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Gmod is up now.

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The only reason it will fail is because I will turn on ragdoll pinning for everyone and spawn 30 alyx ragdolls and then the server will melt.

TTT must get fixed!!! I have a need to stress test the fuck out of the new server!

This happened to sG's old zm server. (Back when it was =(UV)=) But what happened was the server went down and when it finally went back up no one came back. People are antsy and will find another server to satisfy themselves. O.o

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This happened to sG's old zm server. (Back when it was =(UV)=) But what happened was the server went down and when it finally went back up no one came back. People are antsy and will find another server to satisfy themselves. O.o

Our ZM server did make a comeback. Something just happened in the server community itself and everyone left.

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Our ZM server did make a comeback. Something just happened in the server community itself and everyone left.

its cus i got banned, everyone was like aww no more postal imma leave now:[

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I'm waiting for blob or someone to come and look at it. I have NO idea whats wrong :|

Have you asked Scopene, I don't think he worked on TTT, but he was a major factor in setting up DarkRP, which also runs through GMod.

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Meh. I don't know what's broken. I copied over the files exactly from the old server and managed to get it running by updating glibc and libstdc++ on the new server. If it's fucked up... it's Valve's fault. I'm really not sure what to do to fix it because I've never really messed with GMOD :(

Way Different settings and Way different gamemodes

Never said they where equal, but Scopene has experience with GMod, which Fontaine doesn't.

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I managed to get TTT running, but some of the custom stuff doesn't work. This is probably due to the update overwriting some of the custom files blob did. Luckily, i still have the old server, and am going to figure out which files I need to replace. But for now, I need to sleep. Plain TTT is working right now, but tomorrow I'll try and fix the custom stuff.

Sorry about all this down time guys! Blame Valve! They fucked shit up.


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Valve: Lets make TF2 Free Forever

TF2 Freebie Noobs: OMG This game is fun! I want premium acct!!!

Gmod Players: WTF is this error for??

Valve: $$$$$... OH SHIT we forgot about Garry...

Garry: Need the Update to fix Gmod. Ima play TF2 in the meantime

Valve: *Gives Garry Update*

Garry: Fixes Gmod

Gmod Players: YAY Gmod is working...

sG TTT players: Wheres TTT *Blame engineers*

Fontaine: Fixes most of TTT then sleeps

sG TTT players: Woot TTT is up... Wheres my mp5????

To Be continued...

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Valve: Lets make TF2 Free Forever

TF2 Freebie Noobs: OMG This game is fun! I want premium acct!!!

Gmod Players: WTF is this error for??

Valve: $$$$$... OH SHIT we forgot about Garry...

Garry: Need the Update to fix Gmod. Ima play TF2 in the meantime

Valve: *Gives Garry Update*

Garry: Fixes Gmod

Gmod Players: YAY Gmod is working...

sG TTT players: Wheres TTT *Blame engineers*

Fontaine: Fixes most of TTT then sleeps

sG TTT players: Woot TTT is up... Wheres my mp5????

To Be continued...

Allllmoooost accurate.

Except for the fact that Garry sends Valve the updates that they have to apply to Gmod; Garry does not apply these updates himself since he doesn't have the power over the steam commands to do so.

So to fix that first part is would be:

Valve: $$$$$... OH SHIT we forgot about Garry...

Garry: Have the Update to fix Gmod. Gave it to Valve, they usually don't care when it's applied.

Valve: *Procrastinates on updating Gmod.*

Garry: *Trolls on forums and TF2 instead.*

Edit to your last few posts:

sG TTT players and Fontaine: No fear, Blob will fix it when he's here!.. In.. a week or two.

Edit for clarification to those who don't know what exactly is broken at the moment:

Seems like the stock weapons like the M16, Mp5, Deagle, etc. will not reload when they are thrown to the ground and picked back up. Not to mention that these weapons' damage and fire rates have been reset to default for the time being. Also, the knife is, once again, terribad in the fact that it only deals 50 damage, even if it had two uses on a left click. The right click thrown knife still is an instant kill, however. As for the supporter information and who had Mp5s or not, it seems these have disappeared as well, meaning no one spawns with the Mp5s. Pretty sure these a lot of other custom things from the server that still needs to be reapplied to the server at a later date.

Either way, I've been told to be rest assure that all the custom files will be re-updated and everything will be good as new.

Would like to extend my thanks again to the engineers for handling this situation and also to DiabeticDaniel for coming on TTT for a bit and giving the supporters their Mp5s briefly. Was appreciated and really makes me feel like you guys care. <3

In any case, I still have fun whatever the circumstance and condition the server is in. :3

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After I get back from class I'll try and see if I can fix the custom stuff. I have an idea, but not sure :|

Or we could just leave it as is an not screw up what we have.

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After I get back from class I'll try and see if I can fix the custom stuff. I have an idea, but not sure :|

I prefer this idea.

If you have a backup beforehand screwing up shit will last at most 20mins while you restore the backup.

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Mind telling me/us what the problem is as personally im curious as to what it was.

I would GUESS a misconfigured DUA cache however this is a complete guesstimate and ussually throws up a LUA cache misconfigured error.

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TTT IS BACK all custom settings are fixed.
Mind telling me/us what the problem is as personally im curious as to what it was.

I would GUESS a misconfigured DUA cache however this is a complete guesstimate and ussually throws up a LUA cache misconfigured error.

It is all better.

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When garrysmod updates, it overwrites a bunch of weapon lua files. So I copied the ones it replaced from the old server, and put them on the server AFTER updating. So now the server uses the old custom lua files, while still running the new server version. ;)

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