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Mac'n'Cheese gets people fat. Just saying.

I'm allergic to the cheese part of that and the mac part of that so I have no idea what it tastes like. Looks nasty! O_o

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Being irish, we dont get macaroni and cheese. Instead, we get irish breakfasts. Potatoes, bacon, Potatoes, sausages, Potatoes, egg (preferably fried) and Potatoes. Roast, of course, not mashed or fried or whatever the fuck you ameriqueers do.

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Being irish, we dont get macaroni and cheese. Instead, we get irish breakfasts. Potatoes, bacon, Potatoes, sausages, Potatoes, egg (preferably fried) and Potatoes. Roast, of course, not mashed or fried or whatever the fuck you ameriqueers do.

Lol you're not fooling us we all know Ireland ran out of potatoes over a hundred years ago.

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Being irish, we dont get macaroni and cheese. Instead, we get irish breakfasts. Potatoes, bacon, Potatoes, sausages, Potatoes, egg (preferably fried) and Potatoes. Roast, of course, not mashed or fried or whatever the fuck you ameriqueers do.

Do you also quaff cwaffie with it?

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Lol you're not fooling us we all know Ireland ran out of potatoes over a hundred years ago.


Though in fairness, the blight of 1846-48/49 (can never remember the last number) was just that. We've got our spuds back now, though fortunately its not our staple diet anymore - before all we ate was potatoes - potatoes with butter, potatoes with garlic, potatoes with mud, whatever the hell we could get our hands on. So when potatoes as a crop fail....we lost about 70% of our population, both to starvation and emigration, to - guess where, you got it, america, mostly new york and boston. BAM, A HISTORY LESSON THAT I DIDNT REALLY TEACH ANYONE BECAUSE ITS COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Also lol our population was nearly 9 million back then and now its still 4 million.

tl;dr: yeah your basically right, we suck.

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Though in fairness, the blight of 1846-48/49 (can never remember the last number) was just that. We've got our spuds back now, though fortunately its not our staple diet anymore - before all we ate was potatoes - potatoes with butter, potatoes with garlic, potatoes with mud, whatever the hell we could get our hands on. So when potatoes as a crop fail....we lost about 70% of our population, both to starvation and emigration, to - guess where, you got it, america, mostly new york and boston. BAM, A HISTORY LESSON THAT I DIDNT REALLY TEACH ANYONE BECAUSE ITS COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Also lol our population was nearly 9 million back then and now its still 4 million.

tl;dr: yeah your basically right, we suck.

Your numbers are off.

Just sayin'.


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