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The UN just authorized a no-fly zone over Libya.

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The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has voted on a resolution authorising a no-fly zone over Libya and "all necessary measures" - code for military action - to protect civilians.

Ten of the council's 15 members voted in favour of the resolution, while Russia, China, Germany, India and Brazil abstained.

No votes were recorded against the resolution, which was co-sponsored by France, Britain, Lebanon and the United States.

Since Gaddafi is obviously going to ignore this, what are the odds that the US or another country will intervene with ground forces in hopes of securing their oil? Personally I'm hoping that the gas gets cheaper soon..

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Oil? What oil? Libya gives us jack all for oil.


And why the fuck would we send in ground forces when we're dealing with a NO FLY zone?

Do you read?

Ya, so we'll shoot down their shit. Dat's da plan. Can't afford to have more public outrage at another war, I can promise yous we aren't sending in forces unless it's as a part of NATO op or a UN Peacekeeping force (after shit dies down)...

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Are you fucking retarded?... We have to send in ground forces to take out any threats to our aircraft, such as AA, so we can actually enforce the no fly zone.

As for oil, it's expected that prices will reach at least 6$ and most likely 8$.

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And why the fuck would we send in ground forces when we're dealing with a NO FLY zone?

Do you read?

Do you really think that even with a no-fly zone, the rebels with inferior equipment will be able to hold off, let alone defeat Gadaffi's army which has a technological and numerical advantage? His army is right outside Benghazi's doorstep for crying out loud.

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UN decreed; American enforced. Deja Vu anyone? It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Before this even happened the people of Libya were pissed at Americans for not helping. Now they'll be pissed at America for helping.

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UN decreed; American enforced. Deja Vu anyone? It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Before this even happened the people of Libya were pissed at Americans for not helping. Now they'll be pissed at America for helping.

This. Sooner or later there's going to be conspiracys such as the oil one that was posted and everyone will view us as a power mad country. Christ, its not like we're trying to colonize them. Guess this is the respect we get for helping out sometimes...

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This. Sooner or later there's going to be conspiracys such as the oil one that was posted and everyone will view us as a power mad country. Christ, its not like we're trying to colonize them. Guess this is the respect we get for helping out sometimes...

I wouldn't say trying to bring oil prices back to normal as soon as possible is a conspiracy.

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Enforcing a no fly zone is like telling someone in a fist fight to tie their hands behind their back lol, but then again their fighting a guy in a wheel chair lol.

Anyways if the Rebels win, they'll praise foreign powers for helping, and then complain later of the imminent temporary occupation of foreign troops. If they lose, Gadaffi will accuse all military belligerents of war crimes.

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Guess this is the respect we get for helping out sometimes...

America. Putting it's fingers in everyone's coffee and not realizing that it's hot until too late.

Can we just back the fuck up and start dealing with our own shit, already?

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Let's just hope that this crap gets fixed. There's crap in the middle east, crap in Japan, and who knows where there will be crap next. The faster it's all fixed, the faster everyone's busy with their normal happy lives.

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UN decreed; American enforced. Deja Vu anyone? It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Before this even happened the people of Libya were pissed at Americans for not helping. Now they'll be pissed at America for helping.

Actually, they noted in that story that no one country had yet stood up to take the lead, and France and the UK were more likely than the US to be the ones enforcing it. It won't be unilateral action.

Also... "In Benghazi, the main opposition stronghold, a large crowd watching the vote on an outdoor TV projection burst into celebration and green and red fireworks filled the air as the resolution was announced."

Man, you're right, they do sound pissed that they're getting help.

Are you fucking retarded?... We have to send in ground forces to take out any threats to our aircraft, such as AA, so we can actually enforce the no fly zone.

As for oil, it's expected that prices will reach at least 6$ and most likely 8$.

Actually, if you had read the damn story, you would see that you are the retarded one. They are enforcing a no-fly zone; it's speculated that there will be a few fighters on patrol, refueling tankers, and AWACS. Helicopters and small ground teams (likely SEALs or PJs, that's my guess though) will be on standby in case they need to rescue downed pilots.

They also noted that Gaddafi is free to do as he wants on the ground; they aren't sending in foreign ground forces. That means he can still shell the shit out of the rebels, so long as he's not doing it from the air.

And "$6 or $8" is a huge fucking gap; $6 alone is a huge fucking number. Where are you getting your "expected" numbers? Did you pull them out of Glenn Beck's ass?

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america! fuck yah! If the gas prices do go higher then 4 dollars i predict riots and everyone begins to use electric shit lol.

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Are you fucking retarded?... We have to send in ground forces to take out any threats to our aircraft, such as AA, so we can actually enforce the no fly zone.

As for oil, it's expected that prices will reach at least 6$ and most likely 8$.

I dunno if you know how a no-fly zone works. or gas prices for that matter...

I'm just going to refer you to Junzou's post to get your helping of facepalm.

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I actually got the numbers from a family member who's been in the Air Force for over 40 years and is one of the higher ups. Those were the expected numbers a week ago so they might have changed but I have no idea if they factored in the middle eastern countries raising their oil output and using the national reserve to help lower the gas prices.

As for the ground troops I made an assumption(Phone wouldn't open link at the time) on how many we were sending in due to JFK's comment on how this would be another invasion over oil and the fact that gadaffi isn't very happy over the no fly zone.

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Did you pull them out of Glenn Beck's ass?

Hey, why are you hating on Glenn Beck, he's a highly intelligent and respectable man. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, US isn't going to be taking a lot of heat from this. France is really the country that's spearheading the situation.

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Hey, why are you hating on Glenn Beck, he's a highly intelligent and respectable man. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, US isn't going to be taking a lot of heat from this. France is really the country that's spearheading the situation.

Glenn Beck is the greatest troll.

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Hey, why are you hating on Glenn Beck, he's a highly intelligent and respectable man. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, US isn't going to be taking a lot of heat from this. France is really the country that's spearheading the situation.

France was the one that was PUSHING for this the most. I'm willing to bet some good buckaroos that we'll have as much or more of a presence in the area than France does. They don't have near the naval/air power that we do, so I doubt they'd want to dedicate the manpower to containing that no-fly zone, whereas the US loves shticking its hands in other peoples' cookies...

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I actually got the numbers from a family member who's been in the Air Force for over 40 years and is one of the higher ups. Those were the expected numbers a week ago so they might have changed but I have no idea if they factored in the middle eastern countries raising their oil output and using the national reserve to help lower the gas prices.

My dad who is an unnamed high ranking general said the gas prices will drop to $1 next week. Just sayin.

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My dad who is an unnamed high ranking general said the gas prices will drop to $1 next week. Just sayin.

Are you Obama's daughter?

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Are you Obama's daughter?
Currently driving a rental one of these:


and listening to this on repeat:


I am as secure as HuK about my sexuality.

This is all starting to make sense now..

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Guest Montgomery

Yes we heard about this. And yes this is a P.I.A.

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