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30 on EU. None of you cocks play on EU :(

Yet around 20 on NA.

Playing all champs basically.

NA lags too much for me :(

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Level 30. Elo 1400 (I barely play ranked)

I can play all lanes except for support.

Top is my favorite.

Played over 1k games over a span of 3 years :).

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Summoner name: Adrim Fayn

Level 30, ~1450 Elo

Maining Jax, Veigar, Varus, though I use "maining" liberally as I play pretty much whoever I feel like that match.

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Summoner Name: Joscal

(isn't that familiar?)

NA Lvl 30. whore too much ARAM to have an elo or even a guess

Main: Udyr, Singed, Akali, Annie, and Sona

anyone still check this thread?

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Dohnutninja1337 (probably getting a name change seeing as this username is 8 years old and a bit childish)

I play on NA servers

My ELO is anywhere between 1100 and 1200. I've been slowly fighting my way up from ELO hell ever since I started giving a damn about the game

I pretty much can play almost everything, comfortably I play Mid, ADC, and Sup. But NEVER jungle....never.

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Dohnutninja1337 (probably getting a name change seeing as this username is 8 years old and a bit childish)

I play on NA servers

My ELO is anywhere between 1100 and 1200. I've been slowly fighting my way up from ELO hell ever since I started giving a damn about the game

I pretty much can play almost everything, comfortably I play Mid, ADC, and Sup. But NEVER jungle....never.

elo hell???


Fairly certain that 850 ELO counts as hell.

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Dohnutninja1337 (probably getting a name change seeing as this username is 8 years old and a bit childish)

I play on NA servers

My ELO is anywhere between 1100 and 1200. I've been slowly fighting my way up from ELO hell ever since I started giving a damn about the game

I pretty much can play almost everything, comfortably I play Mid, ADC, and Sup. But NEVER jungle....never.

elo hell???


Fairly certain that 850 ELO counts as hell.

rofl, you serious?

I was at 900ish last season before starting to play seriously, it's not even hard to carry out of that elo, because everyone in that elo deserves to be there.

your point?

My point being that while I am a decent enough player and I enjoy playing the game I just didn't care that much about how well I was doing (stupidly). So it came as great frustration to me when I couldn't get out because I couldn't carry a taric that build like a poppy or a soraka that built like a graves. Call it bad luck or just bad players but until I started duo queuing with my friends who went support and we carried each other out.

And honestly, no offense but what is it with people on LoL and their 'art holie than thou' attitudes? I'm fairly certain you're a nice guy and all but you're being a bit harsh. I know a ton of toxic players who have 1500-1600 elo and don't deseve to be there and I know some awesome people who are 600-700 elo who probably don't deserve to be there. Hate me or not for my opinions but just cut the 'they deserve to be there' crap. It's really unbecoming and it's really tiring after a while. /rant

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*snip long quote chain*

if they didn't deserve to be there, why would they be there in the first place?

I just don't see why if they are good, would they be in 600-800 elo, before I even started playing ranked, all I saw was the problems I had with my own gameplay, and I've overall adjusted to what I can, and can't do. it's not really hard to carry at all, so I just don't see your point, I've had plenty of trolls in ranked and I'm currently @1587, while it may not be high elo, I do realize why I haven't climbed to anything higher as of yet, If they are good, they will climb elo, they will carry games, they will win.

Also trolls are in all elo's not just low elo.

I think what I'm just trying to say is that casual gamers playing LoL get a lot of crap when they honestly don't need any. People are better than what they seem to be and can always get better. Now while it is true that some people just can't get better at a game as easily as some people (if at all) it just the kind of, for lack of a better word, 'caste' system that LoL has made that makes me angry. The 'they deserve to be there' attitude, the "omg a goldie, what a scrub" kind of crap that I see all the time just annoys the hell out of me. I know all players can't be like snoopeh, always positive and never degrading, but the kind of stuff where people laugh at 'ELO Hell' comments just seems a bit much. I realize that ELO hell is somewhat of a mentality but when I tried to be a casual gamer playing LoL and to be good at the same time I got frustrated. So frustrated in fact that I failed to see that some of the issue was my attitude and that ELO I was stuck in seemed like hell to me. LoL has made me into a super serious hyper competitive mofo and while I may not like it it has seemed to work. I just hate it when people who are casual get bagged on for making 'ELO hell' remarks seeing as I have friends there and I was there once.

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*snip long quote chain*

if they didn't deserve to be there, why would they be there in the first place?

I just don't see why if they are good, would they be in 600-800 elo, before I even started playing ranked, all I saw was the problems I had with my own gameplay, and I've overall adjusted to what I can, and can't do. it's not really hard to carry at all, so I just don't see your point, I've had plenty of trolls in ranked and I'm currently @1587, while it may not be high elo, I do realize why I haven't climbed to anything higher as of yet, If they are good, they will climb elo, they will carry games, they will win.

Also trolls are in all elo's not just low elo.

I think what I'm just trying to say is that casual gamers playing LoL get a lot of crap when they honestly don't need any. People are better than what they seem to be and can always get better. Now while it is true that some people just can't get better at a game as easily as some people (if at all) it just the kind of, for lack of a better word, 'caste' system that LoL has made that makes me angry. The 'they deserve to be there' attitude, the "omg a goldie, what a scrub" kind of crap that I see all the time just annoys the hell out of me. I know all players can't be like snoopeh, always positive and never degrading, but the kind of stuff where people laugh at 'ELO Hell' comments just seems a bit much. I realize that ELO hell is somewhat of a mentality but when I tried to be a casual gamer playing LoL and to be good at the same time I got frustrated. So frustrated in fact that I failed to see that some of the issue was my attitude and that ELO I was stuck in seemed like hell to me. LoL has made me into a super serious hyper competitive mofo and while I may not like it it has seemed to work. I just hate it when people who are casual get bagged on for making 'ELO hell' remarks seeing as I have friends there and I was there once.

Basically if u don't deserve to be in low elo u will get out of there... It's just funny when ppl have 100 games behind them and they are still at 1000 elo and think they don't deserve to be there :P... The trolls get diveded to your opponent teams too...

Is only a game... and so on....

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Username: Adrim Fayn

Level 30 on NA

I really play whatever the hell I feel like at the moment, been digging Pantheon in season 3, and I definitely main top lane.

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Username: CoiIfang(the L in the name is actually a i)

NA Level 25 on us.

I'll play if you ask me to play, but other then that I dont play alot.

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