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Following orders when warden hasn't finished giving them?

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Let's say a warden said "shiftwalk to bottom of cellstairs" and the Ts start shift walking to the cellstairs, but the warden kills all the Ts who began shiftwalking because "he never completed giving orders".

Would those be freekills or what?

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if he pauses after saying that order and the Ts begin to do the order, he's freekilling. telling them to shiftwalk to bottom of cell stairs would be a direct order, and if he pauses after making that order, it is considered the full order.

If the Ts start following a wardens orders WHILE HE'S SAYING THEM (because he/she never said "when I say go" for instance), as long as the Ts carry out the full order once it is finished, they should ALSO not be killed.

Example: I was told "Shift walk to the center of the black circle and stack on each other on this spray which is blah blah blah blah blah, no detours/delays"

But I had started delaying/detouring before the idiot warden got finished with his gargantuan narrative, so they killed me anyways, even though I "stopped detouring" once he finished. IMO that's a freekill, though others may disagree with me...

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Let's say a warden said "shiftwalk to bottom of cellstairs" and the Ts start shift walking to the cellstairs, but the warden kills all the Ts who began shiftwalking because "he never completed giving orders".

Would those be freekills or what?

Once the warden says "shift walk", I start shift walking wherever I want to until he finishes where i'm supposed to go. It's following orders UNLESS he starts his orders off with "When i say go" or anything of that sort.

Thats my opinion

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Once the warden says "shift walk", I start shift walking. It's following orders UNLESS he starts his orders off with "When i say go" or anything of that sort.

Thats my opinion

This is also my opinion. There's no rule saying the terrorists have to wait for an order to be completed to begin them. That, along with giving CTs a chance to get out of the way, is why good wardens preface most commands with "When I type go" or something similar.

Definitely freekills, JFK.

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Once the warden says "shift walk", I start shift walking wherever I want to until he finishes where i'm supposed to go. It's following orders UNLESS he starts his orders off with "When i say go" or anything of that sort.

Thats my opinion

It's a good thing someone can say things more succinctly than me :P

thanks hoss.


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Once the warden says "shift walk", I start shift walking wherever I want to until he finishes where i'm supposed to go. It's following orders UNLESS he starts his orders off with "When i say go" or anything of that sort.

Thats my opinion

I always do that myself but that just didn't work out and the warden was an admin+ so I thought I might have been wrong.

Thanks for clarifying it.

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Guest Tasty
Do you know the name of the admin?

I believe it was Ruffles.

He has had some real sketchy behavior/complaining/rule breaking these past few days.

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Yes you can go once they say "shift walk bleh", but is it the best idea, probably not since CT's are so trigger happy that they end up freekilling you

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Do you know the name of the admin?

Honestly I didn't want to give the name at first since it was Checkster and not some random player. I like him but he isn't the greatest at being a CT.

I believe it was Ruffles.

He has had some real sketchy behavior/complaining/rule breaking these past few days.

That's kinda funny since you're banned as I'm reading this. :P

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Ya, once they start and order you have to immediately follow it. Even if that order is a little fragment. It's impossible to even shoot them and claim they aren't freekills.

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everyone, remember that there is MIC LAG

so don't go all kill whore happy when a T doesn't immediately stop detouring and delaying

also, when warden says "lets play this maze game when I type go", I get to enter maze immediately

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By the rules in ba jail all orders are complete once he opens the cell doors or any other CT. idk if this rule is the same on the sG server though because I havent played much CSS lately

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Honestly I didn't want to give the name at first since it was Checkster and not some random player. I like him but he isn't the greatest at being a CT.

That's kinda funny since you're banned as I'm reading this. :P

Oh, we all know checkster is a terrible ct :D <3

And I hate the fact I can't slay him for that ^^

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