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Wiki: Day in the life of ______.

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Well not a day, but on members' "wiki" pages, they should have a demo of themselves (on an average day)(Short length demo- sampling to the "people who don't know them" a taste of who they are in-game). Or could be their craziest/funniest day.

Just how people want themselves to be seen. A way to show off how they play, and what kind of people they are in-game, rather than through emotionless text on the forums. personally, I don't know how half of the people on the forums act in-game and such. So to answer/fill in that blank, they could post a demo of themselves/video of themselves in-game or however they want to be seen. People are different on forums as opposed to in-game.

Just an idea/suggestion. People don't have to if it's too much work for them, but I feel it would give people a taste of who the player is (in action). I wouldn't call this a requirement by any means. Also, these demos should show the better side of people. We know some of the members freekill/troll/micspam/abuse from time to time, but I feel the video sample of the play should be player-approved [preferably made by the player him/her-self].

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