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Guest J_MaFia

Was Fun But I'm gone. PEACE :D

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I know how you feel J. It happens mang. When people post criticisms it's hard to dissociate that from a personal attack. You're fun to play with, and hilarious to be around. Perhaps SO wasn't you cup of tea. I beg you try & play without it. I promise, without that burden of responsibility & high standard, the game becomes what it use to be: fun. TTT SO's got it rough. They have to hear "Oh I got RDM'd" 24/7, and even the slightest mistake is scrutinized. I grew tired of TTT for that reason alone- to much bitching. Now, you can join and do what you love without having to enforce the rules.

J_Mafia.. I just want you to hang bodies.

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You think I sincerely believe he has a vagina?

Stop trying to catch me using words the wrong way. You fail at it every time.

Sincerity doesn't have to comply with a literal translation of a post. Your disdain for J_Mafia could indeed be sincere, if you are in fact disdainful of him.

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and then i herded them.

I fuckin lol'd so hard at this XD

Mafia, take a break. I'm not going to speak the truth because everyone has said it already, but just take a month break and then come back. To be honest, it is kind of immature why you are leaving... but you can redeem yourself. An apology goes a long way. Sure, there will be haters who will still be hatin, but a lot of people will accept it. If you think that everyone hates you, you are completely wrong.

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adjective /sinˈsi(ə)r/ 

sincerer, comparative; sincerest, superlative

Free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings

- they offer their sincere thanks to Paul

(of a person) Saying what they genuinely feel or believe; not dishonest or hypocritical


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adjective /sinˈsi(ə)r/ 

sincerer, comparative; sincerest, superlative

Free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings

- they offer their sincere thanks to Paul

(of a person) Saying what they genuinely feel or believe; not dishonest or hypocritical


Strike three.

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Strike three.

BREAKING NEWS: Goldentongue's post are not as deep or intellectual as we once thought. More at 10.

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