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Oh So Salty

Asshole problems

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When I read "asshole problems" I clicked excitedly and thought to myself "weird, last night I had a horrible hot shit and my asshole felt on fire I even googled if it was normal. Well it looks like your not alone someone else had the same problem"

Damn, i was wrong. Yeah, fuck those guys. Talk to another adult that you feel comfortable with and have them help you. Maybe a neighbor, and if you have nobody talk to use a counselor at school it may seem "lame" but they actually got into that job position to help people and would jump at the chance if you brought this up to them I guarantee it.

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Guest Horny©at
I understand this is a gaming forum, but I don't know where else to go. Count this as spam if you want. My "friends" include four people around where I live. One is cool, but the other three run me. They enter my house whenever they want. They use all of my shit, and destroy my room. My mother doesn't give a fuck. Today, just a few minutes ago... One was in here being an asshole. Long story short, I end up on the ground pinned down with shit knocked over everywhere. Mom came in and told me to clean it up. Now he's laying in my bed acting like it's all my fault. What am I suppose to do about this on going turmoil?

Lock your House you derp?

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Yeah, I'm in high school. I've been like this since way back when. I suddenly stopped being around and talking to a boy down the street, and he killed himself because he said no one wanted him.

I'm not quite sure how long its been since these have been posted, as I'm a newbie, but lemme give you some advice on this matter. Just because the boy killed himself, doesn't make it entirely your fault. It seems like your blaming yourself for his actions.

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People walking all over me was half the reason i started taking martial arts when I was a kid, I've had depression too, shits fucked up. I'd suggest go take some classes, or Try to find someway to practice yourself. I dont care what other people say, martial arts was the biggest factor into me becoming who I am today. I used to be that kid who was 5 foot tall and walked looking at his shoes and was quiet as fuck, people stepped all over me. Then i took my classes and now with my 6 foot height, motivation to keep improving myself physically gathered with the discipline from training, I dont take shit from anyone, someone so much as looks at me wrong i give them a stare like im going to rip out their intestines, tie them up in a tree with their large intestines, and beat them with their small intestines like a pinata. Yes there is a stare for that. Nothing boosts your confidence more than knowing thousands of ways to break different bones in someones body before they even touch you.


take lessons in martial arts,

thoroughly warn them to get off your property or you will defend yourself



seriously though.

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If your mom lets people trash your room, trash hers. Dump the garbage on her bed. Shred a phone book and spread it around her room, and put it in the pockets of all her clothes. Pee in her shoes. Tell her you planted some cocaine in her car and threaten to call the cops. Post an "rtf" craigslist ad with her number. Be a bitch!

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