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So, uh, care to explain to me why some of you...

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i am EDGE >: D

but for real: I got bored of drugs. stumbling about not able to think straight-- not that appealing. I've had some worthwhile experiences on LSD, sure, but it really just wasn't fun after a while. the clarity of being sober is more enjoyable than any drug I've ever tried.

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personally, I think drugs are stupid and they make you look/act stupid. I don't like the way they make me feel and probably never will. I like to be in control and know what's going on, with drugs, that can't happen. if you take drugs, I judge you and I do not care but I probably won't tell you what I think unless you ask or if you're acting completely fucking retarded. (this does not include alcohol, this is the one exception. I don't consider alcohol a drug, though it is a controllable substance it has addictive qualities and such.)

drugs aren't cool and they have never made anyone cool. they distort your reality and are an escape I choose not to partake in for various reasons. medical usage and treatment is a whole different story and my view obviously doesn't apply to you unless you are some dumb pot smoker who has a lame excuse.

Actually, after thinking about Deathcon's rebuttle on my original (or perhaps not, but my subsequent posts) post, this is exactly what I would have answered back.

I wish I could thank you, but I don't have 150 posts yet. :P

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What I've done, and thoughts/experiences on each

First off, Marijuana.

I used it for about a year and a half in highschool, even to the point of growing it (not for commercial gain, just a small amount for myself in a tricked out computer box.) While it has an occasional appeal to me, I certainly don't enjoy it to the extent many other people seem to. When I'm high, I often find myself wishing I had the mental clarity to get things done or be more productive. It makes me feel stressed about my life, and like I lack control. I quickly learned I didn't enjoy being high around other people all that much. Sometimes it was very fun, and other times while high I ended up flushing my weed down the toilet. I think a lot of the fun for me was using pot as an outlet for my creativity in a non-traditional way. I loved making bongs out of different things, such as: a supersoaker, a cookbook, a raccoon skull, old laboratory glass equipment, super long plastic tubes for fluorescent lights, etc. All in all, the legal, social, financial, and health ramifications aren't worth making it a habit, and I hardly ever use it any more. I know a few smart people and a lot of idiots who use it regularly, and very very few are functional people on track for a successful life.


By far the substance I use the most. I drank quite a bit my first year in college. In highschool, alcohol was readily available in my household (my parents aren't drunks or anything, just the three beers a week type people and they trust me to be responsible), but I didn't abuse it too much. In college a lot of the beer and liqour I drank was bought for me by my mother with the money my dad gave me for food (she would often feel uneasy about it, but I could always talk her into it.) I've had very few instances where I've gone too far, and only once where I might have been in a bit of danger. I get extremely social and friendly when drunk around people, and over all alcohol has led to more really good experiences than bad (sometimes, both at the same time, like when I hooked up with a girl I met at a party and while leaving my dorm that night I jumped down a whole flight of stairs and sprained my ankle. She drove me to the emergency room, never saw her again.) I don't drink on weekdays, and it doesn't really interfere with school or other activities. I love beer (drinking one while writing this), and will only drink liquor if I really feel like getting wasted.


I haven't had much experience with it, I always though cigarettes were gross. Earlier this summer a friend of mine started smoking black and milds occasionally, and so I would have one with him when we hung out. He wouldn't inhale, but eventually I did and enjoyed the nicotine buzz quite a bit. I started buying them myself, and would smoke about one or two a week until recently. I'm trying to cut back to prevent getting an addiction and to keep my lungs in good shape for exercising.

DXM (Dextromethorphan)

Yes, the stuff in cough syrup. Robotripping. Poor man's acid. Many people scoff or laugh at this, considering it to be unreal, or crazy, but I've had some very fun experiences with it. I gave it a try one night while just bored and looking for something new to try, and after doing a lot of research I went down to the drugstore and bought some bottles. If you ever consider this, please please please do some research. There are certain types of cough medicines that work, and others will just make you sick because of other ingredients. There are different levels of DXM trips, called "Plateaus", and the third plateau can bring about some very serious (and fun) hallucinations. I either decide to down the liquid (which tastes awful and makes you want to vomit), or take the pills which take longer to kick in and can get tough to swallow, but either way there will be a period of time there where I will feel rather nauseous. If I can get past this without puking up everything or falling asleep, when the trip kicks in it is immensely enjoyable. I usually spend the first half dancing about my room, stretching. It makes every muscle in my body feel like a gun ready to fire (hence once believing I was the reincarnation of Bruce Lee). Later, I just lay in my bed looking at things on my wall morph into different shapes. My bed will feel unbelievably comfortable, more comfortable than anything you can imagine. When the lights are turned out, if I'm still really tripping, that's when the strongest hallucinations kick in, like flying through time and meeting Egyptian Pharaohs. The next day I'll feel a little groggy at first, but instead of a hangover it actually causes a nice clearheaded buzz. However, the trips are often difficult to remember.

Various sleeping pills such as Ambien, Also: Benedryl

Dumb. Not worth it. Either highly unpleasant, no effect, or can't remember what happened. Just don't bother, don't try. There are better ways to entertain yourself, even if you're that desperate.

Last, but not least:

Opiates: Hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lortab) and Oxycodone (Oxycontin)

By far my favorite substances. I love them I love them I love them. Just a few pills make me feel like Christmas morning in a warm blanket, without messing with my head or making me completely useless save for being a bit sleepy. Most of these I've acquired legally, just would use the minimal amount when I needed them and would save them for later, but occasionally I may have gotten them through other means. I've had them enough to feel confident I don't risk addiction if I gain a supply of them. I've always been good about spacing out their use, and being safe about it. Too much of them can cause liver damage, as they usually contain acetaminophen. I took them a few times during class in highschool, but honestly they're best for an evening alone watching a happy movie, or a quiet night with some close friends.

Stay safe, stay smart kids.

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I'm a cig smoker, I smoke about a pack a day, I'm trying to cut down though ;D

I also smoke weed everyday, it relaxes me, it makes me stop worrying about everything, I can do stuff without regrets. It's a great feeling.

As for alcohol, I drink a few beers when I go out, but no more than that, I've experienced the consequences of too much alcohol.

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[quote name='Goldentongue;633525

Last' date=' but not least:

Opiates: Hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lortab) and Oxycodone (Oxycontin)[/size']

By far my favorite substances. I love them I love them I love them. Just a few pills make me feel like Christmas morning in a warm blanket, without messing with my head or making me completely useless save for being a bit sleepy. Most of these I've acquired legally, just would use the minimal amount when I needed them and would save them for later, but occasionally I may have gotten them through other means. I've had them enough to feel confident I don't risk addiction if I gain a supply of them. I've always been good about spacing out their use, and being safe about it. Too much of them can cause liver damage, as they usually contain acetaminophen. I took them a few times during class in highschool, but honestly they're best for an evening alone watching a happy movie, or a quiet night with some close friends.

Stay safe, stay smart kids.

Yeah, i just bought 10, 20 mg. and im going through WD's right now.

Best drug, but worst once you stop using it.

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op - i used to use drugs because they felt great. after a while they dont feel as great. a while after that you won't feel normal without them. i used to sell drugs to pay for things, like apartments, cars, and college. i dont see anything wrong with drug use as a recreational thing, but i learned over the years that i lack the self-control to keep it recreational. after about 4.5 years clean from all but beer and cigarettes, i just don't see the appeal any more.

no matter what anyone tells you, there is still a higher risk of losing your health or going to jail if you illegally abuse drugs. if that is enough to deter you from using, then great. for some people, that fact is not enough. i wish more "clean" people would accept that.

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I choose not to do any drugs (alcohol or any other drug). I don't care if other people do it I just choose not to.

this. not for or against them just choose not to do them.

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Also, what picture paints in your head, if any, of the opposite guys (IE: If you don't use drugs, what do you think of the guys that do, and vice versa.)?

lol asking for a flame war

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Edit: Only side effect of weed that sucks is it relaxs your muscles, which is inconvient to smoke if you are trying to gain muscle mass or stay athletic. Being fit and smoking is not hard, but being athletic is a different level than fit.

I reeeaally don't think weed hinders ones ability to gain muscle mass. At all. Especially if you consider that it makes you munch like a motherfucker which is definitely a good thing if you're trying to bulk.

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I reeeaally don't think weed hinders ones ability to gain muscle mass. At all. Especially if you consider that it makes you munch like a motherfucker which is definitely a good thing if you're trying to bulk.
relaxes your muscles


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Yeah, i just bought 10, 20 mg. and im going through WD's right now.

Best drug, but worst once you stop using it.

Shit son, you gotta be careful. Try your best to use them less frequently. Space it out more.

I reeeaally don't think weed hinders ones ability to gain muscle mass. At all. Especially if you consider that it makes you munch like a motherfucker which is definitely a good thing if you're trying to bulk.

Good luck maxing your bench-press when stoned off your ass.

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Good luck maxing your bench-press when stoned off your ass.

Nobody would go to the gym baked. That being said, I have actually done that before lol. It wasn't very comfortable, as I like to be pumped and focused, not have my mind wandering so much. I didn't find that it affected my ability to lift, I wouldn't recommend it though, it just doesn't make any sense to get high before a workout :P (the sauna was good after, that's about it)

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I like to smoke weed and ride my bike around with my friends, if that makes me a bad person so be it.

"____________________" play video games "_______________________________________________."

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Nobody would go to the gym baked. That being said, I have actually done that before lol. It wasn't very comfortable, as I like to be pumped and focused, not have my mind wandering so much. I didn't find that it affected my ability to lift, I wouldn't recommend it though, it just doesn't make any sense to get high before a workout :P (the sauna was good after, that's about it)

I've tried to work out at home while high, ala "American Beauty", and my muscles just wanted nothing to do with it.


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I will say I have had a lot of fun with Opiates and DXM. The highest dosage I have reached on Opiates is about 65 mg and for DXM I reached a third plateau. Overall fun drugs but you need to do your research otherwise you are likely to get hurt.

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Shit son, you gotta be careful. Try your best to use them less frequently. Space it out more.

Good luck maxing your bench-press when stoned off your ass.

I actually have done that once before and it turned out just fine. I don't like lifting high though so I don't do it. Gaining muscle mass is mostly about diet anyways in which case weed would definitely help you eat more.

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