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I thought k-on was weird at first, but I got into it after the first .. 2-3 episodes.

I loved the first season. 2nd season was good too, but kind of boring.

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Just fucking with you dude. Once upon a time I payed tribute to my partially white orientation. Used to watch the same cartoons everyone else did, but looking back on them now and comparing them to anime is laughable at best. Also the current cartoons are terrible and don't teach any fundamental lessons.

Cartoons now usually have themes/topics that go over little kids heads and have crude humor.

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How much anime have you seen? They are on two completely different levels. Like I said before each is geared towards different audiences and that is why comparing them is pointless.

Anything cartoons do is done in anime, but better.

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A definition of anime as told to me was that it was Japanese cartoons.

As I have no idea who created what, I don't really know what is anime and what is not.

However, I have seen things that are probably? anime:

High School of the Dead

Gundam Wing

Dragonballs (English Version)

Dragon Ball Z (English Version)

3 of 4 of these were ported to north American channels in english so can be made fun of as non-pure w/e

I'm curious however as to which intellectual points you believe some anime (japanese language?) video files are more stimulating or poignant than cartoon (english language?) video files.

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A definition of anime as told to me was that it was Japanese cartoons.

As I have no idea who created what, I don't really know what is anime and what is not.

However, I have seen things that are probably? anime:

High School of the Dead

Gundam Wing

Dragonballs (English Version)

Dragon Ball Z (English Version)

3 of 4 of these were ported to north American channels in english so can be made fun of as non-pure w/e

I'm curious however as to which intellectual points you believe some anime (japanese language?) video files are more stimulating or poignant than cartoon (english language?) video files.

Well I can see how you might be curious about why I argue that anime is more stimulating than English cartoons with the list you provided. All four of these are not good examples of "stimulating" anime. Zombie apocalypse and fighting robots...

However, even just looking at High School of the Dead makes it obvious how different anime is from the English cartoons. While it may look like your typical zombie apocalypse the characters, plot, and underlying themes are much more in depth. In this anime you see an average high school student undergoing character development as he tries tackle a leadership role. He has to learn how to take command and put others before himself. The anime also deals with the adult themes such as cults. It also displays how quickly people change in desperate situations (fight or flight, etc.). It may not be 100% accurate or realistic, but it does inspire thought. There are many other points that I could make, but I am tired and don't feel like using google.

I am still of the opinion that japanese produced anime is much more complex than 95% of the cartoons that are made in the west. If you really want something with a bit more substance look into Code Geass. No cartoon comes close to that anime (Once again just my opinion).

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Well I can see how you might be curious about why I argue that anime is more stimulating than English cartoons with the list you provided. All four of these are not good examples of "stimulating" anime. Zombie apocalypse and fighting robots...

However, even just looking at High School of the Dead makes it obvious how different anime is from the English cartoons. While it may look like your typical zombie apocalypse the characters, plot, and underlying themes are much more in depth. In this anime you see an average high school student undergoing character development as he tries tackle a leadership role. He has to learn how to take command and put others before himself. The anime also deals with the adult themes such as cults. It also displays how quickly people change in desperate situations (fight or flight, etc.). It may not be 100% accurate or realistic, but it does inspire thought. There are many other points that I could make, but I am tired and don't feel like using google.

I am still of the opinion that japanese produced anime is much more complex than 95% of the cartoons that are made in the west. If you really want something with a bit more substance look into Code Geass. No cartoon comes close to that anime (Once again just my opinion).

If I wanted realistic character development, I'd watch something that at least attempted to be realistic, as in a live action show or movie.

The advantage cartoons is that they allow for humor that is beyond the bounds of realism. Other than that, the fact that you're watching cartoons that are supposed to seem like real people is just painful to observe.

At 5:17, my favorite cartoon line of all time.


"Navigator to pilot: Pretty Girl at 3'oclock. Over.

Pilot to navigator: Rowr Rowr. Over

Roger. Wilco.


I pierce you with the ack-ack of love flower pot!"

Thud! *cue fantastically appropriate musical score

Comedic gold.

American cartoons > Dramatic Japanese animations with over-sized eyes and goofy looking hair.

Always have been, always will be.

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If I wanted realistic character development, I'd watch something that at least attempted to be realistic, as in a live action show or movie.

The advantage cartoons is that they allow for humor that is beyond the bounds of realism. Other than that, the fact that you're watching cartoons that are supposed to seem like real people is just painful to observe.

I suppose we can settle here. Let just say that it is what you make it.

I don't like cartoons made in the west because generally they are aimed towards kids. I guess the exceptions here could be stuff like Family Guy, Southpark, and the Simpsons. I find all of these shows very funny, but none of them have a plotline. They are just episode to episode with comedy. For this they are perfect and should not be changed.

Likewise I don't watch anime because it's supposed to seem like reality. If anything I watch it because it takes me AWAY from reality. I watch it for the same reason I watch a movie. There are different genres of anime and I enjoy them all.

EDIT: I will go ahead and retract my statement earlier. (Anything cartoons do is done in anime, but better.) While anime can be humerous at times it's not quite on the same level.

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Family Guy, Southpark, and the Simpsons

The type of anime shows I feel you support are not comparable to the 3 shows you mentioned above. Simpsons, Southpark, Family Guy etc, are all comedy meant to amuse. (Family Guy and Simpsons < Southpark :P )

X-Men, Spider-Man of "children" shows of old were meant for more than amusement. They contained long stories, almost continuous with comic lore, always teaching morals.

I learned how to be a good person from watching those characters. Heroes are born of Marvel.

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I feel like both of you haven't had the best experience with anime or have yet to watch anything worth watching.

Still just personal opinion and I will agree with you Predator. I know people who would argue fiercely that the world of super heroes is rich with content. Just not my cup of tea.

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Good ass call.

99% of anime tries to be complex but fails. Deathnote's a good example.

I wouldn't say 99%. You just have to find the good ones. Also Deathnote was terrible. It had an interesting concept, but a few episodes in and it was clear that the only thing they had going for it was over the top nonsense.

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