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We need your input on Servers!

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oh please dont take away climb, it is the only decent climb server i know of. i enjoy it very much

have them combine the server...somehow

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In my opinion, SK and gungame sound like awesome ideas, and gungame is always popular.

Death run sounds like it could be interesting too, though I've never played on a deathrun server before, so I can't say from experience.

I played in the climb server once. It was fun and I was enjoying myself. The thing is, it doesn't seem like the type of server that will get a ton of regulars, just because...I don't really know, it just seems like the kind of server type that you would play on if you are really bored.

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I vote we get rid of the ZR server.

Kind of surprised that's not a vote-able option.


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Bhop and climb are good servers, but its the mod itself. You cant stay on the server for a large amount of time,, whereas mods like mg, jb, and wcs, you can stay without get bored.

As for new servers, zm and tf2 please!

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I'd vote for TF2, but with it going free, chances are it will end up dying off.

Doesn't hurt to try though.

When we had our TF2 server it wasn't really populated, then there came a weekend where TF2 was free for the whole weekend and it was full most of the time.

I think that if we got a TF 2 server it will be really populated since it's free.

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Bhop and climb are good servers, but its the mod itself. You cant stay on the server for a large amount of time,, whereas mods like mg, jb, and wcs, you can stay without get bored.

As for new servers, zm and tf2 please!

ZM already has it's own slot. I'm just waiting for Clay and zachmanman to work on it...

We replaced Climb with ScoutzKnivez+RPG to see how it goes for now.

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Gungame is one of my all time favorite CSS modes next to WCS and we already have that, let's get on it. Perhaps make it an interesting gungame too not just the usual kind, maybe mix it up somehow, look at the different variations of it and find one that would be interesting but well populated.

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ill miss climb :( if we aren't bringing a climb server back i'd like to direct all source climbers to Kreedz Climbing Mod. its a free source mod dedicated to climbing and it pretty much rules. i dunno where these xc_ maps came from, but back in the day kz_ was the only thing to climb.

if you guys are doing gungame it needs at least to be turbo and i'd like to suggest deathmatch. i currently have my own gungame and vanilla servers outside of sG but sadly they bore the hell out of me and i'd much rather play here :)

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