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Hello, I am Grim_Marine12

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Hello, my name is Grim_Marine12, it is the same name I use in your servers. I registered here because I wish to discuss topics of interest to me and others in the community but also to at one point join your illustrious ranks. I play CS:S and also 1.6 from time to time. I have spent time in your surf and jailbreak servers and will also go to your WCS server.

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hi im Iherdcows

there is a couple things u should about sG

sG is full of drama shit happens, people rage, shit ends, shit happens, ECT ECT.

there are some interesting people in sG, im going to name a few

note i have nothing wrong with the people im about to name

Velo : has a terrible mic, but is a cool guy if u can understand him

Naughty : Likes pie

Zoxoopirezoz Jared : is just plain awesome

Clay : has been in staff, several times, has left sG several times, and his a lot of postes

LOPEZ : A lot of people dont like him, but Coinstar gave him staff

Pebbz : is a troll that teaches you something, he will make you rage, but once ur done raging, u realize hes rite

Samm : Never ever, hit on samm. the other sG members will hate you

Coinstar : runs the PP acc for sG with church

Church : runs the PP acc with coinstar, handles the drama

Oracion : is the complaint department manager, he often cleans it out, in a nice, orderly manner

Mitch : is mexican

C1 : a black, cool staff member that gets his job done

Wind.exe : is the god of rebeling on sG JB

Zachmanman : likes to post fat blek ladies

Tex1an2 : has an amazing voice

Blob : More of a JB fag then me

Shotgunsnipa : his name should tell you about him...

Howard Dean : amazing player, Ex-staff member

skotti : a cool guy

Renegade : does amazing mic checks in JB

Chauklet.Shake (elmo) : loves cake

GonePostal : loves cake also

Oreo : Mic Spams alot, likes oreo's

Puff : Good CSS player

Napoodo : recently banned, Not many sG members like him

Waffle : Biggest troll of all time

as you can see, i didnt get all of the sG members, That is because i dont know enough about the rest of them to put anything down

Now, if you plan on apply for sG please read here : http://www.syndicate-gamers.net/show...ndicate-Gaming

I have seen many app's destroyed because of mass bumping

and my least favorite, but true, people making fun of JB, the JB fags get angry, come in and vote no on his app

Now, you must remember the staff re-vote

if your community vote does not end at 15+/15 at the end of the voting time, you go into staff revote

then you must get 6/6 yes's (correct me if im wrong please)

and ATM recruitment is closed until November 1st

feel free to add stuff in if i forget some stuff

have a good one!

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