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HerpDerp's Application v2. (denied)

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Just want to put it out there.

Community members who post in Recruitment: El Patron, Naughy, Goldentongue, Scopene, Marine, Pebbz, J_mafia, Guitarguy, diabeticdaniel, SomeGuy, Chaos, texican2, jewinator, turbo, turkish rambo, aero, hurr durr

18 People out of the entire community. And I see the same people posting in other people's recruitment threads. PLEASE get more people to come and talk in recruitment about new members. We want community information, and these 18 members are now the 'community.'


y: emploramanman2k

a: super mitch

n: blob

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From here on out, I will be called by my first name, a lot of people find it confusing, so I am changing my name to my first name on request of some people. I guess i'll be taken more seriously now?

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From here on out, I will be called by my first name, a lot of people find it confusing, so I am changing my name to my first name on request of some people. I guess i'll be taken more seriously now?

Not really, it's just a small improvement that makes you SEEM less dumb

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Change your name and id like you better....

I also like how golden thinks he is always right and acts like he has the last say in anything... as if he thinks he is superior over everyone because he is one of few people on the internet that can actually articulate a proper sentence. Too bad he comes off as a huge asshole when doing so.

Id let this guy in too see how mad GT gets.

Stop it now.

You're making me blush.

From here on out, I will be called by my first name, a lot of people find it confusing, so I am changing my name to my first name on request of some people. I guess i'll be taken more seriously now?

Meh, why not.

You lose a sense of old identity when you change your name on here, but for you that's not necessarily a bad thing.

As long as you back it up with new behavior, it could work.

However, I would suggest modifying it in some way, like "Zachmanman" or "diabeticdaniel".

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Golden, you gotta stop letting these players troll you so hard. It really gets out of hand, and just causes you to spam a thread. As for Hurr? Herp, I never found him that bad, but I was never part of the JB shit.

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Stop it now.

You're making me blush.

Meh, why not.

You lose a sense of old identity when you change your name on here, but for you that's not necessarily a bad thing.

As long as you back it up with new behavior, it could work.

However, I would suggest modifying it in some way, like "Zachmanman" or "diabeticdaniel".

I was thinking of changing it to something along the lines, I need to think, it may take time though :) Thanks for the support from you finally, I guess?

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Alright, I said I would say something and I finally got some fucking time from school and work. Ima keep this short and sweet.

1. Has matured since his first appearance on JB less spamming for warden.

2. Somewhat competent in the admin seat, sometimes needs some correction but who doesn't?

3. Cool guy, have really no squabbles with this man.

4. Golden tongue, I like you but DAMN MAN GIVE PEOPLE A BREAK WILL YA?

5. In all honesty why the fuck not? He goes on the probational sGr he fucks up we shut his ass down just like mind games.

Deltron has spoken.

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If someone can give me a damn good reason for/against this person - I'll change my abstain vote.

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I feel like you're trying too hard...

If you have to change your name in hopes that people will think differently of you, there's clearly a reason the staff vote is so split and there's such mixed response from the community. Personally I have no specific qualms with you (except my general confusion with all the *erps...), but I'd be skeptical as to your fit in sG because of this process. That might just be me though :)

And so:

5. In all honesty why the fuck not? He goes on the probational sGr he fucks up we shut his ass down just like mind games.

I would support this.

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Pretty cool guy most of the time. I wouldn't mind seeing him as an official member of this community.

Also, inb4 Goldentongue ruins another recruitment thread and gets in relatively no trouble.


Anyway, Herp Derp is a pretty cool guy as long as he isn't complaining. Not nearly as much trouble as some people. I say give him a chance.

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I feel like you're trying too hard...

If you have to change your name in hopes that people will think differently of you, there's clearly a reason the staff vote is so split and there's such mixed response from the community. Personally I have no specific qualms with you (except my general confusion with all the *erps...), but I'd be skeptical as to your fit in sG because of this process. That might just be me though :)

And so:

I would support this.

I agree with the most part, except from what I've seen people become very huge suckups during the sGr period and turn back to their jackass-ish selves after. I'm not saying HerpDerp/Sean will be the same thing like those jackasses, there's just a mental note in the back of my head that that could be a possibility.

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I agree with the most part, except from what I've seen people become very huge suckups during the sGr period and turn back to their jackass-ish selves after. I'm not saying HerpDerp/Sean will be the same thing like those jackasses, there's just a mental note in the back of my head that that could be a possibility.

You have a good point I guess, you have no proof that i'm either sucking up or being me.

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Beforehand, I was just neutral in this thread.

I'll be honest, I thought HerpDerp(now Sean, thankfully) was a complete dumbass among community members in the first couple months of him being on here. I think a lot of this may have had to do with his previous avatars and the classic name of "Herp" mixed with "Derp". I think I had seen him in a server at one point and I did think he was a bit retarded, but nothing compared to what I thought of him on the forums. Now I think I approve of him at this point, for some odd reason, don't ask me how, I just do. This may be part of his Jew powers that lure in a victim to take pity upon thy Jew and then backstab them later(Proven a couple weeks ago in airsofting by two of my Jewish friends) This be the case, then I shall regret this later, and I shalt smite thou Jew on Jailbreak with thy admin powers. I think if he does end up making those who say yes on here regret their choice, then we could call to arms for the janitor project, could we not? So I say, fuck it, why not let him in? We pretty much let Kitty- the sexually confused 15 year old and wannabe troll tranny into the clan, so do you guys honestly think he's worse then Kitty?

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We understand that you hate GT, you don't have to mention it in every post you make.

The irony

Clearly you didn't know what the complaining was referring to. It wasn't to Goldentounge, it was actually toward Sean. It was referring to the fact that he was complaining about being moved out of channels in Ventrilo repetitively, and he caused a few staff members to "get in trouble". Also, it should me mentioned, I don't hate Goldentounge, I hate his manner when posting in recruitment threads.

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I'm sure you can change. But your past actions show that you aren't fit for the job. Wait a month. Remain active. Improve your image then reapply when recruitment opens up. Despite hating you, I do think you could change and be part of the community. btw this message was for ace not herp derp. I just got banned and couldn't post in his thread before it got locked.

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I'm sure you can change. But your past actions show that you aren't fit for the job. Wait a month. Remain active. Improve your image then reapply when recruitment opens up. Despite hating you, I do think you could change and be part of the community. btw this message was for ace not herp derp. I just got banned and couldn't post in his thread before it got locked.

I actually really appreciate that Beerman, just stop hating me ;(

And Herp Derp, keep playing TTT... JB rubs bad energy on us all D:

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I was thinking of changing it to something along the lines, I need to think, it may take time though :) Thanks for the support from you finally, I guess?

It's not support, it's advice.

So far, I haven't seen enough good from you to make up for the tons of shit you pulled as admin in JB.

I'll bury the hatchet when either you go longer without problems, or you end up wearing the same clan tags as me, even if it is without my support.

Also, it should me mentioned, I don't hate Goldentounge, I hate his manner when posting in recruitment threads.

I know bro, recruits getting judged and stuff in their threads.

It's such awful stuff.

What kind of asshole would post their opinion of someone based on past actions, and support it with reasoning and examples?

Just fucking cruel.

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I actually really appreciate that Beerman, just stop hating me ;(

And Herp Derp, keep playing TTT... JB rubs bad energy on us all D:

i dont think i have bad energy

do i?

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I actually really appreciate that Beerman, just stop hating me ;(

And Herp Derp, keep playing TTT... JB rubs bad energy on us all D:

Not really, it only rubs bad energy when you let it. Just be like me and bring the awesome on your chest. Thats how I came up in the sG community was JB.

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