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the deep web

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anyone here ever found a part of it? supposedly its these sites that arent known to search engines. from what i've heard like 80% of it is child porn but you can buy drugs online or order a hit on someone 0.o the internet that we go on only touches the surface of the web. i wanna find a site just because i'm curious.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisible_Web <--- more info on it.

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From the sources (Berkeley, New York Times) Ive read it sounds like most of it is rather drab database content, pdf documents, non html documents, blog posts, comments, and private discussions on various social networking sites. The idea that most of it is cool and exciting seems to be more of an urban myth.

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From the sources (Berkeley, New York Times) Ive read it sounds like most of it is rather drab database content, pdf documents, non html documents, blog posts, comments, and private discussions on various social networking sites. The idea that most of it is cool and exciting seems to be more of an urban myth.

perhaps. it might not be as cool as it sounds but i am curious as people describe it as 10x bigger than the internet. heres a quote of how a friend described it ( or the dangerous side of it).

The deep web is everythi unindexed by sear engines. It is something like 10x bigger than the internet. The internet is inside it. You can find old unindexed records to child porn to hitman to a forum about rape, how to do it the whol nine yards. Vids of it and all.

Finding the stuff is hard though, as the stuff an average joe could access would be far too many eyes. Often times ways are memorized and shit how to get places like go to 3e8shah184sje03. Onion and then go to the bottom of the page click the butterfly then. Click the banner on the side of the page and viola youre at a site that you can order a hit on somebody.

A lot of the addresses are weird like hdhdjdjejwjwiwu25w9cbdheh37dhduw. Onion not like www.rapefantasy.onion

There are no rules to the deep web. Anything goes, which if you stumble across a secret page and if you weren't supposed to see it you could be killed. Now, most of the stuff you'll find is child porn, its like 80% of the deep web. It cant be tracked easily so youre said to be anonymous but you should take other precautions than just tor if you are actually serious about using the black market for illegal things.

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Guest Ethan1

Sounds like a treasure hunt.

But really though, if you want to find one of those pages then do it, but you will find some seriously fucked up stuff.

The thought of popular websites having these secret areas is very, VERY unlikely though. I really don't see why you would want to go searching for stuff like this. It will be mainly scams, malware, child porn, "drug sales", and probably some really disturbing stuff.

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Sounds like a treasure hunt.

But really though, if you want to find one of those pages then do it, but you will find some seriously fucked up stuff.

The thought of popular websites having these secret areas is very, VERY unlikely though. I really don't see why you would want to go searching for stuff like this. It will be mainly scams, malware, child porn, "drug sales", and probably some really disturbing stuff.

im curious to the drug sales. online weed here i come.

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Guest Ethan1

If that gets intercepted or even just inspected/stolen from your doorstep, they will know who it was to :/

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If that gets intercepted or even just inspected/stolen from your doorstep, they will know who it was to :/
im not srs dude. thats too sketchy lol. i just wanna find a site to see if this shit is real.

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Guest Ethan1

There are public sites where you can buy weed, but I don't smoke it so I don't really look into it. You seem so open about it do your fucking parents know? lol.

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yep. they did it in highschool too. shared a bong hit with my dad once. bad idea since he wouldnt shut up during casino royale. i know there are public sites but its either fake shit, ground up shit that sucks, poor quality, or super expensive so they can hide it well in transit ( hiding it in coffee grounds n shit)

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perhaps. it might not be as cool as it sounds but i am curious as people describe it as 10x bigger than the internet. heres a quote of how a friend described it ( or the dangerous side of it).
The deep web is everythi unindexed by sear engines. It is something like 10x bigger than the internet. The internet is inside it. You can find old unindexed records to child porn to hitman to a forum about rape, how to do it the whol nine yards. Vids of it and all.

Finding the stuff is hard though, as the stuff an average joe could access would be far too many eyes. Often times ways are memorized and shit how to get places like go to 3e8shah184sje03. Onion and then go to the bottom of the page click the butterfly then. Click the banner on the side of the page and viola youre at a site that you can order a hit on somebody.

A lot of the addresses are weird like hdhdjdjejwjwiwu25w9cbdheh37dhduw. Onion not like www.rapefantasy.onion

There are no rules to the deep web. Anything goes, which if you stumble across a secret page and if you weren't supposed to see it you could be killed. Now, most of the stuff you'll find is child porn, its like 80% of the deep web. It cant be tracked easily so youre said to be anonymous but you should take other precautions than just tor if you are actually serious about using the black market for illegal things.

Your friend sounds mentally handicapped.

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Here I was thinking it was a 4chan post.

Here I was thinking it was a 420chan post.

edit: actually ask your friend if he goes on there

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As someone who frequented "Grasscity" back in highschool, that sounds about right.

0.0 wow u even got the site right. inb4 u find out im illogical on that site too. o wai-

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lol thats who runs the "2nd internet"

Wait these are the people who are running the 2nd internet?


The same people who created the incredibly unfunny meme as follows?




Oh my goooooooooooooooood

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There is one I know of, from back in my /b/ days, we harrassed some queer furry site so much that they had to go into hiding, into the deep web, with a very very basic site and passwords for everything, everyone being triple-checked. Still managed to get an insider in there though.

...Honestly I doubt theres that much great shit in the deep web, its either a hiding place for sites like that (but I do believe the bit about child porn, pedos are everywhere these days :( ) or just people who are there accidentally.

And buying weed from there? Fuck no, ill just stick to the usual way, ordering it from people you dont know is way too dodgy.

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Wait these are the people who are running the 2nd internet?


The same people who created the incredibly unfunny meme as follows?




Oh my goooooooooooooooood

inb4 marine shuts down the ginger internet.

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There's a site called "The Silk Road" which isn't accessible by standard web browsing. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/06/silkroad/. What you do is download a program called TOR browser which re-routes your IP through other TOR users like a proxy. TOR will use Firefox as a medium to enable completely anonymous browsing. Its a very cool but sketchy site. I've been browsing it but haven't purchased any drugs yet..

Edit: The interesting thing about this site is that it utilizes Bitcoins as a currency of trade


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There's a site called "The Silk Road" which isn't accessible by standard web browsing. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/06/silkroad/. What you do is download a program called TOR browser which re-routes your IP through other TOR users like a proxy. TOR will use Firefox as a medium to enable completely anonymous browsing. Its a very cool but sketchy site. I've been browsing it but haven't purchased any drugs yet..

Edit: The interesting thing about this site is that it utilizes Bitcoins as a currency of trade

uh. i think i just found it. inb4 dea breaks down my door. dunno how to buy anything though

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