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Afghanistan, A worthy conflict or just a waste of NATO time?

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What do YOU think on this subject?

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.

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I think this is a shitty thread and am now proceeding to downvote you and it.

Just as Dojima, I also believe this is a shitty thread, and that you're about a decade late on your thoughts about the war.

I don't downvote, but it's still a shitty thread and you're way late on this subject.

>Our world was founded on war, and it will always exist despite our discussions on it.

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Control of afghanistan is vital at this point in History. With the growing american russian and chinese empires all having interests in afghanistan wether it be for pipelining or mining rich copper deposits (copper is quickly becoming one of the most valuable metals since it's used for EVERYTHING). Gubernatorial control over afghanistan is vital if ever planning to build a stable market through which currency and trade can flow through. They need to build infrastructure in afghanistan in order to accomplish anything. Problem is afghanistan has been the crossroads of islamic empires for centuries, and is not unfamiliar to being under tribal rule. You can't kick the taliban out of the mountains, and they will still be there when the army leaves.

Watch movies that attempt to document soldiers in afghanistan, one I watched is armadillo. I'm pretty sure it's about a Danish outpost in Afghanistan and it takes you with the soldiers on tour. You can see that the people who live in afghanistan KNOW the army will leave at some point and the Taliban will rule again. It's happened like... 3 times in the passed 30 years.

Edited by SmittyWerbenjagermanjensen

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>Our world was founded on war, and it will always exist despite our discussions on it.

It's this exact barbaric thought that is holding the world back from progress. That, and "religion".

I frustrates and boggles my mind to know we are still killing each other over such trivial bullshit. It's 2012, not the dark ages. With the technology and intelligence we have right now, it's honestly sickening to know that some people think war is necessary. Such ignorance.

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Control of afghanistan is vital at this point in History. With the growing american russian and chinese empires all having interests in afghanistan wether it be for pipelining or mining rich copper deposits (copper is quickly becoming one of the most valuable metals since it's used for EVERYTHING). Gubernatorial control over afghanistan is vital if ever planning to build a stable market through which currency and trade can flow through. They need to build infrastructure in afghanistan in order to accomplish anything. Problem is afghanistan has been the crossroads of islamic empires for centuries, and is not unfamiliar to being under tribal rule. You can't kick the taliban out of the mountains, and they will still be there when the army leaves.

Watch movies that attempt to document soldiers in afghanistan, one I watched is armadillo. I'm pretty sure it's about a Danish outpost in Afghanistan and it takes you with the soldiers on tour. You can see that the people who live in afghanistan KNOW the army will leave at some point and the Taliban will rule again. It's happened like... 3 times in the passed 30 years.

One of the main reasons we've been in that region is to protect the opium fields that populate a great part of that area. That is a fact and it's been kept silent all these years. The war on drugs isn't to stop people from growing/selling, it's to regulate the people who have the control over that market. You don't have our blessing, fuck you, we'll kill you.

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>Our world was founded on war, and it will always exist despite our discussions on it.

It's this exact barbaric thought that is holding the world back from progress. That, and "religion".

I frustrates and boggles my mind to know we are still killing each other over such trivial bullshit. It's 2012, not the dark ages. With the technology and intelligence we have right now, it's honestly sickening to know that some people think war is necessary. Such ignorance.

Not everyone is intelligent and wise and reasonable, for god's sake look at what people like to watch on television now a days.

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Not everyone is intelligent and wise and reasonable, for god's sake look at what people like to watch on television now a days.

>Military channel

>Science channel

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Shouldn't be fighting the war on terrorism. Immoral and a waste of time, kinda like the "War on Drugs."

Our imperialism earned us our arrogant stereotype, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Fuck that.

And I'm gonna be a fag, yeah this thread sucks.

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The fact that we ended up fighting a war against a concept is insane; terrorism--I think we've found--is a rather amorphous and faceless thing to attack with conventional powers.

Should we have retaliated? Yes.

Should we have effectively invaded the Middle-East?


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