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I Think I Just Found My Next Laptop

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I like how on the website it doesn't show the actual price of the laptop. It may because I didn't actually take the time to read all of it. Looked well done if your a gamer.

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I just think it looks epic and it can't be too badly priced. Afterall, I got the ASUS the I am using now because it was cheaper (with better internals) to buy it (at a best buy no less) than it was to buy an Alienware just like it.

This is the laptop I got 2 years ago and that I am still using. The ASUS G51VX...


Lol gaming laptops...

Btw why does it seem like everyone wants to shit on gaming laptops? They are amazing if I want to have power AND mobilty which is a must for a college student. Plus if I wanted to have a portable desktop I would get a fragbox and those things get expensive...long story short...WTF IS WRONG WITH A GAMING LAPTOP (lol)?

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Gaming laptops will never compete with desktops. Unless you wana spend an insane amount on a custom one. Which still will cause more problems than it's worth. I bought a used laptop where I can still graphic design, take notes, and surf the internet for class for about 175. If I was you I would do that and then buy a gaming desktop for anywhere between 500-1500.

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IThey are amazing if I want to have power AND mobilty which is a must for a college student.

They're not amazing. They're completely terrible.

They aren't powerful or mobile. They have terrible battery life longevity and they're too fucking gigantic to be carrying around all the time.

You could both buy a netbook and build your own gaming desktop for the same price and have way better performance as well as mobility.

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They're not amazing. They're completely terrible.

They aren't powerful or mobile. They have terrible battery life longevity and they're too fucking gigantic to be carrying around all the time.

You could both buy a netbook and build your own gaming desktop for the same price and have way better performance as well as mobility.

^that above

my friend has 2 gaming laptops in the past year (alienware, asus).... neither lasts long

it's just the problem with laptops in general. mobility(compact/custom parts) + gaming(heat exhaust) = ALWAYS problems down the road

and there's no reason to buy an expensive Fragbox. I can build a mITX gaming system with a 2500k for under $700

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my box:

Intel core 2 duo T9400 2.54Ghz

4 gb ddr3 ram

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650 for gaming

Intel 4 series Graphics, low profile, less power consumption.

(can switch between the two video cards depending on what i feel like doing)

It's a Lenovo T500.

Also have a T400 as a secondary box. Has same specs, less the ati video card and only 14.1" screen.

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you know for all those ha ha's behind him, he sure doesn't look like he's laughing too hard =/

Its the voices in his head, look how hes grasping his skull like he wants to rip out his brain and stomp on it.

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I like the mobility of a laptop for sure, but if you want something high-end for gaming it's not the way to go.

But if you want something that can play games decent then why not? Its all personal preference, but its a fact you get more for your money as far as performance goes when you purchase a desktop.

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My friend just bought an ASUS model laptop and is pretty happy with it, not that one though, all in all ASUS is pretty solid and whatever you choose should be fine, I prefer to build my own pc though, but mobility of laptops is nice.

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I like the mobility of a laptop for sure, but if you want something high-end for gaming it's not the way to go.

ASUS high-end laptops are great for high-end gaming. i can get better benchmarks on my asus than most can on their PC that they may have just built last year (obviously depends on specs). desktops are only more superior to laptops because they are upgradable and highly customizable.

you cannot tell me laptops cannot do high-end gaming. with nvidia and ATi coming out with 2gb+ dedicated video memory plus the power of processors now-a-days, newer laptops should be able to handle any game years from now. (again, depending on specs)

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