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Counter to Zealot rush?

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Nevermind the previous question. Could you please post a replay of the match? Also, did your build mirror this build at all?


It's very similar to that. Just a difference of 1 food for a few of those. I don't have the replay but basically I had 1 zealot and 2 (building the 3rd) stalkers. I should've been able to kite the zealots but I was trying to protect the probes as well. I'm assuming next time I should scout better and either make spine crawlers or cannons for defense?

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spine crawlers or cannons for defense?

yeah if you can make spine crawlers as toss, go for it...

I don't understand how you lost to a rush if you're 4gating - since that should give you more units...unless you just don't macro well...

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yeah if you can make spine crawlers as toss, go for it...

I don't understand how you lost to a rush if you're 4gating - since that should give you more units...unless you just don't macro well...

I meant to add Z or P which is why I added the spine crawlers. I have no idea what he did since I didn't add the replay, but like I said I had 1 Zealot and 2 stalkers and he came in with 7-8 zealots and so I lost to the numbers.

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The point is that I'm saying if I scout and see he's going for a zealot rush then what would I do to counter.

cancel the cyber core' date=' make a gate and a forge.

make a cannon and counter his two gate with two gate.

I don't understand how you lost to a rush if you're 4gating - since that should give you more units...unless you just don't macro well...

I don't understand how you think.

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When I scout 2gate I cancel my cyber and get forge. Its pretty much a free win. Or you can be gosu like pebbz and counter 2 with 2gate and out micro them.

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When I scout 2gate I cancel my cyber and get forge. Its pretty much a free win. Or you can be gosu like pebbz and counter 2 with 2gate and out micro them.

I use to think a later 2 gate would be an okay answer, but I feel forge may indeed be the safer way. If we're talking about proxy 2gate, forge is probably the most optimal counter. You just need to get your gas at a fairly appropriate time since you CANNOT stick on minerals for too long.

I doubt we're even talking about 2 gate proxy in this thread because he would not have 2 stalkers. I think the opponent in this thread did the korean 4 gate which is actually really bad nowadays. The counter to a korean 4gate now is just proper scouting, good execution of your own build, and okay micro.

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Buddy, I'm in top 25 gold, don't fuck about. I'll stop going MMM + ghosts when I stop winning several games in a row.

Also, down-repping for not being as good at SC2?


Watch out guys, this guy is gold! Clearly that must mean his irrelevant response to my dilemma is now relevant.

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Buddy, I'm in top 25 gold, don't fuck about. I'll stop going MMM + ghosts when I stop winning several games in a row.

Also, down-repping for not being as good at SC2?


Who the fuck cares? I was an 8 gold... still wondering how the fuck I went from being 8 gold in my division to rank 12 in a silver division. In any event, it gives me a chance to hone my skills amongst people who are 'easier' and 'more my level' so that I can improve and get back into gold.

Also, cheese =/= skill.

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Are you guys actually so retarded that you think I wasn't joking? And using the term "cheese" makes you sound like a whiny baby. There is no fool-proof strategy, which means there's always a way to stop your opponents "cheese". Get cannon rushed? It's because you suck so hard you can't stop it, 4gated? If you could beat me, you would have, and you didn't. 6pool? Wahh, cry some moar. Winning is winning, regardless of how it's done. Cheese is just another word for, "I overlooked a fatal flaw in my strategy, and lost because of it, WOW, fucking cheese faggot learn to play the game asshole."

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