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Dastan's Application [Accepted]

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Name: Matte

Age: 19

Location: Ontario, Canada

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:15288844

XFire: -none-

Provide a link to your GameMe profile:http://sg.gameme.com/playerinfo/202385

Microphone: Yes

Favorite Server: Wcs1

Have you ever hacked in game before: Nope

Questions or Comments: Noddaa

About Yourself: I whore savage and bhop like a pro.

Referral(s): Blob/ Mimic And J_mafia

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DASTAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! definitely getting my vote as well. true winner right her. If he doesn't get in, the world should end.

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Guest J_MaFia


Fucking <3 me some dastypoo

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Thank you for applying to Syndicate Gamers.

First off, make sure you're well versed in reporting Abusive Players (ex. Mic Spammers, Admins, Hackers etc...)


• Have one staff or two referrals from elite, senior elite, veteran, legend clan members or server officers.

• Have to have at least 2 week of forum time and 100 posts

• Have at least 50 hours of playtime on the Syndicate Gamers Servers.

After doing so you will be ready to move on.

The first phase of recruitment requires that you be screened by a Recruitment Officer or other staff if an RO is unavailable.

In order to do so, you will need to add one of the following and ask them (if available and willing) to screen you.

Please add your "in-game name" and "Preferred Server" in the add friend comment, as to avoid confusion. This is not necessary, but highly, highly appreciated.


  • Mitch (Xfire: geekyaznboy)


Recruitment Officers:

Failure to complete the screening will result in a denied application. Your screening must be posted by a staff member.

Check back often, as updates, comments and suggestions will be made throughout the recruitment process.

Thank you.

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Thank you for applying to Syndicate Gamers.

First off, make sure you're well versed in reporting Abusive Players (ex. Mic Spammers, Admins, Hackers etc...)


• Have one staff or two referrals from elite, senior elite, veteran, legend clan members or server officers.

• Have to have at least 2 week of forum time and 100 posts

• Have at least 50 hours of playtime on the Syndicate Gamers Servers.

After doing so you will be ready to move on.

The first phase of recruitment requires that you be screened by a Recruitment Officer or other staff if an RO is unavailable.

In order to do so, you will need to add one of the following and ask them (if available and willing) to screen you.

Please add your "in-game name" and "Preferred Server" in the add friend comment, as to avoid confusion. This is not necessary, but highly, highly appreciated.


  • Mitch (Xfire: geekyaznboy)


Recruitment Officers:

Failure to complete the screening will result in a denied application. Your screening must be posted by a staff member.

Check back often, as updates, comments and suggestions will be made throughout the recruitment process.

Thank you.

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Question 1: If there was a microphone spammer on the server, how would you deal with it? What if you ran into a hacker?

If there was a microphone spammer, I would first tell them to please stop. If the mic spam continued, I would then mute and give them a warning. Again if continued, kick and then ban if needed. For the hacker, I would go into spectator, start up the demo, and watch peacefully. Usually, If certain things are seen by me, that show certain hacks, I will ban for the day and post on the forums with demo and explanation.

Question 2: What would you tell someone else who shows interest in joining sG?

Just have fun on the servers, don't make yourself look like a complete ass and then send them to the forums where they can see how sG really works.

Question 3: Would you consider yourself a mature person? If so, why?

I would say I am pretty mature, never cause drama.

Question 4: Why is it that you want to join the sG community? How often will you be on the sG servers and forums?

Well, I basically play on the servers everyday and go on the forums everyday. I have been around since Uv and earlier. I get along with basically everyone! I don't see a reason not to join.

Question 5: Do you fully agree with the terms and conditions specified in the recruitment thread?


Question 6: Have you ever received disciplinary action from the sG staff? If yes, why?


Question 7: Have you ever been a member in sG before or tried to become one? If so, why did you leave/get denied?

Nope, never been a member. Thought about joining Uv but decided not to due to personal reasons.

Question 8: In around 5 sentences, tell us what we need to know about you before we let you into our clan.

I feel that I am a very laid back person. Don't really cause drama and feel the joining sg would only benefit me. I play css for jokes and relaxtion. I am on basically everday cause I got lucky and found a job where I can at home so whenever needed, I'm usually there.


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You have the met the prerequisites to move onto the next step of the recruitment process.

This thread will be moved to pending recruits now. Your status will be changed to reflect that of a recruit. During the 3 week sGr period the whole community will be watching you.

Stay active, maintain maturity, post on the forums when possible, and be patient.

Please add "sGr |" (without quotes) to your in-game and Xfire name. If you are not wearing the tags, your application to join the clan may be denied. Any infractions received in the three week waiting period will directly affect an applicants approval.

Adding the following to your Xfire contacts will be beneficial in the future for questions or comments you may have. Feel free to contact any one of us provided we are available. If we aren't, you can send us private message at anytime by clicking on our respective profiles and clicking "Send Message."




Recruitment Officers:

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Excellent WCS1 Player and admin. Helpful, chill, been around for a while.


Yes (staff): blob

Yes (community): Jiyeon


No (community):

No (staff):

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Yes. About time he applied. Great wcs player.


Yes (staff): blob

Yes (community): Jiyeon, Aero


No (community):

No (staff):

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Guest Sandy Balls

Yes, Cool admin.


Yes (staff): blob

Yes (community): Jiyeon, Aero , Style Reflex, sandy


No (community):

No (staff):

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Guest J_MaFia


Yes, he's my fucking boo boo.

Yes (staff): blob

Yes (community): Jiyeon, J_MaF, Aero, style, Sandy


No (community):

No (staff):

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