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Jewinator 5000

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10:16 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: hey papa, why do girls smell so nice?

10:16 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: all of the sudden

10:16 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: all their cooties seemed to disappear

10:17 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: its werid

10:17 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: and i know cooties

10:17 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: im 13

10:19 PM - sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: LOL

10:56 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: well

10:56 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: good luck

10:56 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: and remember

10:57 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: stick it in her pooper

10:58 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: WAIT

10:58 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: ACCORDING TO SKOTTI


10:59 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: hey

11:00 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: send me that pic one more

11:00 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: time

11:00 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: i accidentally closed the window

11:00 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: just copy paste it

11:00 PM - sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: NOPE

11:00 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: why not?

11:00 PM - sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: You had your chance to LOOK at it

11:00 PM - sG l Jewinator 5000: fuck

Post any and all funny conversations you've had with someone. I've found this conversation to be very entertaining.

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0:05 - sG | LOPEEN [AWESOME STAFF]: yeah I know 3fm

0:05 - sG | LOPEEN [AWESOME STAFF]: its a dutch radio

0:05 - Alson: :D

0:05 - sG | LOPEEN [AWESOME STAFF]: i listen to it almost erryday

0:05 - sG | LOPEEN [AWESOME STAFF]: you ni**er

0:05 - Alson: u ni**er

0:05 - Alson: xD



0:05 - Alson: im no black bitch

0:05 - sG | LOPEEN [AWESOME STAFF]: are the ni**er

0:05 - Alson: im asian XD

0:05 - Alson: LOL

0:05 - sG | LOPEEN [AWESOME STAFF]: Same thing

0:05 - Alson: hahaha

0:05 - Alson: how ?

0:05 - Alson: xD

0:06 - Alson: 1 = black 1 = yellow

0:06 - Alson: how same ?

0:06 - sG | LOPEEN [AWESOME STAFF]: When you mix black

0:06 - sG | LOPEEN [AWESOME STAFF]: with asian

0:06 - sG | LOPEEN [AWESOME STAFF]: you get yellow

0:06 - Alson: lol

0:06 - Alson: how about mix black with white ?

0:06 - Alson: gray ?

0:06 - sG | LOPEEN [AWESOME STAFF]: You get racism


0:06 - sG | LOPEEN [AWESOME STAFF]: Racist prick

0:06 - Alson: LOLOLOL


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sG l Jewinator 5000: wait

sG l Jewinator 5000: where do youlive?

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: canada

sG l Jewinator 5000: LOL

sG l Jewinator 5000: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWS-FoXbjVI

sG l Jewinator 5000: problem?

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: don't put that picture of my girl on the forums

sG l Jewinator 5000: i waont

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: it doesnt matter

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: :/

sG l Jewinator 5000: WHY ARE YOU SO SECRATIVE?

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: because

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: i dont want her to get fucked over by a bunch of 50 year old guys like junzou and guitar guy

sG l Jewinator 5000: LOL

My favorite part was when he said he would ban me if i put a picture of the girl he liked on the forums:

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: and totally eye molest her

sG l Jewinator 5000: ryr molest?

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: like

sG l Jewinator 5000: eye*

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: nevermind

sG l Jewinator 5000: FUCK

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: you have much to learn

sG l Jewinator 5000: JSUT TELL ME


sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: dude

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: I'll honestly ban you for as long as i possibly can

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: and make sure to convince them that shes my girlfriend

sG | Chinese New Years [Music]: and i didnt want her on the forum

This is the second thread in 24 hours to bear my name, lol.

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So I came home one night pretty drunk and Scopene had gullible written all over him, so I decided to test if he believes me or not.

300 - Scopene Are you trolling, tell me now please.

300 - Scopene I wont say anything if you are

302 - Scopene

302 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] im not

303 - Scopene And you are happy about this

304 - Scopene You are in some deep shit Lopez

304 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] im not ha ppy

304 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] but im not sad

304 - Scopene You shouldn't be on CSS

304 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] i cant be a fucking dad yt

304 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] it'll ruin my life

304 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] what else should I be doing

304 - Scopene um what the hell do ou think

304 - Scopene are you retarted

304 - Scopene you need to fix your life

304 - Scopene before you get back on CSS

304 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] my life isnt wrong

304 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] i impregnated my gf

304 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] it was an accident

305 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] we argued, she wouldnt take an abortion

305 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] i punched her

305 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] and she started bleeding

305 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] so her mother took her to the hospital

305 - Scopene Do you know what that's going to do to her

305 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] as long as im not a dad

305 - Scopene Thats something you can fix

305 - Scopene or at least try to

305 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] she wouldnt take an abortion

305 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] what else could I do

306 - Scopene How long was she prego

306 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] i wasn't planning on hitting her

306 - Scopene 6months

306 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] but it just appened

306 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] 2 months

306 - Scopene And you are sure the baby is gone

306 - Scopene Why didnt you handle this when you first got her pregnant

306 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] yeah her mom called me

306 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] she sounded pretty mad really

307 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] I asked her for 2months straight

307 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] get an abortion

307 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] and tonight

307 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] when I got back from work

307 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] I asked her again

307 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] I had like 5 beers onl

307 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] only

307 - Scopene theres stuff you can take like a week after that will stop the impregnantation

307 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] and she yelled at me 'no! im not getting rid of it! i cant kill someone!

307 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] so I got so mad

307 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] and punched her

308 - Scopene Thats terible Lopez

308 - Scopene terrible

308 - Scopene that's morally and logically wrong

308 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] So is being a father at 16

308 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] i cant do that

308 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] it''ll ruin all my plans

308 - Scopene I would rather have been a father at 16 than do what you did

309 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] I want to go to the navy seals

309 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] i cant do that

309 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] when I have a mother and child waiting for me

309 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] at home

309 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] It's too much

309 - Scopene you cant

309 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] better get rid of it now then have it with the emotion later

309 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] i cant think straight, knowing that I need to come home safe

309 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] to my baby

310 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] in hte battlefield

310 - Scopene I don't supposrt your decision at all.

310 - Scopene I major in Psychiatry

310 - Scopene That can really mess someone up

310 - Scopene Your ex gf will never be the same

310 - Scopene And if you think shes ever going to forgive you, you are wrong

311 - Scopene It would be a meracle if she lives through it.

311 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] well

311 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] she might not know, but she'll be happy with my decision

312 - Scopene You may think that

312 - Scopene But the bond between a mother and her baby is stronger than you think

313 - Scopene Good luck with everything

313 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] Dude, she's 14, she can't be a mother already

313 - Scopene But I have lost major respect for you Lopez, not that you really care about what I think.

313 - Scopene Its her body that she is raising the baby in.

313 - Scopene Thats all.

314 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] DUde

314 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] 14 year old girls, cannot be mothers already..I mean

314 - Scopene I know what you are saying

314 - Scopene But the way you handled it was very wrong

314 - Scopene There were many other things you could have done

315 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] Like what

316 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] i cant be a dad, and she wouldn't take a abortion

316 - Scopene Just plain leaving her, you can disown the baby

316 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] Thats eve n worse IMO

317 - Scopene Well

317 - Scopene You could have never talked to her again

317 - Scopene I mean...

317 - Scopene look, if you need any advice, I would be a good person to go to

317 - Scopene Advice on what to do socially

317 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] ok i need some advice, what do I do tomorrow

317 - Scopene y

317 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] when cops come to my door

318 - Scopene I don't know anything about legal matters really

318 - Scopene Only social ones

318 - Scopene Your best bet is not to run

318 - Scopene since you are only 16 you couldnt go far

318 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] i9 killed a aaby...

318 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] baby

319 - Scopene Look I don't know if that is considered as any type of murder or not

319 - Scopene I don't think you could get the ammount of time anywhere near what you would get regularly

319 - Scopene and You are a minor

320 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] DUde, there's no fucking CSS in jail

320 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] or juvenile whatever

325 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] shi

325 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] shit

325 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] brb

325 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] phone call..at 330 in the morning, lol....

328 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] my girlfriends mother called

329 - Scopene what did she say

329 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] police is there, they need me to come there

329 - Scopene Good luck Lopez

329 - Scopene wait

329 - Scopene my number is <his phone number>

330 - Scopene text me if you need anything

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So much sigability in this one glorious thread...we need a STICKY

329 - sG LOPEEN [JOE 3] police is there, they need me to come there


329 - Scopene my number is <his phone number>

330 - Scopene text me if you need anything

Just in case they let you keep your phone in prison Lopez...


lol, I'm sorry Scopene, but you were DUPED!

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