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exercise regime

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so i got some adjustable dumbbells for christmas, i think my family is saying im fat or something. i might as well use em, but i dont really know how to properly work out, so the obv decision is to consult sg.

in case u somehow dont know me, im 5'8" or so my driver license says and im fairly skinny (29-30" waist). i wear tighter clothing cause i like it. im pretty happy with my penis size and some girls say im bigger than some other white dudes, so theres that. what should i do with these dumbbells? i currently have 28 lbs on each of them and i just fool around i guess.



chinups - my body - 15 reps

pullups - my body - 10 reps

alt bicep curl - 28x2 lbs - 8-10 reps

hammer curl - 28x2 lbs - 10 reps


dips - my body - ~20 reps

tricep extension - 28 lbs - 20 reps


bench press - 28x2 lbs - 10 reps

push ups - my body - 30 reps


shoulder press - 28x2 lbs - 8-10 reps


bent-over rows - 28 lbs - 10-12 reps

SO YEAH, i do all these standing up for the ones applicable. i have shit form, but its not too bad yeah? and protein shake? should do?

Edited by Pebbz.

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no, i plan to use em, why not? basically what I can do right now is just being alive, so why not try to be a bit stronger? yaya? i just hate weeaboo fags, not very crazy. and just like society, those who are obsessed with that jap culture bullshit tend to be fat and/or unsociable. and who the fuck wants to get advice from someone like that?

real ppl apply.

Edited by Pebbz.

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i dont understand. gamers are not inherently lazy. a lot of us are, fuck i am, but there are still ppl out there decently knowledgeable. look at the post ur pic thread, we're not all fat and ugly. sg has some decent looking ppl, props.

Edited by Pebbz.

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It should be based on your schedule. So you wanna be doing major workouts 3-4 times a week and the rest should be cardio. What do you plan on doing with your body? Do you just want to be stronger or more in shape?

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I have limited equipment cause all I got is a makeshift bench, a pullup bar, two adjustable dumbbells and my body. I have no problem with working out more often cause funnily enough, anaerobic exercises are actually decently fun haha. I'd say stronger, but staying in shape is good as well.

Main question is what can i do? what should i do?

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All you really need is your body and a good eating plan. The dumbbells are just a bonus.

If you are planning on getting stronger, what is the heaviest the dumbbells can get?

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All you really need is your body and a good eating plan. The dumbbells are just a bonus.

If you are planning on getting stronger, what is the heaviest the dumbbells can get?

Well out of my strength range, I can put like 40+ pounds on em. I'm not exactly the most careful about eating, but im not too too bad.

i just wanted to help :(

aw poor guy, i feel bad.

Edited by Pebbz.

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im like ~140 lbs, so I got SOME fat to burn, but not that much.

how do u qualify how well someone eats? lol

Edited by Pebbz.

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lets seee. i dont really eat fast food that much, pizza now and then if that counts. i eat cold-cut sandwiches a decent bit and im asian so obv i eat a lot of rice with tofu, brocolli, pork, chicken, etc etc. I probably eat more vegetables than the average person, but that's not that hard. cereal is awesome, uhhh, i drink a lot of milk, oj and arizona ice tea. i tend to only eat 1-2 meals a day, so i guess thats not the greatest.

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