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The Norway Attacks

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I know there has already been a thread about this, but I'm going to list some more information.

Also, some links to some pics (that you might not want to see)

The guy who did it:

Anders Behring Breivik (32)


So far, already 91 have been killed, 84 of those were teenagers on the summer camp island of Utøya (numbers are still growing).

"They were so young, between 14 and 19 years old."

Anders was a right wing extremist who expressed strong nationalistic views in online debates and had been a strong opponent of the idea that people of different cultural backgrounds can live alongside each other.

The Island:


Anders caught in the act (disturbing)

More victims (disturbing)

And even more...(disturbing)

This guy was fucked up, dressed up as a police officer, told everyone to come outside and he started spraying.

What should happen to this guy? Death penalty? Live in prison so he can rot and die..?


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I'm speechless, the guy should be tortured for several years before they could proceed to put a bullet in his head. I just hope all my relatives and friends from Oslo are okay since I haven't heard anything from anyone of them yet. :\

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I remember the link in the other thread and the comments on the entire thing were all about Middle Eastern terrorists and how scummy those Arabs are, but oh what's this exact same thing happening on the homefront.

Seriously though, 91 killed. There is no amount of anguish you could convict someone of to equate to what this guy caused. Whatever the maximum is, give him it. Death would be just too easy of a way out though.

also this guy is retarded in some way right? I mean obviously you'd have to be fucked to go kill a bunch of teens who have next to nothing to do with your cause, but that shithead smirk he has on his face in the pic screams sociopath.

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Heard about this just this morning. Supposedly he came onto the island and told the employees/workers/counselors(Whatever they were) that he wanted to talk to the kids about the Oslo bombing. What suprised me is the fact that they let him when all he had on him that was police apparel was supposedly a hoodie with the insignia on it. He had them go to the outside auditorium where the Prime Minister was later going to speak and then shot a few shots into the air. Some kids thought it was a drill and ran towards him to look at the gun. They were gunned down instantly and most of the kids either jumped into the water and tried to swim away, ran in the opposite direction towards the wooded area or went for the buildings nearby. One of the girls they interveiwed was huddled against a rock under him, he was standing on top of it, and watched him shoot the people trying to swim away. Another girl said she was in a building hiding under a bed and heard gunshots in the room next door and screaming. I have no idea what time the bomb went off but they think he was planning on having it go off at 3pm when government workers were allowed to leave early, only on fridays.

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I'm still horrified by this. Little tingles are running up my spine :/

Things like this make me lose faith in humanity.

My heart goes out to everyone in this situation.

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Supposedly there was a second and a third shooter. Multiple people who were at the island at the time claim there was a man with black hair who had a gun strapped to his back and who was shooting at others. A small group of kids from the camp also claim there was a man with a ski mask involved. What scares me is the fact that there might be more bombs because the shooter that is captured bought 6 TONS of fertilizer in may.

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I'm abhorred by the magnitude of the crime this man decided to commit. Screw the death penalty, make him pay for the rest of his life as some have already stated. Death is only most likely giving him what he wants at this point. :|

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I'm abhorred by the magnitude of the crime this man decided to commit. Screw the death penalty, make him pay for the rest of his life as some have already stated. Death is only most likely giving him what he wants at this point. :|

Life with daily torture is what I think he deserves.

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Death toll of Island currently stands at 85 people.

Also, he wasn't just wearing a hoodie with the insignia on it, he was wearing the full uniform, the only thing that seemed weird to the kids was that he had guns with him.

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This is unbelievably fucked up. Another grating thing is what will happen to him now. IIRC the maximum sentence in Norway is 21 years.

It's upsetting that most likely he will not get what he deserves.

I'm pretty confident things will be a bit different for him in this case...

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