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what does it cost..

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No one is butthurt about Yiyas. Where in this entire thread are we butthurt about Yiyas? All anyone ever said was that you need to talk to Yiyas. Why is that the case? Because, as you've stated, he runs the server. All the coding is done by him and he will choose who he wants to test the private races before they are released. If you didn't know this and you're somehow in the clan, then it's your own damn fault.

Also, I have no idea why you are even talking about that hacking stuff. It's irrelevant to this thread.

Thirdly, it doesn't matter if you're in the clan. Is your skull so thick that you can't get that? YIYAS CHOOSES WHO WILL TEST THE RACES. Chuck, Church, checkster all have access to these races because they have solid input in testing and coding the races, but are not in the clan. What do you want to play them for? Just so you can play them? They are there for testing purposes.

Again, if you're deadset on thinking that everything has a price, then fix your attitude and go speak with Yiyas politely about donating for access to them. Otherwise, stfu.

Lastly, if you're in the clan, you should be wearing the tag. Refer to this post: http://www.syndicate-gamers.net/showthread.php?t=29085

Edit: Mimic and Aero basically said the exact same thing as I was typing up my reply.

ITT: cookies is a faggot.

you two, give me a link where you play on the server please. I'll give you the addy... http://sg.gameme.com/players/css5 right there<<<

I love this, I really do. I ask a simple question and get the engineer's name. I wanted to donate a fucking hundred dollars so I can play the private races. I'm number 14 on statsme right now PLEASE FUCKING SHOW ONE DEMO OF ME ABUSING FUCKING ANYTHING?!?!?!? Noone can because I don't and I never have. Get over yourselves. you've all pulled bullshit in the servers, mimic has whored lord of the pit knowing the shotty is a fucking glitch with it, not once but multiple times. If anyone else wants to chime in with more playtime than me on server 1 and higher rank than please do. I just want to play the private races because i'm bored. I'm maxed to 99% lower than anyone else on the server, period. So if SG doesn't want 2 bills so I can dick around like 10 other people on the private races then I don't give a fuck, but don't act like hard shit when you don't have shit.

I guess it doesn't matter now. I'll talk to junzou or oracion when I can.

btw about the hacking shit, it is relevant to this thread because I made the fucking thread dumbass. I also gave my reasoning. Fuck off and keep being and underachiever.

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Bro, I'm organik. Ive been playing before you learned to suck your first dick. Calm down, mommas money cant buy everything.

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you two, give me a link where you play on the server please. I'll give you the addy... http://sg.gameme.com/players/css5 right there<<<

I love this, I really do. I ask a simple question and get the engineer's name. I wanted to donate a fucking hundred dollars so I can play the private races. I'm number 14 on statsme right now PLEASE FUCKING SHOW ONE DEMO OF ME ABUSING FUCKING ANYTHING?!?!?!? Noone can because I don't and I never have. Get over yourselves. you've all pulled bullshit in the servers, mimic has whored lord of the pit knowing the shotty is a fucking glitch with it, not once but multiple times. If anyone else wants to chime in with more playtime than me on server 1 and higher rank than please do. I just want to play the private races because i'm bored. I'm maxed to 99% lower than anyone else on the server, period. So if SG doesn't want 2 bills so I can dick around like 10 other people on the private races then I don't give a fuck, but don't act like hard shit when you don't have shit.

I guess it doesn't matter now. I'll talk to junzou or oracion when I can.

btw about the hacking shit, it is relevant to this thread because I made the fucking thread dumbass. I also gave my reasoning. Fuck off and keep being and underachiever.

The hacking shit isn't relevant, the only thing relevant to this thread is what is in your OP and title. You got a simple answer and you started being a dick to everyone for giving you that simple answer. I warned you to stop flaming, so I'll just go ahead and infract you for flaming after every post from when I told you to stop flaming.

And I don't see why you are on your high horse about rank 14 on wcs 1 and how no one with less playtime can say shit to you. If I had that much playtime on wcs, I'd probably be in the top10, and most likely at least above you.

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you two, give me a link where you play on the server please. I'll give you the addy... http://sg.gameme.com/players/css5 right there<<<

I love this, I really do. I ask a simple question and get the engineer's name. I wanted to donate a fucking hundred dollars so I can play the private races. I'm number 14 on statsme right now PLEASE FUCKING SHOW ONE DEMO OF ME ABUSING FUCKING ANYTHING?!?!?!? Noone can because I don't and I never have. Get over yourselves. you've all pulled bullshit in the servers, mimic has whored lord of the pit knowing the shotty is a fucking glitch with it, not once but multiple times. If anyone else wants to chime in with more playtime than me on server 1 and higher rank than please do. I just want to play the private races because i'm bored. I'm maxed to 99% lower than anyone else on the server, period. So if SG doesn't want 2 bills so I can dick around like 10 other people on the private races then I don't give a fuck, but don't act like hard shit when you don't have shit.

I guess it doesn't matter now. I'll talk to junzou or oracion when I can.

btw about the hacking shit, it is relevant to this thread because I made the fucking thread dumbass. I also gave my reasoning. Fuck off and keep being and underachiever.

I'm sorry, but I'm rank 13, with the most playtime. You don't even have half my play time. Nice try though.

You can't just get private races cause "you're bored." You have to earn them. Some people with private races do dick around, just for fun, but most of the time, they're testing.

@other thread. That has absolutely nothing to do with this thread. Doesn't matter if you MADE it or not. This thread has it's own topic, which is about you trying to get private races. That thread is about you telling us to watch for a potential hacker. 2 TOTALLY different topics.

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I'm ranked 8th, what the fuck does that mean? Just means the play on the server too much. I'm still surprised that your a sG member and after half-ass reading this thread. All I can say, you shouldn't get private races even if they were for sale.

3 options: Play the race Mimic or level up for expertise or just play the game.

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you two, give me a link where you play on the server please. I'll give you the addy... http://sg.gameme.com/players/css5 right there<<<

I love this, I really do. I ask a simple question and get the engineer's name. I wanted to donate a fucking hundred dollars so I can play the private races. I'm number 14 on statsme right now PLEASE FUCKING SHOW ONE DEMO OF ME ABUSING FUCKING ANYTHING?!?!?!? Noone can because I don't and I never have. Get over yourselves. you've all pulled bullshit in the servers, mimic has whored lord of the pit knowing the shotty is a fucking glitch with it, not once but multiple times. If anyone else wants to chime in with more playtime than me on server 1 and higher rank than please do. I just want to play the private races because i'm bored. I'm maxed to 99% lower than anyone else on the server, period. So if SG doesn't want 2 bills so I can dick around like 10 other people on the private races then I don't give a fuck, but don't act like hard shit when you don't have shit.

I guess it doesn't matter now. I'll talk to junzou or oracion when I can.

btw about the hacking shit, it is relevant to this thread because I made the fucking thread dumbass. I also gave my reasoning. Fuck off and keep being and underachiever.

It wasn't illegal to play Lord of the Pit that way at the time, and it was all in good fun.

This isn't about you whoring a race for it's capabilities, it's about you getting access to tester races. From the looks of things, and the way you act, you will probably never get access to tester races without bribing somebody. As stated before, tester races aren't for public sale, and we are currently working on a supporter subscription that would allow you to play subscriber races, which a few private races are already flagged for. Yiyas' name is important because he's the only person who would give out private race access, and he has the ability to answer all of your questions. That being said, people have offered to donate money (much more than $100) in the past for access to private races, but haven't been successful.

Also, as far as I'm aware, only four people who are active have access to private races. Those people being: Yiyas, Oracion, Chuck Norris, and myself. Two of those names in the list are both staff members who work on the server, and thus design races for us to play. I don't think there are even ten people flagged to have access to private races.

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Guest J_MaFia
It wasn't illegal to play Lord of the Pit that way at the time, and it was all in good fun.

This isn't about you whoring a race for it's capabilities, it's about you getting access to tester races. From the looks of things, and the way you act, you will probably never get access to tester races without bribing somebody. As stated before, tester races aren't for public sale, and we are currently working on a supporter subscription that would allow you to play subscriber races, which a few private races are already flagged for. Yiyas' name is important because he's the only person who would give out private race access, and he has the ability to answer all of your questions. That being said, people have offered to donate money in the past for access to private races, but haven't been successful.

Also, as far as I'm aware, only four people who are active have access to private races. Those people being: Yiyas, Oracion, Chuck Norris, and myself. Two of those names in the list are both staff members who work on the server, and thus design races for us to play. I don't think there are even ten people flagged to have access to private races.

Knifemaster too

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I think Empires also.

I haven't seen Empire play private races.

Knifemaster too

Hm. He's semi-active now, so I'll give him that.

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you two, give me a link where you play on the server please. I'll give you the addy... http://sg.gameme.com/players/css5 right there<<<

I love this, I really do. I ask a simple question and get the engineer's name. I wanted to donate a fucking hundred dollars so I can play the private races. I'm number 14 on statsme right now PLEASE FUCKING SHOW ONE DEMO OF ME ABUSING FUCKING ANYTHING?!?!?!? Noone can because I don't and I never have. Get over yourselves. you've all pulled bullshit in the servers, mimic has whored lord of the pit knowing the shotty is a fucking glitch with it, not once but multiple times. If anyone else wants to chime in with more playtime than me on server 1 and higher rank than please do. I just want to play the private races because i'm bored. I'm maxed to 99% lower than anyone else on the server, period. So if SG doesn't want 2 bills so I can dick around like 10 other people on the private races then I don't give a fuck, but don't act like hard shit when you don't have shit.

I guess it doesn't matter now. I'll talk to junzou or oracion when I can.

btw about the hacking shit, it is relevant to this thread because I made the fucking thread dumbass. I also gave my reasoning. Fuck off and keep being and underachiever.


I was most active when it was still UV and quit before they changed to sG and just recently started playing again.

To address your other stuff: No one is full of themselves, only you. I say this because, if you failed to read my first post, they gave you honest answers and you started being rude to others and started flaming them for no reason. No one is acting like hard shit, only you.

You're 14th with a ton of play time. Congrats. Did you want a cookie? Like others have said, this doesn't get you access to private races. The answer to your original question remains the same: Talk to Yiyas or Oracian about private races.

The hacking thread is still irrelevant because it has literally nothing to do with obtaining private races. Just because you made the thread doesn't mean that stuff you post in it is relevant to it.

Lastly, "Fuck off and keep being and underachiever."

EDIT: http://www.syndicate-gamers.net/showthread.php?t=11258 So you're what like 29-30 years old? Telling off people who don't have as high of a rank as you and as much play time as you, and then telling us to fuck off and stop being underachievers?

All I can say is LOL. /thread

Everyone else that's posted before me has basically summed up everything else.

If you still can't get it that people are calling you out because you were being an asshole, then I am legitimately sorry for you and your poor reading capabilities.

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I believe I was asking Yiyas for private races for over a year. I only got it after I became an RO recently.... and I was playing on the server much longer than you.

I do have private races, but I don't play them very much. Either they take way too long to level (Wizard of the Everlasing), they're overpowered (the Ghoul race before I got it nerfed), or they suck (Chuck Norris's invis knife race). I'd rather just have fun with the races that are already given to me, though the option of playing them is worth it :)

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I love this, I really do. I ask a simple question and get the engineer's name.

And I love that your question was answered on the very next post, but you're too retarded to comprehend it.

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heh I apologize guys... I was seriously shit faced and barely remembered making this thread. Feel free to delete. Again I apologize :(

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Guest J_MaFia
heh I apologize guys... I was seriously shit faced and barely remembered making this thread. Feel free to delete. Again I apologize :(

It's kay you should wear ur tags in-game now dough

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Guest J_MaFia
I just donated 100 anyway for feeling like such an ass. :D see ya ingame


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