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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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Well we are on the cusp of another new year. UV has gone through many changes this year. We have done a lot and made progress in a lot of areas. It is also the beginning of my Presidency. I hope that you all like me as your President. Even though I know that not everyone agrees with me and how I do things, I assure you that I do my best to help UV prosper and grow day by day. I know not everyone likes me and that is ok because assuming this responsibility doesn't allow me to be everyone's friend. But I do try hard to treat everyone with respect.

I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Thank you to EVERYONE, not just JCS and not just admins, EVERYONE. You have all helped to keep the community strong.

fox.Bios, President of UV

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Well we are on the cusp of another new year. UV has gone through many changes this year. We have done a lot and made progress in a lot of areas. It is also the beginning of my Presidency. I hope that you all like me as your President. Even though I know that not everyone agrees with me and how I do things, I assure you that I do my best to help UV prosper and grow day by day. I know not everyone likes me and that is ok because assuming this responsibility doesn't allow me to be everyone's friend. But I do try hard to treat everyone with respect.

I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Thank you to EVERYONE, not just JCS and not just admins, EVERYONE. You have all helped to keep the community strong.

fox.Bios, President of UV

Erm, Happy Yulefest!

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Wow, this has been a crazy year.... if only I had made a diary...

I hope those few that have stayed for a long time, especially the ones who joined before 2007, remain in this community for as long as we are active. And to the newer members, if 2008 is going to be as crazy as 2007, you're in for a wild ride :) Just make sure you visit the forums often!

Long live Undead Vengeance! And my line: There's a reason why the clan's called undead... :P

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Holy day. This was one mother fucking necro bump.

Good job Jared, even though Bios was an asshole.

dude was legit if you were agreeable with him.

gave me some tips for growing some nugg.

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I just found out this year no one in my family is getting gifts. Like, beyond my immediate family. Instead we're all chipping in to purchase necessities for a third world village.

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