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Japan just hit with 8.9 quake.

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‎The earthquake-cum-tsunami packed such fury that it has moved Japan's main island, Honshu, by about 8 feet. It's also caused the Earth's axis to wobble by about 4 inches – something that experts say will lead to the shortening of the day by 1.6 microseconds, or just over a millionth of a second.

@ El_patron: You won't be laughing when it's your ass about to die from a natural disaster.

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Guest armyofone
well from what i read it was 1k dead and 45k evaced and i hope that the creater of pokemon is actually not dead T~T

I wouldn't mind that. Maybe then the company would be able to incorporate some logic into Pokemon. I.E. Not having Charizard (a huge fire dragon) being able to be slower than and one hit KO'd by a Venusaur (I fucking over-sized turtle with a plant on it's back).

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I wouldn't mind that. Maybe then the company would be able to incorporate some logic into Pokemon. I.E. Not having Charizard (a huge fire dragon) being able to be slower than and one hit KO'd by a Venusaur (I fucking over-sized turtle with a plant on it's back).

Fuck that. If you're smart you go with fkn Blastoise...ends up with both Ice and Water attacks...kills fire and grass. Stylin on kids.

OT: Estimates say Japan's coastline moved on average 8 feet due to the quake. that's HUGE in case you didn't know...


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Aint even worried about the flooding.

6 nuclear fuel rods each having the power of an atom bomb could go off.

Way the wind blows it could hit California.

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That's only part of the worry.

3 of the 4 corners of the Ring Of Fire have had earthquakes this year: Chile in January, New Zealand in February, Japan in March. Guess where the fourth corner is? Anywhere along the West Coast.

West coast meaning North America.


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6 nuclear fuel rods each having the power of an atom bomb could go off.

Way the wind blows it could hit California.

They said if that did happen, it would be so diluted by the time it reached the west coast that it would do nothing.

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They said if that did happen, it would be so diluted by the time it reached the west coast that it would do nothing.

This.. but you never know sometimes their statistics can be off..

I say just be prepared just in case.

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I was playing my MMORPG when the earthquake hit. The server lagged.

The end.

TL;DR MMORPG server + Earthquake = Lag

Also I heard it got upgraded to 9.1 on the scale. I also heard they were prepared for the earthquake, but then the tsunami was like, Oh hai.

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I was playing my MMORPG when the earthquake hit. The server lagged.

The end.

TL;DR MMORPG server + Earthquake = Lag

Also I heard it got upgraded to 9.1 on the scale. I also heard they were prepared for the earthquake, but then the tsunami was like, Oh hai.

So thats were you've been playing shitty mmos

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I heard on the news this morning that there's a crack in one of the reactors that's releasing a shitload of radiation. They will probably have to evacuate the workers from there, which means no one's controlling anything. tripple meltdown :(

fml japan, the next larger-scale chernobyl

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I heard on the news this morning that there's a crack in one of the reactors that's releasing a shitload of radiation. They will probably have to evacuate the workers from there, which means no one's controlling anything. tripple meltdown :(

Sounds like you were listening to a fearmonger. There's a leak somewhere, which has released a pool of radioactive water into an underground tunnel. It hasn't reached the environment. This is significant only because it is the first radioactive water found outside the reactor buildings.

This is something to worry about, not to panic about.

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