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Did Rp get flushed?

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I do believe someone is supposed to be working on it, but they aren't. That or no one cares, and gave up on it. OR the only people who want it done are the people who can't work on it.

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I do believe someone is supposed to be working on it, but they aren't. That or no one cares, and gave up on it. OR the only people who want it done are the people who can't work on it.

That someone is supposed to be Scopene.

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That someone is supposed to be Scopene.

No. That someone is Guitar Guy. Scopene organized everything and pretty much managed it all. I did most of the jobs coding and the skins/models.

I stopped working on it because people stopped playing. No suggestions, no nothing. Telling people to come play doesn't work, events don't work. What does work is it going away for a little while, people thinking "Hey, I wish we had a DarkRP Server!" Then the process gets started over again until it sticks.

Yes, I'm throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. I've had a few ideas for DarkRP, but I also haven't been given FTP access to it so I can't really do anything with it even if I wanted to.

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No. That someone is Guitar Guy. Scopene organized everything and pretty much managed it all. I did most of the jobs coding and the skins/models.

I stopped working on it because people stopped playing. No suggestions, no nothing. Telling people to come play doesn't work, events don't work. What does work is it going away for a little while, people thinking "Hey, I wish we had a DarkRP Server!" Then the process gets started over again until it sticks.

Yes, I'm throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. I've had a few ideas for DarkRP, but I also haven't been given FTP access to it so I can't really do anything with it even if I wanted to.


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the last darkrp server we had was a hit. It was just basic DarkRP, the only addons it had was wire, and pcmod on rp_downtown_v2. Maybe we should try that again, I think it was just too much shit to go through.

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