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Far Cry 3 in a nutshell

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Must resist urge to s

game is done what to play next


^ this, weight loss, rehab, breaking reliance of governmental financial aid and stealing money from your children, education (GED then trade school), and if can't accomplish at least a third of that list, suicide.

Maybe before opening your big ass mouth you should get to know what your talking about.

I not fucking fat.

My kids get disability cause his is autistic and I don't steal his money

I don't fucking need rehab cause I'm not a drug addict

And I got my H.S diploma.

So before you want to suggests shit to me get you're fact right.


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Maybe I should change my alias. Any suggestions?


Welp, fuck. Guess it's a done deal since toxy suggested it. Someone change name please.


Maybe before opening your big ass mouth you should get to know what your talking about.

Actually, I wasn't communicating with my big ass mouth, I was typing with my fingers. Oh wow, that must be your problem there, you've been typing with your mouth this whole time and we all thought you were just retarded.

I not fucking fat.

I'm too lazy to look up one of the pictures you posted, but you are fat. There's this thing called Body Mass Index, but you don't need that to see that you're fucking fat.

My kids get disability cause his is autistic

That's too bad; I'm sorry about your child. What about your other three to six kids? Do they all have autism as well?

I don't steal his money

Oh, okay, you just take money from your child who has a social disorder that affects intellectual ability.

I don't fucking need rehab cause I'm not a drug addict

You can quit anytime, I'm sure.

And I got my H.S diploma.

That's the scariest thing you've ever said.

So before you want to suggests shit to me get you're fact right.

Sorry, I'll try to do more research before making personal attacks on the internet. Edited by Windmill

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what's ITT?

edit: Also, Toxy, could you be so kind as to add an M in front of Blackmanvoice? I feel like I have a better chance of getting staff that way.

Edited by Blackmanvoice

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omfg hahaha thank you so much wind, that was hilarious.

lol wind

Windmill. His name is Windmill. Don't be lazy. Wind is a completely different person.

wind.exe. His name is wind.exe. Don't be lazy. Wind is a completely different person.

Who the fuck is regular wind?

This guy

Exactly. For all you know that's who I was talking about in the first place. I said nothing wrong.

I Sherlock'd it through the following steps:

1. infested said "wind"

2. You said "Wind" but it was at the beginning of a sentence

3. wind.exe is more popular than Wind

4. I'm making this up as I go.

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My kids get disability cause his is autistic and I don't steal his money

So before you want to suggests shit to me get you're fact right.

He's a retard because you probably inbred the unfortunate child...or smoked alot of weed while pregnant.

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My kids get disability cause his is autistic and I don't steal his money

So before you want to suggests shit to me get you're fact right.

He's a retard because you probably inbred the unfortunate child...or smoked alot of weed while pregnant.

He is not a retard like you at all. He is very smart. And no I didnt smoke weed when I was pregnant with him.

My water bag broke early and he came early and he was born dead From his brain being deprived of air for that little bit cause him to be autistic

(somewhat) Fixed

Besides the complete lack of an education on your part, I only have one question. If your child was born dead, it would be dead, not autistic, right? like wow. derp.


Edited by jbandito

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My kids get disability cause his is autistic and I don't steal his money

So before you want to suggests shit to me get you're fact right.

He's a retard because you probably inbred the unfortunate child...or smoked alot of weed while pregnant.

He is not a retard like you at all. He is very smart. And no I didnt smoke weed when I was pregnant with him.

My water bag broke early and he came early and he was born dead From his brain being deprived of air for that little bit cause him to be autistic


Besides the complete lack of an education on your part, I only have one question. If your child was born dead, it would be dead, not autistic, right? like wow. derp.


C'mon man don't be a dick.

First, you missed a bunch of mistakes, so it's not fixed.

Second, it's entirely possible he was born not breathing and was revived.

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My kids get disability cause his is autistic and I don't steal his money

So before you want to suggests shit to me get you're fact right.

He's a retard because you probably inbred the unfortunate child...or smoked alot of weed while pregnant.

He is not a retard like you at all. He is very smart. And no I didnt smoke weed when I was pregnant with him.

My water bag broke early and he came early and he was born dead From his brain being deprived of air for that little bit cause him to be autistic

(somewhat) Fixed

Besides the complete lack of an education on your part, I only have one question. If your child was born dead, it would be dead, not autistic, right? like wow. derp.


First of all, super dickish post.

Second of all, if the baby was born dead, and was later revived, there's a good chance it suffered from brain damage due to a lack of oxygen. Thus, it's not only an autistic child but an autistic child suffering from brain damage. Kind of ironic you're saying lack of education when you can't even think out a simple set of events.

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My kids get disability cause his is autistic and I don't steal his money

So before you want to suggests shit to me get you're fact right.

He's a retard because you probably inbred the unfortunate child...or smoked alot of weed while pregnant.

He is not a retard like you at all. He is very smart. And no I didnt smoke weed when I was pregnant with him.

My water bag broke early and he came early and he was born dead From his brain being deprived of air for that little bit cause him to be autistic

(somewhat) Fixed

Besides the complete lack of an education on your part, I only have one question. If your child was born dead, it would be dead, not autistic, right? like wow. derp.


First of all, super dickish post.

Second of all, if the baby was born dead, and was later revived, there's a good chance it suffered from brain damage due to a lack of oxygen. Thus, it's not only an autistic child but an autistic child suffering from brain damage. Kind of ironic you're saying lack of education when you can't even think out a simple set of events.

There have been studies that suggest that oxygen deprivation in newborns and premature birth may be a factor in autism. However, sweetrock was talking like she KNEW why her son had autism when the causes of the disorder is largely unknown. Sad that the kid has autism; sadder that the kid lives with a mother who seemingly has little understanding of the disease that he has.

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My kids get disability cause his is autistic and I don't steal his money

So before you want to suggests shit to me get you're fact right.

He's a retard because you probably inbred the unfortunate child...or smoked alot of weed while pregnant.

He is not a retard like you at all. He is very smart. And no I didnt smoke weed when I was pregnant with him.

My water bag broke early and he came early and he was born dead From his brain being deprived of air for that little bit cause him to be autistic

(somewhat) Fixed

Besides the complete lack of an education on your part, I only have one question. If your child was born dead, it would be dead, not autistic, right? like wow. derp.


First of all, super dickish post.

Second of all, if the baby was born dead, and was later revived, there's a good chance it suffered from brain damage due to a lack of oxygen. Thus, it's not only an autistic child but an autistic child suffering from brain damage. Kind of ironic you're saying lack of education when you can't even think out a simple set of events.

There have been studies that suggest that oxygen deprivation in newborns and premature birth may be a factor in autism. However, sweetrock was talking like she KNEW why her son had autism when the causes of the disorder is largely unknown. Sad that the kid has autism; sadder that the kid lives with a mother who seemingly has little understanding of the disease that he has.

Autism isn't a disease.

ITT: A swarm of terrible armchair psychologists.

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You all can go fuck you're self. You don't know shit about my son or me so fuck off. And my son don't have brain damage.

Haha I love how I try to defend this woman and she takes it completely the opposite.

Jesus lady, read this thread again.

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You don't know shit about my son or me so fuck off.


I swear it's like you just look for things to give as ammunition for people who want to piss you off. Just shut up about your problems if you don't want them mocked.

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Autism isn't a disease.


noun /diˈzēz/ 

diseases, plural

A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, esp. one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury

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