not so much. opinions, opinions.
  • Can't draw on Map. - penises. penises everywhere.
  • Removal of STR, AGI and INT stats - where the fuck would this fit into league? they aren't trying to make a complete dota remake. that's what dota 2 is for
  • Smart Casting aka ITS TOO HARD PRESSING AND CLICKING ;_; - only scrubs use smart casting.
  • Forest is not beneficial gold-wise, but exp wise they can sometimes keep up with midlane - you're doing it wrong.
  • Infinite wards - and?
  • No smoke, no dust of appearance - >oracles >cheaper wards >skills that reveal it
  • Can't pause for disconnected players - because pauses really work in pubs, right?
  • Peer 2 Peer networking - are you high as fuck?
  • In-game recolors and model changes cost around 5-10 dollars - cool. it supports the game and people buy it. the regular models are fine. it isn't required to buy a skin for 5 bucks that will give you a whole new skin. the new skins (i.e. the past whole year) are actually pretty good and aren't recolors.
  • Instead of paying with real money, you are forced to buy "points" and then again, only in specific amounts. - business model. it's about money. QQ, not like you'd buy any anyways
  • Disgusting lack of skillshots that take actual skill, all the skill shots move with blazing speed compared to the slow as fuck heroes - must be pro, you prob couldn't hit a morg snare if you tried. id shit on you either way
  • Cannot view hero skills by selecting a hero while in-game - learn it, then. it doesn't take much to learn what a hero looks like and then in turn have your brain let you know that "this model does this. got it."
  • Inhibitors respawn - learn to push when you can, then? if you can't win off an inhib kill, you're probably not playing with the right people
  • No in-game voice chat - too many trolls.
  • All talk is now disabled by default - how the fuck is this a con? i don't want to listen to some nerd screaming OMG GG JUNGLE SUCK NOOB
  • Player run ban system (LAZY AS FUCK) - they review every ban. the fuck you talkin bout?
  • Calls the forest a jungle, when it is clearly a fucking forest (Dota 2 has this problem as well) - lol. no words here, just amazed that you picked this. you probably get angry if someone calls a hero a champion and a tower a turret. the same fucking thing, but different people call it different things. QQ.

Positives of League

  • Runs on toasters - on low, yeah, you might get like 20 fps on a 2005 computer
  • Does not require very much effort to learn - welcome to a casual's game
  • Lower skill ceiling (Some people consider this a good thing) - welcome to a casual's game
  • colorful graphics and art design that my 7 year-old brother finds appealing - welcome to a game that does things different
  • items aren't complicated, if you're ap build tanky ap if you're ad build tanky ad - plenty of viable builds, you just don't bother building anything "new" because you're used to the norm.

I can add more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.

Just my opinions


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Uncreative Heroes - Over half of their hero cast has some sort of gap closer - not really. maybe a few (like 3 or 4) have almost global ults (5000ish range at max) that can close


Lee Sin













Graves (Hardly)

Hecarim (two gap closers, his ult and his charge.)

Jarvan IV (Also knocks up)








Master Yi

Nocturne (Ult)

Pantheon (+ his ult)




Riven (Very short range however)





Tryndamere (Not only that, the already short cooldown is reduced every time you crit)


Xin Zhao



I might have missed a few.

The only two heroes I have not played are nautilus and zyra. 99% sure nautilus has a gap closer.

Do you even play league of legends?

intended. dota has fatter models and everything can run into each other. league has smaller models and can only run into each other some times. everything still can body block, just not as consistently as dota can. also, dota is clunky (not in general "clunky" i guess, but the way your heroes move when turning is fucking gay) and has a general delay for all commands issued.

League has no body blocking because it considered "anti-fun" by the head staff, as in dota 2 where a teammates bad positioning can block you from getting away or toward an opponent. This also applies to enemies ganking lanes. Try to body block with heroes in league and the models mesh together

Clunky? Turn speed is an important mechanic, take that away and melee heroes get kited to fuck and back by ranged, as league has no turn speed.

General delay for all commands issued. It's called Cast Animation. If you don't like it play rubick and steal spells. Bam, no more cast animation.

stops feeding, and makes it so you can't snowball a lane completely and win off of that in ~20 minutes

Except it doesnt.

wouldn't really be enough gold to go around unless they made the amount you loss pretty low. also, no reason for losing gold on death because there is really no HUGE single items that you need to get that cost above 2k

This is because of the lack of value the creeps have.

no they aren't


The exact formula used to determine the death timer's duration is unknown, but what is known is that the time spent dead increases accordingly with experience or champion level and match time

Taken from the league of legends wiki, LOL HIDING ELEMENTS OF YOUR GAME.

I sure love being level 17 and respawning in 40 seconds

what about it? you get the same amount as everyone else, they just take more exp to level up. do you even math bro?

Experience split when two or more champions are present increased; situations with two or more champions splitting experience now earn 30.4% more total experience than solo, up from 26.1%.

granting enough experience for stragglers to keep up with the game, regardless if they are capable of controlling their own lane. Seems more and more apparent to me that you don't even know the mechanics of your precious game that you're so keen on defending.

exhaust, barrier, ghost, ignite, cleanse, smite, heal. all pretty good and viable. adds a flare, once again


Fun Fact: Cleanse and Quick Silver Sash do not remove the healing debuff from ignite.

don't lose, scrub. your teammates can easily go down for that time that it's getting pushed. if they can't, then your jungle probably sucks

Lol, so play passively and defensively and make the game even more boring.

items do less, this isn't dota


tango. go harass more if you can't use a potion

Tangos heal 115 health over 16 seconds and require you to eat a tree. A 3 stack of tangos cost 90 gold

Health Potions in league of legends heal 150 health over 15 seconds and cost 35 gold, buying three of them would cost 105 gold

you even played since season 3, kid?

You even graduate high-school, kid?

sure, if you have mana regen. other than that, if you use your skills on everyone as much as you really should be, then you're doing it wrong.


to you, sure. to others, not so much. opinions, opinions.

Having no mana or having an energy pool allows you use your abilities every time they are off cooldown.

where the fuck would this fit into league? they aren't trying to make a complete dota remake. that's what dota 2 is for

It helps balance the game.

only scrubs use smart casting.

omg xD you're so hardcore

People use smart-casting in competitive league games.

you're doing it wrong.

They nerfed the forest, it is shit now.


Slows down the game.

>oracles >cheaper wards >skills that reveal it

400 gold potion that lasts till you die, 125 gold sight wards(compared to dota 2's 200 gold for 2 true sight wards), dota has this too

because pauses really work in pubs, right?

They do. You'd probably instantly unpause and whine about it like all the other trashy pubs in dota 2.

are you high as fuck?

Clearly you are ignorant as to how you get your league of legends patches.

cool. it supports the game and people buy it. the regular models are fine. it isn't required to buy a skin for 5 bucks that will give you a whole new skin. the new skins (i.e. the past whole year) are actually pretty good and aren't recolors.

Dota 2 also has cosmetics, and allow you use specific parts of sets that you like. They are also more profesionally done.

lol. no words here, just amazed that you picked this. you probably get angry if someone calls a hero a champion and a tower a turret. the same fucking thing, but different people call it different things. QQ.

u wot m8

how the fuck is this a con? i don't want to listen to some nerd screaming OMG GG JUNGLE SUCK NOOB

It reinforces my previous opinion that the majority of the playerbase are children that can't handle idle banter.

they review every ban. the fuck you talkin bout?

keep sucking that riot D man

welcome to a casual's game

you seem very intent on defending the core mechanics of this so called "casual" game, if you play it casually what is the issue?

plenty of viable builds, you just don't bother building anything "new" because you're used to the norm.

I build what works, and what works in league of legends is lacking in variety.

Edited by Maow

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You seem mad and also seem as if you think LoL's gameplay should be a carbon copy of Dota. I'd also like to throw in the fact that league is more popular right now and that you're acting like a 12 year old Xbox kiddie would towards a PS3.

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You seem mad and also seem as if you think LoL's gameplay should be a carbon copy of Dota. I'd also like to throw in the fact that league is more popular right now and that you're acting like a 12 year old Xbox kiddie would towards a PS3.

+rep for following your beliefs.

I am simply contributing to the thread content, if you are upset about said content, then I suggest you disregard this thread completely.

Considering that this is a LoL VS Dota 2 thread and all.

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