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Machine Gunner

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I believe it is a bit too powerful. Seeing mediocre players get above average scores disgruntles me and supports my hypothesis. There really isn't much else to say. I'd like to hear others' thoughts on this subject.

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It's extremely slow and clunky. As long as you can play peekaboo with the player, you should be able to kill him without being harmed.

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I believe it is a bit too powerful. Seeing mediocre players get above average scores disgruntles me and supports my hypothesis. There really isn't much else to say. I'd like to hear others' thoughts on this subject.

It's a game, get over it.

Like Mimic said above it's slow and it's really not OP if you use your brain.

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These are good arguments here as I usually only see high score machine gunners on hostie maps when the machine gunner is on Terrorist. And Oreo, I'm not trying to be a whiny bitch that says everything is OP that kills me. There is no need to make rude comments as such. I agree with the peekaboo technique, and try to use it whenever possible against a machine gunner, but the freeze/slowing bullets seem a bit much maybe. you can peek, get shot and frozen, left very vulnerable as it can have no recoil and a lot of ammo once the ultimate is activated.

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These are good arguments here as I usually only see high score machine gunners on hostie maps when the machine gunner is on Terrorist. And Oreo, I'm not trying to be a whiny bitch that says everything is OP that kills me. There is no need to make rude comments as such. I agree with the peekaboo technique, and try to use it whenever possible against a machine gunner, but the freeze/slowing bullets seem a bit much maybe. you can peek, get shot and frozen, left very vulnerable as it can have no recoil and a lot of ammo once the ultimate is activated.

For crying out loud, this isn't a freaking political forum, loosen the hell up and stop talking as if your giving your thesis speech!

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lol, machine gunner isn't OP, it's as simple as throwing a hegrenade at him as orc and poof, he's dead. starfall, chain lightning, etc. all work wonders against him.

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Best camping combination: MG, Soul Reaper, Priest and some other healers. Basically MG is a support class alone it isn't that op.

Weaknesses to MG, it can't move when using the ult so things such as smoke nades or an awp headshot pwn the class.

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These are good arguments here as I usually only see high score machine gunners on hostie maps when the machine gunner is on Terrorist. And Oreo, I'm not trying to be a whiny bitch that says everything is OP that kills me. There is no need to make rude comments as such. I agree with the peekaboo technique, and try to use it whenever possible against a machine gunner, but the freeze/slowing bullets seem a bit much maybe. you can peek, get shot and frozen, left very vulnerable as it can have no recoil and a lot of ammo once the ultimate is activated.

I've realized something very cool recently, and that is that the Totem of Ice reduces freezes and slows to half a second. :P

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I've realized something very cool recently, and that is that the Totem of Ice reduces freezes and slows to half a second. :P

Machine Gunner's freeze IS 0.5s so that thing is useless against it, basically if you get hit and get hit again your bent over fucked.

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